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Preordered SWTOR July 22, 2011 and No Invite


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On July 22, 2011 I preordered SWTOR. I immediately took my code and went to the website and registered it on my account. I noticed that I had some sort of weird issue on my account because when I checked my preorder status it showed I preordered it on 9-9-9999. I immediately picked up the phone and waited for several minutes before speaking to a gentleman named Michael. The CSR looked at my account and said that the time that was entered was a simple error and that they could quickly correct it. I took his word and just went on my merry way.


Several weeks later in early September I decided to be the OCD person that I am and went to check my tester status and just happened to check my preorder status. It was still showing a date later than 7-22-11. I called and this time spoke to an American sounding woman named Tammy. Tammy said “Oh I see what the problem is, I am sorry sir we will correct that in our system and it will reflect on your account shortly.” I thanked her and got off the phone because the problem appeared to be fixed. After that, and because of her thorough approach, I just forgot about SWTOR all together; that is until Early Release times were mentioned. I was very excited to learn that I would in fact be a part of the group being invited December 13, 2011. Well the invites have come and gone…


I did not receive the invite to Early Access today. I have checked my spam folder, verified that I have not accidently blocked SWTOR emails. I have received all previous emails from regarding SWTOR Beta, etc. without any issue and now I am sitting here after all five waves are complete and am without an invite. I am not sitting here crying and flipping out, but this to me is really frustrating.


I have waited so many years for this game. I have dealt with delays to the release. I have been patient despite all of the things that kept creeping up to prevent us from even seeing this game in action. Now that we are on release day and I did everything right and I don’t understand why I didn’t get an invite. Yes I can wait it is not the end of the world, but I preordered this game the first possible day it came out for a reason.


Bioware please send me my invite to Early Access. I have a copy of my receipt showing that I preorder purchased the game on July 22nd, 2011 in the early AM. I would really like to play the game that I have paid for and that I was told I would be able to play on the first possible day of Early Access since I redeemed my code immediately. Thank you for reading this and I hope there is some hope for me to get my code today somehow.

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Not a QQ thread, general concern. If he preordered on the 22nd and has it reflected on it as such then if Bioware/EA has invited everyone on those days he should be entitled to it as others who preordered on the same day received the benefit.


Only thing you can do is contact support. No one on the forum can help you.


Now granted, if he didn't then get back in line like the rest of us.

Edited by Zeila
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Yes I did. That's what I was saying. I immediately redeemed the code to make sure it was counted for the day 7-22-11.


You will likely get access tmmrw. I know many people who ordered on 7-22-11 and didn't get access today. If you read Stephen Reids post he says they had a massive initial pre order total and thats why not everyone who pre ordered on day one will get in on day one.

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Actually if you pre ordered that early there is no reason you shouldn't be in. There are people in that have pre ordered as late as the 27th so far (lol). I'd appreciate a yellow name actually paying attention to this.


Ya thanks. It just doesn't make any sense when people who preordered on July 27th are in right now and someone like myself isn't.

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