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Changes to Finally Balance Mara/sent


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With new Changes On the PTS i applaud Bio Ware for preforming changes in response to the community in the shortest time frame to date since launch. Historically it has take you(BioWare) to long to implement changes. So First of thank you for the fast response.


2nd: the changes implemented are on the correct path. Improving quality of life is something we desperately needed. Very much appreciated. However, as they changes are very much accepted it still isn't quite what we need. There needs to be 1 more change/implementation ON THE CURRENT PTS!


Make Defensive Forms Base Line


Move Defensive Roll to Skillful Talent


Move new utility: relentless (Pred no longer cost fury but is put on 30 second CD) to Masterful Talent

Put this in place of the Defensive roll talent move


Rework expunging Camo- Increase the Coolddown of force camo by 30 seconds. Allow Force Camo to be used while Stunned. When used Purge all negative affects.


This allows us force camo as a utility to help when he get chain stunned and allows us to remove all dots and movement impairing affects Finally giving us the ability to situationaly deal with the issue of being locked down by stuns/roots/slows and helps relieve the mass amounts of dots classes have on a reasonable coolddown


This also allows us to not be hindered by the so many utilities we must take in order to be playable.


This allows us to be on par with other classes

Juggs( renraged defense)

Sins" (Vanish Shroud)

PTs/Mercs (Automated defense)


Ops/Snipers (vanish dodge/Dodge)


I realize this still leaves a slot open for a new Heroic talent.... I'm sure you are all creative and talented enough to figure something out.

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