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Why I feel the current SM difficulty is a good design choice

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Underlurker is probably the only fight in Rav/ToS SM that can't be 4-manned. It's a very easy 5-man though. Malaphar can probably be 2 or 3-manned. Walkers is an easy 4-man as long as the better geared DPS stays on the bosses. However, the adds in Underlurker make it hard for 2 dps to keep up (requiring a 3 DPS/1 healer comp), and without a tank the healer can fall behind easily. I mean it's probably possible for a well-geared, highly skilled team to still 4-man Underlurker in a 192/198 mix.


It's been done before (4 manning lurker), I'll look for it later but it's definitely been done.

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