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For you PvP Marauder/Sentinels


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I just wanted to show some footage of what Marauders and Sentinels are capable of in PvP. With all the hate going around to reroll to a new class, I figured we all could use some motivation. I do main a Carnage Marauder, but I can, at request, play the other specs as well.



I have many Videos up on my YouTube and will continue to post more. Even tho I main a Marauder I do from time to time play other classes so you may see them from time to time as well.


And lastly,

I hope this helps you and you chose to stay a Marauder! Hope to see you all out there!
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But this isn't really indicative of anything. Unranked warzones have too many variables that have nothing to do with an individual player like overall team compositions, *VARYING LEVELS OF GEAR*, general PUG inexperience vs premade experience etc.


I appreciate that you're trying to bring back some morale and motivation into a currently very depressed community but the underlying problems with Sentinels/Marauders are still there when you look at a more fair playing field and you can't really say "it's not THAT bad" because it kind of is THAT bad.


That said, well done and keep on bringing the pain to those FotM rollers.

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All I'm trying to show is that you can still perform with an underpowered class.


Man if you wouldn't have made this post I would have definitely did one just like it, so /salute to you. I really see no problem with this class at all...and this is the only toon I play. As a matter of fact I don't have any problems underperforming at all.

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Man if you wouldn't have made this post I would have definitely did one just like it, so /salute to you. I really see no problem with this class at all...and this is the only toon I play. As a matter of fact I don't have any problems underperforming at all.


Haha thanks. And good on you!


No you can´t if you don´t fight the normal ******* in the PuGs.



Edited by Ld-Siris
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Ok i really don't see you point.


i have a jugg with like 2 pvp gear and my marauder is in full 174 gear and I can see a big difference in the class


And I am not really impressed reason you have a pocket healer all the time any of us can do it

Me and my friend who is at healer have easy hold one Tower only two of us me as a tank and him as a healer versus at least five people and this is with at tank with low level gear


Yes my marauder also have some days when I really shine but that Random pug fights try ranked in a higher bracket then you see the difference and how much you're getting owned


And one more note cool thing you make a video but please please stop Setting music on the video some people may like it and other people Will hate it



And when I play with my other character or is that operative I really feel sad for any sentinel or marauder

I meet they are really just dinner for me it's like the free kill,

One back stap and one more skill and you have 50% of life or sometimes 40% Health left and I have 30 seconds cool down on my shield and the marauder have three minutes on the shield as soon as you see channelling you just stun them and then they are shut down it is so easy


So I really don't agree with you when I'm playing on my tank and run into a sentinel I also laughing my butt off sometimes I just stand there and getting crit for like a lot of damage then I just pop one defensive heeal and bam I'm full health again and I am not even augment on my tank it's really a joke how bad the class is

Edited by Aztian
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Ok i really don't see you point.


i have a jugg with like 2 pvp gear and my marauder is in full 174 gear and I can see a big difference in the class


And I am not really impressed reason you have a pocket healer all the time any of us can do it

Me and my friend who is at healer have easy hold one Tower only two of us me as a tank and him as a healer versus at least five people and this is with at tank with low level gear


Yes my marauder also have some days when I really shine but that Random pug fights try ranked in a higher bracket then you see the difference and how much you're getting owned


And one more note cool thing you make a video but please please stop Setting music on the video some people may like it and other people Will hate it


Having done slight over 200 hundred matches with my marauder twink and about two dozen with my juggernaut DPS I can sign this. I won´t ruin my Mains rating just for testing something, that would be stupid :D

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/respect to the op and anyone else supporting


/sympathy to those opposed to this thread who are yet to get out of the 2.10 mindset and adjust themselves accordingly.


Thanks! I appreciate it!


sent/mara can have good matches. but every other mdps can do what a sent does but with self heals, taunts, good def cd, better mobility and more dps.

its day and night when i play my guardian vg or my shadow


And I'm not denying that. It just seems there are so few playing that class. Just wanted to show it can be done.


Anyone else see that PTS patch notes and felt slapped in the face? All juggs get unstoppable, while just fury Mara's get cc immunity only once every 30s on force crush of all things? Prior to 3.0 I would have said unstoppable for carnage would have been OP. Since ravage damage is nerfed and you can no longer global someone I don't think it would be OP. Hell AP PTs have more burst than we do and they have a lot more up time.

Edited by Ld-Siris
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I'm not sure what the point of this post is.


Yes, I can go out and do 2.6-3k damage in a Warzone/Arena if given the right team/comp. The thing is -- it is far harder to perform well, not to mention the dozens of other variables that need to be perfect in order to even have a shot at a good game, relative to other classes.


No, the spec isn't as broken as to be completely nonviable. It is, however, a pretty ****** class to play. It's unenjoyable and the work you put in in order to even make the class seem kind of okay seems retarded.

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