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Trolls, Wintraders, Noobs


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First 10 games on my fully ranked geared char: 960 rating.


Lost 8 Won 2


Because of trolls and win traders and undergeared people.


Bioware gives a warning to the people who are ruining everyone else's experience.


But they won't reset my bad rating due to the trolls.


My first 10 games would make or break it for me. And unfortunately due to this I have lost all incentive to start doing any more ranked pvp due to the results of my first 10 games. It's funny that some people can get really lucky, win 9 or 10 games in a row and get a high rating. But if you get a bad rating in your first 10 games like me....you'll have to put in a heck of a lot more time and effort to raise the rating.


I'm never touching ranked PVP again and I shall encourage everyone I know not to participate.

Edited by DartDaya
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And that is why we need off-seasons between the seasons. I am sorry you have expected better results and were disappointed. I am sorry you've got discouraged. And yes, it's hard that you've done your homework and were faced with unfortunate results.


Why not just keep going though, because in a way it is liberating when there is nothing to lose.

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This is an issue that bioware will never take care of. The only way they would trully take care of this would be to put more restrictions on who can play ranked and with the already poor queue times they will not. Perhaps instead of their current system of "rating" they could make it so if you win so many straight you get promoted to the next tier and if you lose so many you get knocked down a tier but you only play against people in the same tier level. so if you win and then lose 50/50 you would remain at the same tier. this way win traders will be screwed because they would get knocked back down and you cant fluff ratings as easily as well if you just got into ranked later in the season you don't screw those contending for top spots and like wise you don't screwed by bots, noobs and win traders. Edited by blackopsranger
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