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Help maximizing AOE (Arsenal)


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Recently I've switched from Innovative Ordnance to Arsenal as a change of pace. So far it's going okay, but I feel like I should be doing more damage. I'm still leveling, just hit 34. Currently, here's what I'm doing:


  • No elites: Sweeping Shot spam
  • One elite, one standard: TM > HSM > UL > switch to normal and TM > SS to finish them.
  • Two elites: Disable one, then same as above but single target


Am I doing it optimally? Should I be using more/different abilities, or am I overthinking it?

Edited by Ferrindel
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Make big big use of Fusion Missile and Death From Above against large groups of mobs. Not only do they do good damage, they also stun weak/standard mobs, keeping them off your tuchus. DFA should usually take priority over Sweeping Blasters, as it does about the same amount of damage (significantly more if you don't have the Boresights utility) for slightly less heat and has that super-useful knockdown effect. (SB does get a big buff in Arsenal as opposed to Innovative Ordnance due to the Blazing Barrels talent, but you still want to make use of DFA's knockdown against leveling trash.)


Fusion Missile also has the advantage of being preloadable. You can cast it on the elite in the middle of the group and then hardcast Tracer Missile, and just as the tracer hits, the fusion will DoT up the elite and all his friends around him.

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For leveling AOE.


DFA>SB>go onto next pull


Fusion missile does very little damage as Arsenal, especially given its cast time.


For elite + weak/standard adds, DFA>SB spam until adds are dead>finish elite off with single target attacks.


For 2+ strongs I usually CC one and single target down the other.


For 2 elites + 1-2 Strongs, CC one elite, single target down strongs, single target down elites


2 elites, CC one, single target down the other.


Boresights is probably one of the best utilities for an Arsenal merc to pick up (the other being the one that lets you channel UL/BB while moving). While Arsenal mercs have very strong AOE they still do much better single target dps (unlike Sorcs who could probably level using nothing but Force Storm).

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