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Black armored Stormtrooper, the new Boba/Jango?


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So folks in the newest SW movie trailer we get a glimpse of..


This guy


Now it occurs to me in the OT and PT we had that guy who wasn't a Force User or wielded a lightsaber, it was a guy in armor with blasters.


OT= Boba Fett


PT= Jango Fett


ST= ???


Could this black armored Stormtrooper be that Boba/Jango guy of the new movies? Or is it just some flash in showing off a new variant of Stormtrooper? Either way looks awesome.


So thoughts?

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He definitely struck me as one of the more intriguing elements of the trailer, and I'm really looking forward to learning more about him. I do think the intent is for him to be a unique character, rather than that look being part of a whole class of Stormtrooper.


Side note: I've been trying to figure out if he's actually wearing black armor, or if it is chrome armor that was reflecting the dark corridor he was in during that shot - it looked black at first but in some of the artwork looks more like his armor is just very reflective. (Personally, I'd prefer if it is chrome, Kylo Ren kind of has the 'black-clad villain' look covered and, to me at least, chrome seems a better fit for a Super-Stormtrooper armor.)

Edited by DarthDymond
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Link no found. But I looked it up and I won't be really thrilled if it's true.
Because your a sexist. :p


Anyway yeah I think its filtering the bad@ss part. :rolleyes:


However my reasons believing it to be reliable is that the whole "chrome stormtrooper" thing was made before the trailer. To be quite honest I would be thrilled. A bad@ss female villain is exactly what Star Wars needs.


The fact that she's a bad@ss female Stormtrooper with a frikken cape only makes it more awesome.

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I think that "he" may be a she, minor spoilers if you follow the link.

Hah, it's funny, I almost didn't write "he" in my post because I thought 'well, really, we don't know for sure it's a guy' but ended up just going with it because the body frame looked male enough to make the assumption.


If it turns out to be a kick-*** woman Stormtrooper, I'd be happy with that - just so long as the character ends up being as cool as the design looks, whatever his/her gender.

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Any reason you hate the fact she's a woman Wolf?


I find it amusing, actually. The character she plays in game of thrones is probably one of the top 5 fighters alive, yet she's always belittled and was always told she couldn't fight because she was a woman.


Seems ironic.

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Any reason you hate the fact she's a woman Wolf?


I find it amusing, actually. The character she plays in game of thrones is probably one of the top 5 fighters alive, yet she's always belittled and was always told she couldn't fight because she was a woman.


Seems ironic.

Okay Wolf's comment raised my eyebrows a bit too, but let's be fair here

I won't be really thrilled

doesn't quite equate to

hate the fact she's a woman
Edited by DarthDymond
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It's just...I never really was fond at there being female Stormtroopers. In pretty much every single source, both movie and old EU, Stormtroopers were for the most part all male. Yeah, there were some female Stormtroopers later in the Legacy comics such as the Noob one...but....I dunno, it just never clicked with me with female Stormtroopers because everywhere you looked, it was always male.


In the movies, in the novels, games, comics, so on.


I'm not saying there can't be female Stormtroopers...it's just something I find completely off.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Okay Wolf's comment raised my eyebrows a bit too, but let's be fair here


doesn't quite equate to


Nah I know him well enough to know that's why :p


Not calling him sexist or anything, Stormtroopers have been male dominated for a while. I'm just curious, to me the fact she's female makes her far more appealing.

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Well from what I have seen of the Storm Trooper armor, its actually supposedly nearly impossible (if not impossible) to tell a women from a Man in one of those things.


Edit: basically I dont know why it should matter at all. A Bad @ is a Bad @ no matter what...

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Well from what I have seen of the Storm Trooper armor, its actually supposedly nearly impossible (if not impossible) to tell a women from a Man in one of those things.


While true, there also have been Stormtroopers without helmets or not in armor, or you hear their voices and it's always men. But..yeah, that's true I guess.

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While true, there also have been Stormtroopers without helmets or not in armor, or you hear their voices and it's always men. But..yeah, that's true I guess.


Ya, but that is a rare few of them as well so.... its like we know women were all over the Rebel Alliance, yet you look around during the OT and how many women were there in either side of the war?


Leia... Beru (who technically wasnt part of either side).... Mon Mothma..... any one able to see any others... I may have to put the movies in again to see..... its just how that landed back then...

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Ya, but that is a rare few of them as well so.... its like we know women were all over the Rebel Alliance, yet you look around during the OT and how many women were there in either side of the war?


Leia... Beru (who technically wasnt part of either side).... Mon Mothma..... any one able to see any others... I may have to put the movies in again to see..... its just how that landed back then...


True, but then the EU came about and Stormtroopers were all guys at least until the idea of female Stormtroopers came up. Plus it seemed to fit well, the Empire was strict uniform, organized, having rules, regulations and so on, standard height and weight for Stormtroopers etc


Whereas the RA was more diverse and the like, loose and such. This is why I could see females as apart of the Rebel Alliance and various aliens.


But...this is the new canon that's coming out, so I guess I shouldn't be going against it so much. So if this chrome trooper is a woman, fine I suppose. I guess I can get used to it.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Any reason you hate the fact she's a woman Wolf?


Your in for it now, Wolf. :p


Seriously though I don't know if you have the Essential Guide to Warfare, but it has a part on female stormtroopers.


Here is an exerpt, just for you Wolf, straight from the mouth of Isila Drutch, 291st Legion:

So why are people surprised to hear about a female stormie?


Well, its true there aren't many of us. No female clone lines, or at least I never heard of any. The physical regimen is brutal, yes, and human females are going to wash out more. But that's physiology, not prejudice - if you can pass white-hat training, you're a white hat.


A lot of it is just ignorance: When my squad was shelled up in our whites, you couldn't tell I was a woman. The only thing you could see was that I was a little short. A lot of civvies have probably stood a meter from a female stormtrooper and never known it.


But its also that people don't know just what stormie training does to your mind. It was four years during which they broke us down to nothing and built us back up as pillars of the New Order. After that, we fought and moved and spoke and thought like stormtroopers - male and female had been taken out of equation along with everything else.


I do remember being on leave in some wrong-end-of-the-bantha cantina and there was one of those pinups of a girl in femtrooper gear. Some of the barves in my squad pointed it out to me, I think maybe one of them asked why I was wearing the wrong kit.


I looked at it and had to laugh.


First of all, I don't care if you're built like an Askajian - nobody needs a chest plate that looks like it has its own gravity-well projectors, particularly while they're not wearing a body glove made for vacuum. As for going into combat with a bare midriff, I wouldn't recommend it. Though I could've told you that at Parshoone - I didn't need two years on Carida to figure that one out.

So there you have it folks. Its funny though, because I recall somebody saying Cpt. Phasma looked a little short.


I am calling it now, Leia and Cpt Phasma meet and Leia is like "Aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper?"


And she's like "No" *takes her helmet off* "I'm a woman, and I'm here to kill you."

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Your in for it now, Wolf. :p


Seriously though I don't know if you have the Essential Guide to Warfare, but it has a part on female stormtroopers.


Here is an exerpt, just for you Wolf, straight from the mouth of Isila Drutch, 291st Legion:

So why are people surprised to hear about a female stormie?


Well, its true there aren't many of us. No female clone lines, or at least I never heard of any. The physical regimen is brutal, yes, and human females are going to wash out more. But that's physiology, not prejudice - if you can pass white-hat training, you're a white hat.


A lot of it is just ignorance: When my squad was shelled up in our whites, you couldn't tell I was a woman. The only thing you could see was that I was a little short. A lot of civvies have probably stood a meter from a female stormtrooper and never known it.


But its also that people don't know just what stormie training does to your mind. It was four years during which they broke us down to nothing and built us back up as pillars of the New Order. After that, we fought and moved and spoke and thought like stormtroopers - male and female had been taken out of equation along with everything else.


I do remember being on leave in some wrong-end-of-the-bantha cantina and there was one of those pinups of a girl in femtrooper gear. Some of the barves in my squad pointed it out to me, I think maybe one of them asked why I was wearing the wrong kit.


I looked at it and had to laugh.


First of all, I don't care if you're built like an Askajian - nobody needs a chest plate that looks like it has its own gravity-well projectors, particularly while they're not wearing a body glove made for vacuum. As for going into combat with a bare midriff, I wouldn't recommend it. Though I could've told you that at Parshoone - I didn't need two years on Carida to figure that one out.

So there you have it folks. Its funny though, because I recall somebody saying Cpt. Phasma looked a little short.


I am calling it now, Leia and Cpt Phasma meet and Leia is like "Aren't you a little short to be a Stormtrooper?"


And she's like "No" *takes her helmet off* "I'm a woman, and I'm here to kill you."


Yes I have the guide, I know there's female Stormtroopers Beni. What I'm saying, it's just never clicked with me after seeing Stormtroopers being majority male for the past like...40+ years, I guess it's hard to think about anything else as a Stormtrooper.


Heck I even have issues with aliens being Stormtroopers later on post-ROTJ, so it's not just women being them I'm not thrilled on.


But again new canon going forward now, so I guess I can get used to it.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Ya, but that is a rare few of them as well so.... its like we know women were all over the Rebel Alliance, yet you look around during the OT and how many women were there in either side of the war?


Leia... Beru (who technically wasnt part of either side).... Mon Mothma..... any one able to see any others... I may have to put the movies in again to see..... its just how that landed back then...

Tune, they all became Stormtroopers, duh.


But you also missed the old lady next to Mothma, and the Twi'lek in the bikini. :p

Edited by Beniboybling
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But...this is the new canon that's coming out, so I guess I shouldn't be going against it so much. So if this chrome trooper is a woman, fine I suppose. I guess I can get used to it.


The revolution has begun...

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It's possible?....Ok so all the screaming of death that was clearly a male voice in various SW games, was actually dubbed for some Stormtroopers and some of them were female?...Dialogue being male voices, sounds and so on.


/Takes a breath


I wish they would stop saying things, that were clearly not there.


But...again...new canon, I'll go for it I suppose.

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They are rare gawds.


I know that. I just.....I dunno, now having a mass Stormtroopers being both male and female, I just for some reason can't wrap my head around it. I'm probably too stuck in the old movies and games where all the sounds were of male Stormtroopers.


New canon...new canon....new canon....


I'm not against female Stormtroopers again, I just have a hard time imagining it being a massed force. A rarity I'm more ok with.


As far as this black armored Trooper...I'll probably warm up to the idea over time and see what happens on screen.

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another thing to consider, the new movies are ~30 ABY. when one looks at the empire in the EU in 30 ABY they've been forced to diversify. so if the movies give us female stormtroopers....


I'm not seeing the problem. this gives not just with new canon, but with old.

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