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Commando / Merc Focus Issue


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I admit it. I have been PVPing on both classes and when it comes to 4 v 4, there is a good chance I have been doing things wrong when dealing with focus.


What I have been doing (and telling others to do) is eat the damage on the first stun, and then break the second stun with your CC break so that you have full resolve. the problem with this approach is that it leaves you with too little life to get through your CC abililities and weak heals once the stuns have run their course. You are in effect dead before you do much more than pop a few heals and fire e-net.


The problem with this logic is that I'm using shock obsorber utility and it only works when you are stunned. So to get the combined benefit of the shield and the shock obsorbers you have to run the risk and break the first stun in the hopes you get the shield up before you take the second stun. Technically the two abilities should combine. And those four seconds you take on the second stun you should have about 55% damage reduction (if they work stacked which they should).


If you managed to pop your shield prior to the first stun, it may pay off to not use the CC break at all as the shield lasts 15 seconds and it could possibly last through both stuns.


Surely, I'm not the first person to attempt this approach. Anybody else given this a shot and been successful? Or does it matter if the focus is from 2 or 3 people? Are three focus player attacks enough to kill you regardless of this combined effect? Does this only work against two players due to the the overall damage you are taking?


But lastly, I am not even sure shock absorbers is working as intended. Bubble or no bubble, it still seems like I take a lot more damage than I should when stunned.

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I use a very reactive method.. once they engange I get out of it ASAP, get range, use my interrupts, stuns, CCs, and heals, and try to blow them up before i die. I kite like crazy, use LOS, every sneaky arse trick in the book. My goal is to knock them off their rhythm.


The trick is to survive their burst with as much health as possible, the logic being i might have an advantage for the rest of the fight if they have already hit me with their worst and used their cooldowns. No, it doesn't always work, especially against stealths who will hurt me as much as half before i ever see them, but i am usually able to confound them enough that they are left as easy pickins for the backup.. sometimes thats all you can do.


I find most of the defensive utilities to be lackluster in the sense that they really didn't affect whether or not i lived or died enough to matter in my observations. I abandoned that approach and went back to an offensive mindset long ago.

Edited by Floplag
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if the devvs would just look at all our threads they could fix us... i made a post that went into detail about how it could be done and it should be right around your post now... check it out and leave some feedback! the more the merrier!
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if the devvs would just look at all our threads they could fix us... i made a post that went into detail about how it could be done and it should be right around your post now... check it out and leave some feedback! the more the merrier!


Been hoping for months, it just isnt to be i guess :(

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