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《-=DarkSith=-》[PVP|PVE\Raids] Welcoming all casual, new, and returning players.


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DarkSith is an Imperial only (for now) progression guild. We are looking for mature, skilled and raid aware players that are interested in clearing content. Currently in the process of making new raid groups and accepting anyone who wants to do PvP or needs a guild for leveling. We focus on all hours of US timezones. Currently we support the servers: The Harbinger, The Bastion, Prophecy of Five, Jedi Covenant, and The Shadowlands


What we expect from our members:


  • Raid attendance when you say you'll be there. You should aim to meet 90% of the raids. Consistent AFK's without letting anyone know (unless it can't be avoided) might risk you being overlooked for remaining in any raids we do create.

  • Mature attitude in raids. We joke around and have fun but we are not going to house someones e-peen. If you like to brag, and think you're above helping others then we recommend you don't join. Alongside the mature attitude, we're also looking for people who aren't too sensitive as we know it's the internet and things that some might find offensive could be said. In situations like those the officers will handle the troublemakers.


What we are looking for:


  • Mainly looking for raiders to clear hardmode and nightmare mode operations. We do storymodes occasionally for newbies to the guild or newbies to operations in general so they get a chance to learn them before attempting the harder stuff.

  • We do accept all levels/skill levels and people of all countries, races, genders, and timezones.


  • We do accept all levels of pvpers and welcome those who are new to pvp. We try our best to run as many groups for warzones that we can. Occasionally we start pvp wars on areas like, Black Hole, Section X, and more.


  • It couldn't hurt to have more players who are focused on conquest. We do have a flagship and usually are on the list of top 10 for the planets we invade and would enjoy the chance to reach #1. Anything goes.

What we provide:

  • The basics: 10%xp, 10%reputation, Guild Bank, Guild Flagship

  • Repairs paid by guild bank to members who join raid groups.

  • Room for any alts you'd like to invite to the guild.

  • Small group of friendly people willing to help where they can.

  • We play for the fun and challenge of clearing bosses and getting better. Not for bragging or showing off. Most of us see enough of it in real life, without getting more of it in a game. It's for fun. Remember this is not a hardcore guild.

  • Guild Flagship for conquest and cutting out the middle man in travels to guild banks, cargo holds, legacy banks, imperial fleet, and ship.

  • PVP groups for warzones and base invasions.

  • We are a decently sized guild and can provide an active community. We have about 400+ toons in the guild (some of which are alts) and about 300+ active throughout the week leading to about 10-50 different people on daily at a time.

  • A teamspeak server is provided. The ip is: (No password)

If you are interested in joining please respond to this forum with your ingame name, mail me a private message on this website and ask any questions for answers that I might have missed here or contact me at the teamspeak server address provided above.


Extra Links:

Youtube Page

Steam Page

Facebook Page

Guild Website

Edited by LordFazemXendor
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