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Been some time since I played...


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Hello all! Been quite a long time since I've been able to play, and I'm updating my computer as we speak with SWTOR. In the meantime, would anyone mind telling me about the current state of Marauders? I am reading forums, but hoping for a bit more....... summarization I suppose. Last I played was prior to the Hutt Cartel release, if that helps.

Thanks, and chat soon!

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/ignore the first reply in this thread. Marauder is currently one of the weakest performinging classes today in ranked and HM PvE content but far from unviable as many claim. In PvP we're suffering from mobility issues and can be shut down pretty easily and are behind many other ranged dps classes in raw damage output. The current HM content is also unkind to melee for the most part. Vengeance Jugg is currently one of the best performing mdps classes for both ranked PvP and HM PvE and more likely to be an enjoyable class to play. However, if you're a decent Marauder you can overcome the current issues we face as a class and enjoy success in all endgame content but you will find it challenging. I hope this helps
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We are definitely not the most sought after class for raid teams, but are still completely viable. I have had no issues so far reaching the required dps levels for Hard Mode in ToS and Ravagers although it is fair to say you have to work fairly hard to do it.


It is also fair to say we have issues at the moment but pretty much all the 4m melee dps do to some extent.


If you played annihilation the new rotation is not most players favourite

Edited by WheresMyWhisky
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