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HELP Needed Please


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I am not really a new player,but am a newb. I have been playing about 3 weeks now .I have a level 45 lightning Sorceror, and I am trying to do my First Strike quest on Corellia I have done most of it but got to were I have to turn off the main defence generator in Darth Thanatons camp ,all the guards are elite level 59 or 60s ,so I cannot complete it,I probably have to kill Thanaton after also. So I was wondering if I leave it for now and go get another 4 or 5 levels will it make any difference to the story cos Thanaton said at the start if I didnt fight I would be classed as a coward and be an outcast everywhere. Can someone reccomend where to get 4 or 5 levels pretty quickly I have done no flashpoints or pvp yet. All help really appreciated
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My sorcerer is level 46 and I'm just about to finish the Alderaan Bonus Series (gray/green, but I'm a completionist) and then it's off to Belsavis for the FIRST time... after I finish Belsavis I may go back to do the Hoth Bonus series (already picked it up but it's a yellow-con mission). Then it's off to Voss and THEN on to Corellia.


To get to Corellia at level 45 you must've primarily done only class missions? In any event, at level 46 the Hoth bonus series should be appropriate level and while it may be under-level (green) Belsavis might be a source of xp. And as I recall my other characters hit 50th level while just starting the content on Voss...


Last night I fought a single elite champion on Alderaan that was, probably, only six levels below me and got SPANKED. Granted, I had my DPS companion out since I was just mowing through the gray/green foes until that point and we ALMOST won (also under-geared to some extent). So if you're trying to fight elites on ~Corellia~ then you have my sympathies. :)

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When at the star map you can mouse over planets and see the recommended level range. Personally, if I am at the top end of that range for the planet I am on, I drop the planetary quests and just do my class story. If you are not at the low end of a planet's recommended level range, I would not even head there yet. Go back a few planets (Voss, Hoth or Belsavis) and do the non-class story quests to level up.


Alternatively, run some flashpoints to catch up or some starfighter matches.

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I am trying to do my First Strike quest on Corellia I have done most of it but got to were I have to turn off the main defence generator in Darth Thanatons camp ,all the guards are elite level 59 or 60s ,

This sounds a bit odd. None of the enemies you need to kill during the normal Corellia quest chain should be level 59-60. It sounds more like you are trying to go through an Imperial base. Sometimes, depending upon where you are relative to where your objective is, the "green arrows" can point you through an enemy base, but you should find a way to go around.

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This sounds a bit odd. None of the enemies you need to kill during the normal Corellia quest chain should be level 59-60. It sounds more like you are trying to go through an Imperial base. Sometimes, depending upon where you are relative to where your objective is, the "green arrows" can point you through an enemy base, but you should find a way to go around.


Yep this happened to me on Belsavis I think, following the nearest rout to the next quest and ran into an entrance to an imp camp. I had to go a long way around.

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Opposing faction mobs at their bases hit like a Mack truck too. They will down you every time guaranteed. Best bet is to avoid the area like the plague and take the scenic route. It takes longer, but you don't get beaten to a pulp either. I have a fairly well-geared Immortal (tank) juggernaut and those enemy mobs at republic bases still kill me every time.
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