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Storming the Cantinas - Who will ask about Sents?^^


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So there are some Cantinas this year left, who will be going to ask about Sentinels at a medium were they can´t avoid answering that easily?


Personally I will be present in Cologne to ask about Sents only and to tell them they need a new community manager:D

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So there are some Cantinas this year left, who will be going to ask about Sentinels at a medium were they can´t avoid answering that easily?


Personally I will be present in Cologne to ask about Sents only and to tell them they need a new community manager:D

I like this.


But marauders only. Death to the sentinels! :cool:

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If the cantinas become a forum for real life trolling do you think they'll actually change anything in the way they balance classes, or will they be more likely to stop doing cantinas?


Exactly. All you will get is kicked out of the building if you get on any level of aggression with them. If you start demanding answers at these events, they will shut down and start to actually not care. Right now there is the look and feel that they dont care, but if you push them, that will go into real uncaring.

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