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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Wearable jetpack (when not using the mount)


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I'd like to be able to permanently have the jetpack on, even in areas where you can't use a mount or when just choosing to walk. This would be an entirely cosmetic thing in that case, I'm not saying remove restrictions on where you can use a mount, just that it would be nice to be able to just land and take off without the jetpack item on your back going away.


Not sure how you'd solve that technically, but can't be impossible to make the personal wearable mounts like the Wings and the new jetpack actually wearable. Somehow. Thanks. :)

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That's not what I mean. I'm fully aware of those armors and I have multiple sets, but I would specifically like the character to be wearing the same jetpack model when walking or flying when it's equipped. Essentially, while all other mounts disappear into thin air, there is no reason for the jetpack to do so since it's worn on the back.
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I would imagine that this would fall in the 'technically impossible' area. It would probably be like being able to sit on your bantha, but only moving at normal sprint speed. Just another guess on my part, but willing to bet all mounts are kinda hard coded in the exact same matter. The only way I could really see doing it, would be for them to create a new 'backpack' slot on the character sheet, then making an equipable jetpack to fit in that slot. I'm gonna say this is probably in the realm of when they have all the classes balanced and all the bugs fixed.
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