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Proud PVP Moments


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I've got two. Plowman.

1. While guarding a node, I was approached by a Jugg. I popped shield, aoe stun, and aoe slow. Hit him is stock strike/HIB/pulse cannon. Kited, Hammershot/aoe surge. Kited some more. The jugg just gave up, stood still, let me burst him down.


I truly believe the Jugg was a Dev and the new immunity buffs are a direct result of my pawnage.


2. 3x4 Arena. We were down a man. My tank, and shadow, and a sage. I pulled the merc, we burst him down quick. Popped the AOE stun, and AOE taunt. Took the other 3 down 1 by 1, and won the match. And then, we did it again!! Yes, straight up 3x4 win!


After the win, I get a tell from someone I don't know. Says "Congrats plowman, you really got some moves." Kind of struck me as odd, because never before have I received a tell about how well I performed no matter how bad we beat the other team.

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novaere coast

we are losing with 100% to 4%, but at 2% we took the second cannon and we fought hard and defended hard to keep it.

long story short, we won that match with 2% -0%

the satifaction you get after is freaking awesome


I've been in that exact same situation. Had a couple quitters in the first part of the match, including one smack talker who accused us all of being absolutely terrible (with all the profanity and verbal abuse to match). Tried to track him down afterward to tell him that we'd won, but by then he'd logged off.


Aside from that, my greatest PvP moment goes back to an open world gank attempt on Section X. I had been doing WZ PvP for a while and was starting to get semi-comfortable with it, but was still doing poorly and didn't have a tremendous amount of confidence in myself so I was doing dailies at the time as a break. Two Imps decide to jump me when I'm in the middle of a fight with a group of mobs and already down in health. I can't recall the exact mechanics, and I'm sure they were in PvE gear, while I was in full 2018 PvP gear, but the feeling I got from killing them both as well as surviving the mobs was pretty amazing.


About the only thing that was better than that was when they avoided me like the plague for the rest of my time there. :D



Oh, and another silly instance; not a "proud" moment, per se, but funny. I was on Voss with my lvl 60 PvP-geared Sentinel, helping a guildie power level during the previous double XP event, when he gets jumped by two Imps that were both 2-3 levels higher than he was (around 43-45, IIRC, compared to his 41). I'd had my character on auto-follow and wasn't really paying attention, so I was lagging a bit behind when I saw "HELP!" over the chat.


Took me a second to catch up, but he managed to survived for the 4-5 seconds of so it took for me to get there. Funny enough, that was longer than they survived.


Like I said, nothing at all to be remotely proud of, but funny as hell, especially afterward.

Edited by georgemattson
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Best moments 1: pulled ball carrier into fire and score the only goal in a huttball at the last 10 second

Best moments 2: stealth capped 5 guys guarded pylon when they all look forward to fight my teammates

Best moments 3: 2v4 and win the arena

Best moments 4: as a sentinel, survived with a healer at a node against 7 (they didn't come all at once though) until reinforcement arrived after like 30 sec...

Best moments 5: 1 v 2 killed 2, then immediately came the 3rd, killed, without a rest, 2 more came, killed one, and finally dead. (I was on my jugg in 30-59 bracket.)


Best tell: "sir I think your gore can cure cancer!"

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I have another! (unfortunately for you guys because my forum posts are probably terrible, and long)


This was right after 3.0 when marauders were being seen as inadequate and stuff like that. Well I wanted to play on my carnage one so I was gonna play on my carnage marauder.


Of course I got a corella square arena! Imps vs Imps you know, usual Ebon Hawk PVP. I was on a team with a healer (thankfully) against a team of a 'sin, a sniper, a Jugg and a merc. We were mainly all 55 except for the jugg, the healer and another member of my team.


I don't remember how it goes mainly although I remember me being the last one alive (yet again) and going against the sniper and the assassin.


Anyway one thing happened, then another and we had two very dead enemies with me barely living.


Of course we lost the match when they went after me first and took me down fighting.

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