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Which discipline for PvE Merc DPS


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Hey guys,


So finally after going to loads and loads of posts, I've decided to go for a DPS Merc since I rarely (if at all) play PvP. I prefer DPS'ing over healing and I do love ranged attacks.


My main decision now is which discipline to go for. I'm very torn between Arsenal and IO. Whilst I do love AoEs, IO sounds to be so powerful for single targets.


The 3.0 guide on Dulfy unfortunately did not help in deciding. Would love to hear your thoughts.


As a side note, any suggestions on crew skills? I was thinking of scavenging, slicing and bioanalysis. All 3 meant just for getting more creds, not a big fan of crafting stuff

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It really depends for what kind of content.

If you want to get into super hardcore endgame raiding, start with IO since it is the highest damage spec and then learn arsenal for the couple of bosses that requiere tons of target switching . Also because missiles -> burning pebbles :p


For casual grind' dailies and stuff I'd recommend arsenal, but you may wanna learn IO for high hp bosses like the ones on hm flashpoints.


IO needs a lot of practice and parsing to be worth since a mediocre IO rotation will get outdps by a mediocre arsenal rotation, at least in my experience, but in the end I'd trying both specs and see whats more fun for you.

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I play Arsenal and its a great spec. Really good damage output plenty mobile and lots of tricks you can use


We'll both specs can be mobile these days but IO is less forgiving in terms of heat management. I run IO myself on all 3.0 op fights besides commanders. Cuz as I said heat management sucks cleared it the first time just ran into heat bl**s in IO it's a joke in arsenal tho especially for the fourth fight in ToS especially for aoe. That's the only fight I ru for tho so take it with a grain of salt. Just giving my personal experiences is all. Gyro and the Zorz rotations are great



Edit: Btw the Gyro's PvE 3.0 dps rotations are on the official forums, top sticky and such

Edited by MASOLIZ
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Arsenal is by far the easier and more forgiving rotation and a much better choice for leveling.


IO is capable of quite a bit more single target dps, but the rotation (actually more like 3-4 different rotations depending on fight phase and heat level) is incredibly difficult and unforgiving with heat management.

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