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Volatile conqueror lightsaber Clipping/Visual bug (Sentinel).


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where can i add screenshots? i can add them later if needed, have many.


Well, it's simple, while in the belt one of the handlers is clipping inside the character (right one), while being held, the left handle protection is simply pointing towards the ground, therefore not "protecting" the hand.... but isn't that supposed to be the job of a handle guard? hehe (you had one job).


Can you guys please make it less awkward, i mean cmon, turning it to always "protect" the hand, by turning the guard face outwards. When it's in the belt its better if the handle is point forward or backwards (or simply hide inside the belt, idk), but not pointing to the laterals as it has no harmony with the visual (it looks too big and clips inside the arm/sleeve).


Normally i wouldn't create such bug report but this lightsaber costed me like 2 million credits or so, i don't remember.

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