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Active GSF times


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You'll get different answers depending on who you ask.


It's my understanding that the Bastion is one of the more populated GSF servers. When you find you're waiting 10+ min for a pop, type "/who mesas denon shipyard" and then update the filter when the /who panel pops up. This will tell you if anyone from your faction is currently in a match. If there is a match going, maybe a pop will come when it ends (a match will be 15 minutes or less... though I could swear I've been in matches that lasted longer). If there's no match going, try to stir up some people in the server's GSF custom chat channel, on fleet, or wherever.


I've found most matches happen in the late afternoon/early evening on the servers I've tried.


Good luck.

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I have no experience on your server, but if you ever looked to branch out, I can say from personal experience that on Ebon Hawk I knock out my Imp dailies between Noon EST - about 3pm as there seems to be less pilots Imp side during that time. From then on throughout the night, the GSF Imperial population grows until it doubles-up the Republic side. When I switch to Pubs in the evening, queues rarely take longer than 10 mins and actually insta-pop most of the times.
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