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Feedback from PTS and changes to be made ASAP


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With new Changes On the PTS i applaud Bio Ware for preforming changes in response to the community in the shortest time frame to date since launch. Historically it has take you(BioWare) to long to implement changes. So First of thank you for the fast response.


2nd: the changes implemented are on the correct path. Improving quality of life is something we desperately needed. Very much appreciated. However, as they changes are very much accepted it still isn't quite what we need. There needs to be 1 more change/implementation ON THE CURRENT PTS!


Defensive Forms-Needs to be baseline, End of story it must be done.


Expunging Camo: Make this a Skillful ability to replace Defensive forms or make it a Masterful talent and move defensive roll to skillful


I cannot stress how import it is to move expunging camo out of the heroic tree, With the much needed changes to the heroic talents do not make the mistake of hindering us of disciplines that are essential to the class. Heroic we should have the option between super pred/new UD utl/Pred off fury. giving us the option of these to customize our gameplay/build.


EC is essential to the class in regards to roots and QoL if you're not taking this as a mara in PVP you're doing it wrong.

Please move this essential talent to skillful or masterful.

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