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Sorcerer BUG - Lightning Storm Talent not activating correctly with Force Storm.


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Hi there i have a lvl 19 sorc and after the patch this tuesday i've noticed that when i use Chain lightning as an opener and then i use Force storm right after, i'll get a glitch about 50% of the time... possibly more.


When the first tick of Force Storm goes off Chain Lightning will come off CD, the icon will glow yellow and then immediately go dim and i will lose the instant cast.


no changes to my console or hardware have been made since the patch this tuesday so the issue must be with the recent changes.


Lightning Storm still procs perfectly with Lightning Strike, no problems there.

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a little more testing and it seems that this only happens when i use Force Storm while Chain Lightning is on CD. If it's not on CD, i get the proc just like normal with the instant cast.


If it's on CD then i get the CD back but no instant.


Also, i have 25% damage added to force storm in skill points.


edit - even more discoveries!!


It seems that this is only happening because i use an ability action queue timer... not sure about the other duration but i use one of 1 sec. When i Q up Force Storm before Chain lightning completes its cast i get the CD back but no proc. If i wait til i see Chain Lightning finish casting THEN cast Force Storm, i get the CD back AND the instant cast...


Kinda weird....


On a side note, lighting Strike will still activate the proc even if i clip that Q as early as i can. I get no change whether i use LStrike before or after Chain Lightning has finished casting.

Hope this helps!

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