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Spoiler Question - About Lord Cineratus - Spoiler Question


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My Sith Sorcerer has gone to Quesh to meet with her apprentices. She's found them dead, at the hands of Lord Cineratus.


I chose to bribe him into joining me, instead of honoring my fallen apprentices by avenging their deaths (light side points for acting like a sleaze bag politician and bribing political foes.... Makes sense, right?)


Any way, the die is cast, already, but I want to know. Will I meet Lord Cineratus again, and will I end up having to kill him anyway, or will he be at my meet and greet when Khem Val announces me as Dark Lord of The Sith, after I beat Thanaton?

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From what I remember, he doesn't make much of an impact after that.


It's been a while since I've done the SI story, so...




I remember bribing him on my latest Inquisitor, but I can't remember seeing him at the end, when all your supporters and followers -- companions, Moff Pyron, Overseer Harkun, Darth Achelon, etc etc -- bow before you.

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You get an email from him and Thanaton comments on it when you face him at the end of Ch 2 (what he says may vary depending on if you're male or female.)


You don't see him in the crowd at the end of Ch 3, so that's pretty much it. Knowing Thanaton, it seems likely he got killed, but I haven't found anything conclusive one way or the other.

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You get an email from him and Thanaton comments on it when you face him at the end of Ch 2 (what he says may vary depending on if you're male or female.)


You don't see him in the crowd at the end of Ch 3, so that's pretty much it. Knowing Thanaton, it seems likely he got killed, but I haven't found anything conclusive one way or the other.


Here it is, I'd just logged in, and got the mail.


Although you have my unwavering support, I would appreciate some discretion regarding my recent defection on Quesh. Traitors are rarely welcomed in civilized company, and I'd rather not find myself on the Dark Council's bad side should your bout with Darth Thanaton end in tragedy.


By the by, if you ever find yourself on Sullust, you simply MUST stop by Miep's Bistro. I tell you, it is THE gourmet experience in Brema Sector. Their brandy would shame Alderaan's finest vintage, and the waiters never leave your glass dry.


It seems like he might be goofing off on Sullust....

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* sigh *




How I longed to go there, especially considering it's under Imperial rule still, supposedly. A shame it will most likely never come to pass, unless the Emperor somehow fancies Sullustans for dinner.

Edited by Darth_Wicked
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So, Darth Thanaton pays my toon a compliment, and shows curiosity about why my toon bribed Cineratus... He says it was quick thinking buying him out, but many would see it as a move to avoid a fight, a sign of cowardice, especially since he killed my toon's apprentices. Then he shows his curiosity when he comments, "... but you're no coward..." He says it as if trying to puzzle out my toon's intentions for Cineratus.


No where does Thanaton give any indication as to whether he took any kind of action against him. Hmmmm... A mystery...

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