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Kaggath Battlegrounds Final: Republic Resistance vs Imperial Droid Division


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One thing according to the Complete Encyclopedia, it says the EMP launcher could fry the circuits of most droids, not all. Not saying the EMP launchers can't damage the DT, but considering their high durability I would say it would take more than a single shot. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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One important thing is: will both suppliers use/be able to use their entire production capabilities to produce reinforcements, because realistically both suppliers could probably produce armies ten times the size of the starting ground forces in a day or so.

They only have access to the factories on their chosen HQs.


And concerning Jet troopers, I'm not sure they actually exist as a class as they've only ever appeared in video games, not actual sourcebook material. As far as I'm aware all clones were trained to use jetpacks and donned them when necessary, so we could be dealing with as many as 2,304 jet troopers if the Republic Resistance were so inclined.


Altogether I wouldn't get to hung up on the specifics.

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They only have access to the factories on their chosen HQs.


And concerning Jet troopers, I'm not sure they actually exist as a class as they've only ever appeared in video games, not actual sourcebook material. As far as I'm aware all clones were trained to use jetpacks and donned them when necessary, so we could be dealing with as many as 2,304 jet troopers if the Republic Resistance were so inclined.


Altogether I wouldn't get to hung up on the specifics.


Clone Jet Troopers are a thing Beni, they are noted in the Clone Wars Campaign Guide and Complete Encyclopedia.

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Clone Jet Troopers are a thing Beni, they are noted in the Clone Wars Campaign Guide and Complete Encyclopedia.
Well if you could bring up some quotes that would be helpful, because recent material hasn't given any reason to believe a trooper with a jetpack is anything special, I'm not convinced its consistent with current continuity.
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Well if you could bring up some quotes that would be helpful, because recent material hasn't given any reason to believe a trooper with a jetpack is anything special, I'm not convinced its consistent with current continuity.


While the average clone can strap on a jet pack and fly a few hundred feet, jet troopers are trained to optimize the limited fuel capacity of jetpacks by alternating ground movement with short bursts of flight to get them over obstacles or circumvent difficult terrain.


- Taken from CW campaign guide


Guide quote.


Specialized Clone Troopers of the GAR who moved about the battlefield with the aid of jetpacks.


- Complete Encyclopedia


Encyclopedia quote.


Although you're right, the Jet Troopers have only appeared in BF 2 and don't really have any actual showings. The Imperial Jumptrooper is better tbh in that way.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Again however the Jet packs themselves aren't the primary aid here, it is the EMP Launcher that will prove vital.


The Republic Resistance has access to these anti-droid weapons:


EMP Grenade

Ion Grenade

EMP Launcher

Droid Buster

Bomblet Generator


The last two can disable small armies, even droids the size of Hailfire vehicles. Using these would swiftly negate the Dark Trooper's single saving grace. As I have said beforehand, RR ground forces can afford heavy casualties whereas the IDD is crippled if they do.

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Seems like it would be the other way around to me, the Clones aren't getting reinforcements, but the IDD can keep producing Dark Troopers, and they have the means to get them planetside via drop pods and the like. Edited by Beniboybling
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Again however the Jet packs themselves aren't the primary aid here, it is the EMP Launcher that will prove vital.


The Republic Resistance has access to these anti-droid weapons:


EMP Grenade

Ion Grenade

EMP Launcher

Droid Buster

Bomblet Generator


The last two can disable small armies, even droids the size of Hailfire vehicles. Using these would swiftly negate the Dark Trooper's single saving grace. As I have said beforehand, RR ground forces can afford heavy casualties whereas the IDD is crippled if they do.


Except there are a few glaring issues with all of these weapons.


EMP Grenade - The most lethal of the Dark Troopers are airborne, making this absolutely useless. As for against PI's, do remember that the Clones rely on electronics quite heavily as well, even for their weaponry. While it wouldn't out right kill clones to use them in close quarters, it might as well since it would disable their weapons and helmet display.


Ion Grenade - Usually a pretty good tool, but runs into the same issue as the first.


EMP Launcher - I admit these should be much more effective, but they tended to have low ammo, slow travel rate, and low clip sizes. Nor are they guarenteed to take out the droids in a single shot. Add to this the chaos of battle, and it is plain to see why they were not terribly common. Against the CIS, blasters were much more versatile and useful.


Droid Buster - This has issues as well, but I need not go into them since the RR lacks the proper missile vehicles.


Bomblet Generator - That would be bombardment. :rolleyes:


Side Note: Beni, I think you meant that the clones aren't getting reinforcements and the Dark Troopers are. They will get more vehicles, sure, but no clones.

Edited by Silenceo
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Maybe Im just a dark trooper fanboy, but I just cant imagine that theyll go down so easilly. They were designed to be the ultimate battle droids, I doubt a simple EMP grenade would suffice to get rid of them. I also really cant believe that noone in that rebel base that the phase 2 dark trooper soloed (forhot the name) would have had the idea to use an EMP weapon.

Besides, now that I think about it, does the RR even know that the phase 2s and 3s are droids?

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Maybe Im just a dark trooper fanboy, but I just cant imagine that theyll go down so easilly. They were designed to be the ultimate battle droids, I doubt a simple EMP grenade would suffice to get rid of them. I also really cant believe that noone in that rebel base that the phase 2 dark trooper soloed (forhot the name) would have had the idea to use an EMP weapon.

Besides, now that I think about it, does the RR even know that the phase 2s and 3s are droids?


I believe it was Talay. Not to mention a single DT aboard a transport with hundreds if not thousands of rebel soldier, was so heavily one sided in the DT's favor that it was merely a massacre with all the rebels dead before they even jumped to hyperspace.


That said, if the DT win the battle where some of their number were hit with ion/emp weaponry, they can be repaired in not too long since it would only be a circuit problem, nothing to do with the Phrik.


Besides, the part that really blows the EMP/Ion weaponry to ineffectiveness, is that they simply know nothing at all about the Dark Troopers, nor is there ANY way at all for them to learn about them other than through combat.


As for all the other arguments... meh I leave those to someone else as I am quite exhausted today.


Side Note: heck, due to their lack of information, they might even assume the PI is organic due to its name. Which of course would be instantly dispelled on its sighting, but still something to note that is likely. After all, they are called "Dark Troopers" which might lead the clones to suspect, along with the phase number, that they are just elite units or some such. I mean, the clones had their armor labeled in phases so they might just assume it is the same here. The simple fact is that until contact is made the RR will have not a single clue what the hell a Dark Trooper is, nor do the leadership have past experience with them, nor were any of them close friends on Kyle Katarn if i recall.


After Thought: Do recall the Commerce Guild has access to repair droids and can either send them via drop pods, or have them constructed with the local Corellian factories which would be able to produce many in a short time.

Edited by Silenceo
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Seems like it would be the other way around to me, the Clones aren't getting reinforcements, but the IDD can keep producing Dark Troopers, and they have the means to get them planetside via drop pods and the like.


No they can't, Ice Station Beta and Arc Hammer were specifically designed with Dark Trooper production in mind, the Commerce Guild has neither of these. They also have no way of getting Phrik supplies, all of the known Phrik mines throughout the galaxy were privatised by the Galactic Empire. You cannot build Dark Troopers without the capacity to do so.


The entire of the Galactic Empire was only capable of building them in a limited number despite the resources at it's disposal. If the most powerful Galactic power in the history of the galaxy couldn't mass-produce them then the Commrrce Guild with one planet definitely isn't.


No Phrik, no facilities, no Dark Troopers.

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Except there are a few glaring issues with all of these weapons.


EMP Grenade - The most lethal of the Dark Troopers are airborne, making this absolutely useless. As for against PI's, do remember that the Clones rely on electronics quite heavily as well, even for their weaponry. While it wouldn't out right kill clones to use them in close quarters, it might as well since it would disable their weapons and helmet display.


Ion Grenade - Usually a pretty good tool, but runs into the same issue as the first.


EMP Launcher - I admit these should be much more effective, but they tended to have low ammo, slow travel rate, and low clip sizes. Nor are they guarenteed to take out the droids in a single shot. Add to this the chaos of battle, and it is plain to see why they were not terribly common. Against the CIS, blasters were much more versatile and useful.


Droid Buster - This has issues as well, but I need not go into them since the RR lacks the proper missile vehicles.


Bomblet Generator - That would be bombardment. :rolleyes:


Side Note: Beni, I think you meant that the clones aren't getting reinforcements and the Dark Troopers are. They will get more vehicles, sure, but no clones.


Except only P2s have jetpacks, these grenades are meant to deal with P1s, the largest number of DTs you have.


An issue that is nonexistent when the P2s aren't the ones having them thrown at them.


When fired en masse this won't be a problem, the launchers can be fired simultaneously.


Marshall Commander Cody and Mace Windu both had LAAT Gunships, KDY thus has the schematics to produce them.


No it isn't, a bomblet generator is capable of producing high yield energy bombs with the magnitude to level small armies of droids. The UT-ATs have these generators and all the Clones will need to do is plant them.

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Maybe Im just a dark trooper fanboy, but I just cant imagine that theyll go down so easilly. They were designed to be the ultimate battle droids, I doubt a simple EMP grenade would suffice to get rid of them. I also really cant believe that noone in that rebel base that the phase 2 dark trooper soloed (forhot the name) would have had the idea to use an EMP weapon.

Besides, now that I think about it, does the RR even know that the phase 2s and 3s are droids?


This makes a whole host of assumptions:


1.The Dark Trooper was designed with the ability to be impervious to blasters and the likes, which is great and all, but I have yet to see any quote stating they are impervious to Ion/EMP weapons. Which by the way were far out of use so farafter the Clone Wars.


2.The Rebels didn't have those weapons as standard equipment and the ones that would have would be elite troops, not the average rabble.


3.They know basic information about everything besides allies, meankng they would know off the bat that DTs were heavy droid troopers of the Galactic Empire. Then Republic Intelligence does it's job and digs up further information.

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No they can't, Ice Station Beta and Arc Hammer were specifically designed with Dark Trooper production in mind, the Commerce Guild has neither of these. They also have no way of getting Phrik supplies, all of the known Phrik mines throughout the galaxy were privatised by the Galactic Empire. You cannot build Dark Troopers without the capacity to do so.


The entire of the Galactic Empire was only capable of building them in a limited number despite the resources at it's disposal. If the most powerful Galactic power in the history of the galaxy couldn't mass-produce them then the Commrrce Guild with one planet definitely isn't.


No Phrik, no facilities, no Dark Troopers.


Incorrect. Not going to go dig up the rules, but suffice to say the Commerce Guild is well enough equipped to produce them with their factories on Sullust. Something about only the class of unit or some such.


As for Phrik, you seem to forget who you are refering to. :rolleyes: The Commerce Guild if I recall was quite wealthy, but more importantly, had heavy mining operations across the galaxy.


As for the GE not being able to mass produce them, I feel as if you haven't read about Dark Troopers AT ALL with that phrase... That was their entire plan. The only reason they had not been already during Dark Forces was that they were only just finishing the experimentation phase of the final product. Dark Trooper armor was intended to be the next gen storm trooper armor, and even if it is only elite units, that is still quite easily within kaggath perimeters.


To recap:


- They have the facilities

- They have the phrik

- They have the will, they can rebuild them, faster, stronger, smar- wait... Wrong line. :p


The end goal of the Dark Trooper project WAS to mass produce them, that is like saying the AT-AT would be exceedingly rare since during the Clone Wars it was in its experimental phase and it got shut down due to issues it had, only to be revived during the reign of the GE and to be made one of their most iconic ground vehicles.


Though if you are going to try and push the *the Empire owns all the mines!* angle, I advise you to check the leadership, and then the name, and then its entire purpose... They will have access to the raw materials...

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I believe it was Talay. Not to mention a single DT aboard a transport with hundreds if not thousands of rebel soldier, was so heavily one sided in the DT's favor that it was merely a massacre with all the rebels dead before they even jumped to hyperspace.


That said, if the DT win the battle where some of their number were hit with ion/emp weaponry, they can be repaired in not too long since it would only be a circuit problem, nothing to do with the Phrik.


Besides, the part that really blows the EMP/Ion weaponry to ineffectiveness, is that they simply know nothing at all about the Dark Troopers, nor is there ANY way at all for them to learn about them other than through combat.


As for all the other arguments... meh I leave those to someone else as I am quite exhausted today.


Side Note: heck, due to their lack of information, they might even assume the PI is organic due to its name. Which of course would be instantly dispelled on its sighting, but still something to note that is likely. After all, they are called "Dark Troopers" which might lead the clones to suspect, along with the phase number, that they are just elite units or some such. I mean, the clones had their armor labeled in phases so they might just assume it is the same here. The simple fact is that until contact is made the RR will have not a single clue what the hell a Dark Trooper is, nor do the leadership have past experience with them, nor were any of them close friends on Kyle Katarn if i recall.


After Thought: Do recall the Commerce Guild has access to repair droids and can either send them via drop pods, or have them constructed with the local Corellian factories which would be able to produce many in a short time.


A basic rule of the Kaggath is that the RR already knows basic information about everything in the IDD bar the allies, basic information being heavily armoured droid shock troops used by the Galactic Empire. The RI can dig up further information directly from Corellia and the IDD. The Clones are fully capable of using their anti-droid weapons for said combat and when they realise the large disparity in effectiveness between weapons then KDY and factories on Corellia can begin mass producing them for the rest of the battle.

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Incorrect. I'm not going to go dig up the rules, but suffice to say the Commerce Guild is well enough equipped to produce them with their factories on Sullust. Something about only the class of unit or some such.


As for Phrik, you seem to forget who you are refering to. :rolleyes: The Commerce Guild if I recall was quite wealthy, but more importantly, had heavy mining operations across the galaxy.


As for the GE not being able to mass produce them, I feel as if you haven't read about Dark Troopers AT ALL with that phrase... That was their entire plan. The only reason they had not been already during Dark Forces was that they were only just finishing the experimentation phase of the final product. Dark Trooper armor was intended to be the next gen storm trooper armor, and even if it is only elite units, that is still quite easily within kaggath perimeters.


To recap:


- They have the facilities

- They have the phrik

- They have the will, they can rebuild them, faster, stronger, smar- wait... Wrong line. :p


The end goal of the Dark Trooper project WAS to mass produce them, that is like saying the AT-AT would be exceedingly rare since during the Clone Wars it was in its experimental phase and it got shut down due to issues it had, only to be revived during the reign of the GE and to be made one of their most iconic ground vehicles.


Though if you are going to try and push the *the Empire owns all the mines!* angle, I advise you to check the leadership, and then the name, and then its entire purpose... They will have access to the raw materials...


Did the Empire mass-produce them or not? No they didn't because they never reached that phase of production. I have played Dark Forces countless times and the entire objective is to stop the project before it enters it's final phase.


That would be like me stating that KDY has the over-all capabilities to make Clone Troopers just because I have the unit, it's completely beyond the realm of intention for the rules. I don't have cloning facilities nor do you have Dark Trooper facilities. Seriously, if it was as easy as you claim it wouldn't taken Rom Mohc most of his career to even attempt it.

I find this pretty funny however that you wave off the difficulties in creating DTs without the capacity to do so after the entire of the IDD support tried to claim I can't build anything for my army for this mistakened belief that Kuat doesn't have the capability when it actually have four country sized factories on the orbital array alone.


Except it is a known fact that the Empire personally took over all of said mines and blocked the spread of such slloys into the blackmarket, it is far from just 'an angle'. How would the Commerce Guild have any access to such supplies?

Furthermore the IDD is not the Galactic Empire and definitely doesn't own what the Empire as a whole did.


I won't even get started on the fact that the Empire didn't even build as many P3s as the IDD has right now.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Except only P2s have jetpacks, these grenades are meant to deal with P1s, the largest number of DTs you have.


An issue that is nonexistent when the P2s aren't the ones having them thrown at them.


When fired en masse this won't be a problem, the launchers can be fired simultaneously.


Marshall Commander Cody and Mace Windu both had LAAT Gunships, KDY thus has the schematics to produce them.


No it isn't, a bomblet generator is capable of producing high yield energy bombs with the magnitude to level small armies of droids. The UT-ATs have these generators and all the Clones will need to do is plant them.


At times I hate the wiki and EaW, since they both say that PI's had a mini pack of sorts to increase the velocity of its strikes and movement speed, but source books say it does not. Bah. That said, the PIII's have jet packs as well. Nor would the PI's just blindly be rushing towards the clones from a long stretch of open terrain. As previously stated, they are likely to be used only in ambushes where they basically begin in melee range. Ion or not, dropping any type of grenade at your feet is a bad idea...


Well, fun fact, PII and PIII are also known to have quite a few high quality grenades of their own if they get bored of using their cannons that one shot things... *The blaster bolts are the strength of a walker's cannon, and rapid fire...*


Except the clones do not have EMP launchers en mass. Most definitely not in the beginning. The RR would only have EMP launchers for their jet troopers, which is a relatively small amount, not would they exactly be hard to spot.


You actually do NOT have LAAT Gunships, since that is a Rothana product as listed on its wiki page.Nor does it matter if Mace Windu or Commander Cody has used them before, as they are not suppliers. If that was the case, can I have those super epic flying B2's and cortosis battle droids since I have Trench? :rolleyes: /sarcasm


They could make use of the 'Trident' variant which had these, true, but they simply would not come with the starting forces. Perhaps with reinforcements that come, sure, but even then there are issues. Such as if trying to use them as projectiles, I repeat, this is a city and angering the populace is not too polite. If you mean the clones will pick up the bombs and plant them, then they could easily be ambushed and stopped since a bomb of that size would not be easily moved. No matter what way you slice it, unless the UT-AT is close to the action and thus in danger, these EMP bombs will not really play a factor. Not to mention all it would take is for a single PII to hover over and shoot a few missiles at it to eliminate those bombs.


That said, was re-reading the wiki page of dark troopers and found this which really helps the IDD's ground strategy.


"Squads of the dark troopers were characteristically deployed alongside the standard Imperial stormtroopers and the Imperial Army regulars in battles to add their distinctive advantage. They used their advanced combat techniques and jetpacks to drop behind enemy lines or outflank enemy positions, contributing to the overall effectiveness of battle maneuvers by creating havoc amongst their foes.


They were equipped with specialized assault cannons, which were modifications on the Imperial repeaters, rather than the standard E-11 blaster rifle; they were also issued additional fragmentation grenades, thermal detonators, and concussion grenades. Dark troopers wore dark gray armor made of the nearly indestructible metal phrik, mined on the moon Gromas 16. In addition to providing superior protection against enemy fire including energy weapons such as lightsabers, the armor was equipped with acceleration compensators to allow a soldier inside to endure the extreme maneuvers the unit was designed to perform."


In other words, they were designed for exactly this sort of warfare and programmed as thus. Something I feel that is being overlooked is the fact that unlike most droids, PII and PIII are actually intelligent. The PI not nearly as much, but they don't really need to be either.

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A basic rule of the Kaggath is that the RR already knows basic information about everything in the IDD bar the allies, basic information being heavily armoured droid shock troops used by the Galactic Empire. The RI can dig up further information directly from Corellia and the IDD. The Clones are fully capable of using their anti-droid weapons for said combat and when they realise the large disparity in effectiveness between weapons then KDY and factories on Corellia can begin mass producing them for the rest of the battle.


if I recall, there is also a rule regarding if units were top secret or such, their opposition would know basically nothing about them. The Dark Trooper project fits that bill to the letter, if I recall, it was actually brought up by someone else in the IDD's first match against the Empire of Plagues.


Nor would they know that they are all droids, as it could also just be armor/exosuit. The fact of the matter is, is that there is absolutely no way for the RR to know about what the Dark Troopers really are other than these basic things that the rules might provide:


- Dangerous as hell

- Rapid Fire

- Top Secret GE unit

- Tougher than most


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Did the Empire mass-produce them or not? No they didn't because they never reached that phase of production. I have played Dark Forces countless times and the entire objective is to stop the project before it enters it's final phase.


That would be like me stating that KDY has the over-all capabilities to make Clone Troopers just because I have the unit, it's completely beyond the realm of intention for the rules. I don't have cloning facilities nor do you have Dark Trooper facilities. Seriously, if it was as easy as you claim it wouldn't taken Rom Mohc most of his career to even attempt it.

I find this pretty funny however that you wave off the difficulties in creating DTs without the capacity to do so after the entire of the IDD support tried to claim I can't build anything for my army for this mistakened belief that Kuat doesn't have the capability when it actually have four country sized factories on the orbital array alone.


Except it is a known fact that the Empire personally took over all of said mines and blocked the spread of such slloys into the blackmarket, it is far from just 'an angle'. How would the Commerce Guild have any access to such supplies?

Furthermore the IDD is not the Galactic Empire and definitely doesn't own what the Empire as a whole did.


I won't even get started on the fact that the Empire didn't even build as many P3s as the IDD has right now.


Producing Clones =//////= Producing Dark Troopers.


The only thing special in the making of the Dark Troopers, is the shaping of the phrik. That is it. Clone Troopers, you have to grow, have cloning on one of your planets, and maybe another factor or two. The fact of the matter is that Sullust does indeed have factories, and the IDD does have the materials it needs, thus it can create its droid soldiers.


Unless there is a method I have yet to hear, you can not create clones in a vehicle factory. :eek:


As for the production of units from Kuat, it is still BS in my opinion since those factories were exclusively used to create components for Star Ships from the raw materials they imported. As I have said though I have stopped trying to take that from the RR since that would be a bit unfair, since in theory it is possible just not likely. Claiming that the IDD can not use the droid factories they have to make droids, albeit extremely tough and expensive droids, is a completely different story.


They are fitted to construct things of this sort. They have the schematics. They have the means. There is literally nothing stopping them from producing the Dark Troopers.


As for why they were only produced aboard the Arc Hammer during the game and story arc, is quite simply, because they were a top secret project that the Empire did not want getting sabotaged or turned against them. If they had entered the production phase, they very well could of produced them in other high quality factories. Heck, from what I have seen of the Arc Hammer's factory within its bowls, it looks just like any other droid factory...


Side Note: As for Rom Mohc, it did not actually take him the majority of his career to get the facilities... It actually happened basically over night. Yes, he over saw the Phase 0 implementation before it was canceled. Yes, he petitioned for the project to proceed. No, it did not take any noted effort to make the facilities capable of producing them. Quite literally from what we have, it almost looks like Rom got the approval and started immediately. The majority of his career was in fact during the Clone Wars or serving as general in the GE. Not producing Dark Troopers, which was just the tail end of his career. I will say however that throughout his entire life he studied droids and weaknesses, what worked, what didn't all through history. That though has nothing to do with the production facilities themselves.

Edited by Silenceo
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At times I hate the wiki and EaW, since they both say that PI's had a mini pack of sorts to increase the velocity of its strikes and movement speed, but source books say it does not. Bah. That said, the PIII's have jet packs as well. Nor would the PI's just blindly be rushing towards the clones from a long stretch of open terrain. As previously stated, they are likely to be used only in ambushes where they basically begin in melee range. Ion or not, dropping any type of grenade at your feet is a bad idea...


Well, fun fact, PII and PIII are also known to have quite a few high quality grenades of their own if they get bored of using their cannons that one shot things... *The blaster bolts are the strength of a walker's cannon, and rapid fire...*


Except the clones do not have EMP launchers en mass. Most definitely not in the beginning. The RR would only have EMP launchers for their jet troopers, which is a relatively small amount, not would they exactly be hard to spot.


You actually do NOT have LAAT Gunships, since that is a Rothana product as listed on its wiki page.Nor does it matter if Mace Windu or Commander Cody has used them before, as they are not suppliers. If that was the case, can I have those super epic flying B2's and cortosis battle droids since I have Trench? :rolleyes: /sarcasm


They could make use of the 'Trident' variant which had these, true, but they simply would not come with the starting forces. Perhaps with reinforcements that come, sure, but even then there are issues. Such as if trying to use them as projectiles, I repeat, this is a city and angering the populace is not too polite. If you mean the clones will pick up the bombs and plant them, then they could easily be ambushed and stopped since a bomb of that size would not be easily moved. No matter what way you slice it, unless the UT-AT is close to the action and thus in danger, these EMP bombs will not really play a factor. Not to mention all it would take is for a single PII to hover over and shoot a few missiles at it to eliminate those bombs.


That said, was re-reading the wiki page of dark troopers and found this which really helps the IDD's ground strategy.


"Squads of the dark troopers were characteristically deployed alongside the standard Imperial stormtroopers and the Imperial Army regulars in battles to add their distinctive advantage. They used their advanced combat techniques and jetpacks to drop behind enemy lines or outflank enemy positions, contributing to the overall effectiveness of battle maneuvers by creating havoc amongst their foes.


They were equipped with specialized assault cannons, which were modifications on the Imperial repeaters, rather than the standard E-11 blaster rifle; they were also issued additional fragmentation grenades, thermal detonators, and concussion grenades. Dark troopers wore dark gray armor made of the nearly indestructible metal phrik, mined on the moon Gromas 16. In addition to providing superior protection against enemy fire including energy weapons such as lightsabers, the armor was equipped with acceleration compensators to allow a soldier inside to endure the extreme maneuvers the unit was designed to perform."


In other words, they were designed for exactly this sort of warfare and programmed as thus. Something I feel that is being overlooked is the fact that unlike most droids, PII and PIII are actually intelligent. The PI not nearly as much, but they don't really need to be either.


P1s need to engage in combat or the heavy weapons fire in this match is going to absolutely annihilate IDD positions with impunity. The RR can highly fortify their position in the larger plazas, which are the most strategically valuable places in these cities. It's a repetition of the Third System's favourite tactic, to capture enemy positions and then heavily fortify them as they slowly move forward. So unless the IDD is just sitting on incorporation island the entire time then they have to engage in mass combat, otherwise the RR gains free factories.


No not in the beginning but what is effectively a glorified rifle is easily mass-producable and will be supplied in the hundreds to the Third Army. Once this starts happening then the RR numbers advantage becomes effective.


Each character can provide a personal vehicle in a Kaggath, both Cody and Mace had gunships, this will provide KDY with the means to produce more, the rules state that a supplier can produce more of what it's faction already has, thus LAAT gunships are producable in this instance.


There is no trident variant of the UT-AT, the UT-AT was one vehicle that was nicknamed the trident due to it's three main weapons forming a trident shape. Each UT-AT uses this generator to power it, as the vehicle will be used in this Kaggath as a frontline mobile artillery piece then we definitely have a useful weapon here.


I already knew this, the difference here is that this is an army of Clones specialised in large scale siege warfare and used their paratroopers, namely the 2nd Airborne Company to do exactly the same thing. Meaning they also know precisely what counters to use in this battle.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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That said, was re-reading the wiki page of dark troopers and found this which really helps the IDD's ground strategy.


They used their advanced combat techniques and jetpacks to drop behind enemy lines or outflank enemy positions, contributing to the overall effectiveness of battle maneuvers by creating havoc amongst their foes.


They were equipped with specialized assault cannons, which were modifications on the Imperial repeaters, rather than the standard E-11 blaster rifle; they were also issued additional fragmentation grenades, thermal detonators, and concussion grenades.


All this = BS, but none of this is sourced nor stated anywhere. Besides with their weaponry, there is literally no need for them to have grenades when they have a comparable damage output to a walker.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Concerning the production of dark troopers, as a mining corporation I think it only seems fair that they would be able to acquire operations on Phrik rich sites such as Gromas 16. These were owned by the Empire yes but for the purposes of the Kaggath the Empire does not exist, so there is nothing to stop the Commerce Guild acquiring them.


However the limited amount of Phrik in the galaxy means if this facility was attacked, it could stunt production. That said Lady raises a fair point that the Commerce Guild don't necessarily have the facilities to produce battle droids.

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Concerning the production of dark troopers, as a mining corporation I think it only seems fair that they would be able to acquire operations on Phrik rich sites such as Gromas 16. These were owned by the Empire yes but for the purposes of the Kaggath the Empire does not exist, so there is nothing to stop the Commerce Guild acquiring them.


However the limited amount of Phrik in the galaxy means if this facility was attacked, it could stunt production. That said Lady raises a fair point that the Commerce Guild don't necessarily have the facilities to produce battle droids.


Except Sullust does have the facilities to produce droids... :confused:


As for Gromas 16, will have to learn about the DT project first which would prove difficult due to the circumstances surrounding the project and its secrecy.


Hope the source on this is good... Since I don't trust the pod racing one. :p


"Forced into desperation, Sullustans began building secret underground facilities closer to the planet's core. Products created in those facilities were secretly smuggled offworld and sold in open market.[13]"


Side Note: This part is likely incorrect, but Soro Suub is only listed to be located on Sullust, and they have multiple droid designs that were used for combat, as well as ground vehicles, not to mention that on the Sullust page droids is listed as one of their main exports as well as there being mentions of the factories on the planets surface. Not quite sure why they would be unable to produce battle droids or their vehicles since they have done such before, after all, just needs to be the class.

Edited by Silenceo
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Except Sullust does have the facilities to produce droids... :confused:


As for Gromas 16, will have to learn about the DT project first which would prove difficult due to the circumstances surrounding the project and its secrecy.


Hope the source on this is good... Since I don't trust the pod racing one. :p


"Forced into desperation, Sullustans began building secret underground facilities closer to the planet's core. Products created in those facilities were secretly smuggled offworld and sold in open market.[13]"


Yes that is true.


Also SoroSubb products are produced on Sullest with the factories there.


In fact the Sorosubb HQ is there and also the Sorosubb Research & Development which includes]


- Alt theories of hyperdrive development


- Mass mind control


- Droid Nanotech


- Force powered astrogation computers.


Sullest does produce droids, starships, computers and hyperdrive/astrogation tech.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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