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Who loves Huttball?


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I do. In fact it's the only WZ that gives me incentive to enter WZ's. It's never a dull moment. So, I was thinking, maybe BW could create some sort of yearly Huttball-match? The 'winners' (with most scores, not kills) are listed on a huge screen at Fleet every month or so. And at the end of the season, the total score is listed by the presenter(s) from the Rakghoul-event on the Holonet.


"This seasons Huttball-match was won by the Rotworms with the best scores from these players...." etc.


Or Frogdogs. :o

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I would like huttball more if there were more of an incentive to score then get kills. I've played in several matches where I scored all 6 points form my team because that was all I was focusing on, yet only received 5 medals at the end of the round.
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