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Day/Night Weather for Strongholds


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I love the current Sunset in the Tattooine SH, but it would be lovely to actually see the sun SET on the horizon, followed by the moon rise, stars, galaxies, and then sunrise again.


It's not a hard thing to implement, there are many MMO's out there implementing weather/ day-night cycle.


Why are we missing this huge environmental eye candy? Don't you want a moonlit walk on Balmorra, for example?


And since in Dromund Kaas, it rains sometimes, the 'rain' mechanism is there. You could change the color of the raindrop to green, and have a 'toxic rain' in Quesh, which would cause a extra durability loss in your armors, for example, and a 'sandstorm' weather in Tattooine which causes accuracy loss debuff.


Anyhow the main point is, DAY/NIGHT CYCLE would be awesome. BioWare Devs, Please consider this!

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I love this idea. LOTRO has this. Day/night lasts 3 hours each. They could also add some missions which need to be run at night. Weather would be great to see also, and add some challenges, especially for visibility/accuracy with snowstorms, sandstorms, fog etc.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, please! Especially if special events or different areas unlocked at different times. Random weather (snow and rain) would be nice too, with a lack of rain being very rare on Dromund Kaas for example, and having almost always some form of snowfall on Hoth.
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How about some snow instead of rain on DK? Would be nice to have some winter-packs at the CM; mounds of snow, etc.


dromund kaas environment was broken by the emperor so that it will rain forever


its location on the planet would prevent it from ever freezing into snow: the city is surrounded by tropical rain forest; its no where near the polar caps

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I totally agree with at least a day/night cycle for planets and strongholds. Everything seems to be designed to have a certain feel in mind -- from the creator of that planet/area, but it would go a long way to implement in the lighting of an area to have day and night, not just a single static setting.


Love the idea, hope the devs work it out! Tatooine's eternal setting suns are tiresome after a while.

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dromund kaas environment was broken by the emperor so that it will rain forever


its location on the planet would prevent it from ever freezing into snow: the city is surrounded by tropical rain forest; its no where near the polar caps


Sorry for not responding earlier. If it's in the tropics, then obviuosly they won't have snow. Just dustbunnies or something, lol.

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  • 9 months later...
I support this. At the very least, please give us a day / night toggle even if its just for the Tatooine Stronghold. I really want to get one but I don't like the dusk lighting. I understand they want to emulate that iconic scene in the movie where Luke Skywalker was looking at the twin sunsets but the daylight setting of Tatooine in the rest of the game is one of the best lighting conditions out there. Its no surprise why they recommend taking screenshots in the Tatooine daylight when submitting outfits in TOR Fashion.
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These are some fantastic ideas.


If I could only have two time/weather-related things, it would be --

* Not always raining on Dromund Kaas. I want to use my balcony and see out of my windows.

* Not always sunset on Tatooine. The low lighting and odd colors are tough to work with. At least make the light a bit brighter and less yellow.


I would also like to see the shadows on Tatooine come from the correct directions. Right now, there is only one shadow, cast from an invisible light source on the far left of the screen (left of the leftmost sun). There should actually be two shadows, though I would settle for one coming from between the two suns.


If I could only have night/day or weather, I would pick night/day. I would love to see the neon of Nar Shaddaa at night, fireworks at night, a bright day on Tatooine, a sunset storm on Dromond Kaas, and a sunrise on Coruscant.


For roleplayers, it would be especially useful if the weather and day/night cycle was something that anyone with decoration permissions could control. I would spend CC to unlock such a feature.


HOWEVER, we will need the wall and ceiling lights of strongholds to actually cast light if we are going to have night. Right now, many of them have a weak and completely ineffectual glow. Some of them are buggy -- you can move the object but the light it casts doesn't move. Try it with a Republic wall sconce to see this bug in an obvious way, but it also affects the basic yellow ceiling lights and other items.

Edited by Xina_LA
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I really like the idea of day/night cycles.


If BW doesn't want it on the actual planets because of story reasons I can understand that but Strongholds are completely different.


A day and night cycle in my strongholds would be awesome. Even weather effects would add to the atmosphere.


Think about all the cool lights that we have as decorations. I would love to see my strongholds during nighttime and how my choice in lighting the strongholds reflects during night time.

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I would like to see this implemented. I like the idea of there being a hook or two in each stronghold where you can set an item to determine something. So there'd be a time hook to place a day or night deco (whichever one you put down activates), or to place a weather kit (rain on/off, add snow, etc).
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  • 2 weeks later...

Kicking this alive (again?). It would very much be appreciated if at least for the two outdoor SHs (Tattooine and Yavin IV) there would be either an cycle or an day/night toggle option - they are downright perfect for it. (IMHO the Yavin IV even more depending on the decorations then Tattooine, but just my preference)


It would certainly add to the atmosphere and the experience of the Stronghold.

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