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Animation for /tap Emote


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While not a bug per se, I would like to point out that the animation recently tied with the /tap command is actually shared with another emote previously obtainable via the cartel market, specifically the /restless emote from the Supreme Mogul's Contraband Pack. I thought about posting it when 3.1.1 hit the live servers, but procrastination is the best nation, after all.


Now, I'm not trying to sound entitled or unappreciative - it is nice being able to get certain animations from multiple sources - but I was simply curious if this was intended or an accidental oversight. I know that some jimmies have been rustled (though how severely, I cannot say) with regards to basically everyone being given an emote that others did spend money/coins on to fully unlock way back when. Regardless, it's great that you guys went back and gave some attention to this after all this time and I know that I'm not alone in hoping that these aren't the only emotes that will be shown some love.


...While on that subject, any chance we can get some static emotes added for the stances visible in this screenshot (courtesy of /r/swtor redditor Terallian); specifically /handsonhips, /crossarms, and /paraderest? The Ebon Hawk would love you long time.


There have been some stumbles since 3.0, but you guys (and gals) seem to be heading into your strongest year yet - keep up the good work and thank you!

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