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How to turn my jawa scrap into cold hard creds?


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Hello all, I'm looking for tips on which green/blue crafting mats tend to sell for the most, so I can turn my jawa scrap into something useful. I'm not much of a crafter myself, and the list of things you can buy with the scrap is huge (!) so I'm hoping someone can narrow it down a bit to save me a ton of work. I figure the highest level mats sell the most, but I'm not sure which ones sell for the most most! Any help is appreciated. Thanks Edited by wilcou
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Based on my servers prices:


Greens: Low level due to conquest demand and not as much supply.

Blues: I personally say the exotics as blues are guaranteed drops from certain skill missions but others might differ.

Purples: Adaptive Circuitry because it's the highest level needed for Augs and Augs are the only gear the doesn't drop from Ops and has to be crafted. Also other high level purples.

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yeah probably adaptives are the best at the moment. me and my friends recently tried to unload a lot of them and midlithes as we thought the price was gonna drop because of the costume designer. but after thinking about it the costume designer might even help.


it all depends on supply and demand though. if someone is unloading adaptives on the gtn then another material might be more profitable for a while. just check the gtn.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hello all, I'm looking for tips on which green/blue crafting mats tend to sell for the most, so I can turn my jawa scrap into something useful. I'm not much of a crafter myself, and the list of things you can buy with the scrap is huge (!) so I'm hoping someone can narrow it down a bit to save me a ton of work. I figure the highest level mats sell the most, but I'm not sure which ones sell for the most most! Any help is appreciated. Thanks


Highest level greens are usually worth the least. Yavin is very, very easy to farm for the high end greens. For scavenging, Electrum is generally pretty strong as it covers a fairly broad range of skill levels for people training their crafters up and not having a ton of convenient places to farm that people are cognizant of. It's also a conquest mat so regularly gets burned up on conquest pushes by the bigger guilds.


Same goes for highest level blues because people tend to be doing overtime on those missions to get to the highest level purples and failing because it's much harder to crit at the top level than it is lower levels that you've leveled way beyond. If I had to guess, I'd say Treasure Hunting rares might give the best return since the peddler charges 2 and 3 scrap for diplomacy and slicing and Treasure Hunting can be just as much of a pain to get the rares for as those other two.


But Conquest messes things up. I've seen lots of 99 electrum go for almost half a mill and then not sell for 300k for the next 12 hours. An awareness of what tends to be rarer anyway and what people need the most for a given conquest might be helpful.


I still haven't figured it out myself. And of course with conquest a lot of lower level rares are worth a surprising amount but you can't know what sells unless you've sold it yourself. The other day I saw a ton of polyfibe (2nd level Investigation rare mat IIRC) being sold for 200-250k a pop. The highest level investigation rare is more like 9000 on my server. I tried selling it for 50K. No dice. Kind of wonder what happened there but sometimes it's just one dummy getting overexcited and a bunch of other dummies thinking their undercuts (even mine at 25% but still ridiculous) are any less of a fantasy.

Edited by Pherdnut
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