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Collection Unlock Prices


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Before anyone accuses me of wanting stuff for nothing, I do not mind paying the unlock fees.


What I do mind is not having the fees at a seemingly random price per set.


So I propose that the unlock prices should be determined by what is being unlocked.




Weapons - 100 CC

Outfit - 200 CC

Crystals - 150 CC

Speeders - 250 CC

Titles - 50 CC

Pets - 50 CC

Mounts (not speeders) - 300 CC

Emotes - 50 CC

Companion Customization Sets - 150 CC

Etc. Etc.


Then we don't have to play the "Ooh! I wanna unlock Common Dropped Y Armor Set! What? 300 CC? But this other set unlocked for 80 CC!"


Numbers were given as an example, I doubt they would actually be in the 50-300 CC range I used.


Tl:;Dr: Unlock prices should be based on the item's category, and all items within a category should be the same price.

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Price is what the company thinks that they can charge, based on desirability. Free market so they will do that.


Try walking down to the local car dealership and asking why their cars are all different prices.

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