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Kaggath Battlegrounds Final: Republic Resistance vs Imperial Droid Division


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The Jet Troopers will be of much greater number, furthermore they have air support and regular Clones will be supplied with EMP Launchers as well. Not to mention other ion weaponry and vehicle support.


There will not be anywhere near more than 128 Jet Troopers. In fact, if you want Jet Trooper's that's probably the largest number you should be allowed.

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There will not be anywhere near more than 128 Jet Troopers. In fact, if you want Jet Trooper's that's probably the largest number you should be allowed.


Jet Troopers were the fourth most common trooper behind Regular, Scout & Heavy Trooper in the GAR, with 2,300 being applied here I would assume a healthy 200 or so Jet Troopers


You seem to be assuming these are as rare as Blaze Troopers or some such when they really aren't at all. If something lile a Blaze is considered rare I would classify Jet Troopers as uncommon.

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So my sub runs out on the 29th so beyond that I will be unable to argue further for the RR, I have posted some very well researched and planned out pieces over the last few pages that people can build off of until my return on the 14th.


Namely these ones:


Corellian support:


Armand Isard fought CIS propaganda for years successfully and was capsble of cleaning the HoloNet entirely of CIS influences. He was exceptionally good at removing senators from office on legal charges such as corruption or digging up their dirty laundry. On Corellia he will be able to micro-manage the political and corporate arenas here and turn opinion towards pro-RR stances. Simultaneously he will be able to stamp out any IDD propaganda be it via the HoloNet or CoroNet.


Mace Windu was the most highly renowed and fiercest diplomat in the Jedi Order, he was on all of Palpatine's (and Valorum before him) meetings and councils and was exceptionally good at swaying nuetral star systems to the Galactic Republic throughout his lengthy career. In this capacity he would be an excellent choice for swaying political and corporate leaders alike to the RR's side.


Corellia has a strong history of pro-Republic stances, when the New Order came into effect Corellia suffered planet wide protests and rioting, the people were so dead against the Empire that Palpatine himself had to bow to a deal that kept Corellia free of Imperial mandates. This is just one of the deals the IDD breaks in this matter.


Corellian corporations competed against CIS corporations for over a century and they became fierce rivals, the presence of the Commerce Guild and CIS forces on the IDD's side will immediately strain any relationship they may have.


Corellian corporations were dealt crippling losses due to Imperial reforms and caused said corporations to leave the system, extremely poor business records on the part of the Imperials. During the reign of the Galactic Republic however Corellian business had never reached greater heights as before the separatist crisis. When the Separatists Crisis came about the Corellians attempted a neutral stance that was violated by the CIS and their economy was seriously damaged due to CIS invasions across the sector, against Duro for example. Further poor business record on hand here for the IDD.


Then we have Corellia's greatest heroes, the New Republic legends Han Solo and Wedge Antilles, those who fought Imperial rule for decades and fought alongside with Nek Bwua'tu, something RR propaganda will be hard at work campaigning.


Then we have CorSec that outright refused Imperial orders and caused so much trouble that the Imperial rulers dissolved it and caused it to go underground, where they became pro-rebel allies. Another Corellian hero was Garm Bel Iblis, one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance and yet another idol from Corellian history to be remembered.


Then we also have the crucial fact that Corellia founded the Galactic Republic, which now fights to aid them.


The support be it civilian, political, law enforcement, or corporate is going to be strongly stanced towards the Republic Resistance.


However Corellia has another factor, an incredibly important factor at that: Smuggling. A major portion of all Corellian business is based in smuggling, Armand Isard and Nek Bwua'tu both maintained strong criminal/smuggling networks behind the scenes and actively created massive opportunity for both sides. Under the Republic smuggling was far easier a life style than it was under the Galactic Empire, which caused countless smugglers to support and even sign up for the Alliance to restore the Republic.


On the business end of things the Republic Resistance is supported by the largest production company in galactic history, it also holds Coruscant which is the center of business and trade in the galaxy. An endless amount of credits for those who take the right side.


Concerning Coruscant, there will be major political, law, economic and military allies in the Republic senate that Corellia can turn to and contact.


Corellia at this point may as well be an RR planet that the IDD is invading, the support the Resistance can gain here will be enormous and crucial in the victory taken here.


Space superiority:


Concerning the space battle I was considering Nek taking a purely defensive stance over Corellia, turning the system and it's many stations/shipyards into a plausible kill zone, this would be accomplished in this fashion:


-Place heavy weapon vehicles on as many stations/satellites as possible, as well as UT-ATs.

-Resupply the fleet with gravity mines and place them across the system, making a hyperspace jump out impossible for Trench.

-Replenish Ioniser squadrons to disable enemy capital ships.

-Create multi-layered firing solutions between space stations and shipyards around the system.

-Use secret installments such as the Kiris Shipyards as staging areas for Nek's beloved ambushes.

-Nek employs the Thrawn Pincer Movement against Trench, this will be accomplished by using the gravity mines activated by Trench's fleet and use those gravity wells as the jump points. Said jump can be calculated by the advanced R7 Astromech droids which were designed for precisely these high-risk moves.

-Nek uses the 220-SIG jamming sensors among the minefield to disrupt enemy droid communications.

-Nek transforms stations into long-range weapons platforms.


One tactic I considered was that Nek could send an Acclamator, furnished with high grade explosives, colliding into the Praetor using the Thrawn Pincer Movement, this would almost certainly annihilate the flagship and massively shift space superiority. That at the loss of one support ship is a bargain deal.


He has around two to three weeks to prepare all of this and plan a very elaborate battle out here, by going on the defensive he can exploit his greater tactical and strategical ability to the maximum and finish Trench once and for all.


Ground Forces:


Clone Trooper infantry typical wore the battle hardened Phase II Battle Armor that in some places was impervious to blaster fire, the standard weapons of Clones the DC-15A Blaster Rifle had a range of 10 kilometers when attached with a tripod, a fearsome advantage against melee orientated forces. A deadlier weapon in the GAR was the Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon, a gatling version of the DC-15 that could fire up to 166 blaster bolts per second at a target.


Other equipment used by the GAR included the Merr-Sonn*V-1 thermal detonator,*LXR-6*concussion grenades,*V-6 haywire grenades, and*electro magnetic pulse grenades. A defensive physical blast shield was often employed to remain protected whilst advancing against CIS positions.


The Clones also had specialised attachments to each regiment including:


-Flame Troopers, whom as the name suggests were anti-infantry flame thrower users.

-Blaze Troopers, heavily armed and armoured with wrist mounted flame throwers, very heavy armor and jet packs meant to burn alive entire squads.

-Jet Troopers, these troopers used jet packs and grenade launchers to rain grenades on passer-bys

-Anti-air Clone Troopers whom used specailised missiles to destroy air targets

-Clone Snipers whom targeted high profile opponents.

-Scout Troopers who went out on recon missions and sometimes deployed traps.

-Heavy Troopers whom specailised in heavy anti-vehicle weaponry.


The following is what I could dig up about the Third System Army specifically:

The Third Systems Army maintained a larger than average disposition towards specailised troopers as they were geared towards sieges both on the offensive and defensive, because they could not always rely on heavy armour to support them, heavy weapons such as grenade launchers, missile launchers and flamethrowers were typical weapons in each squad and much of the regular infantry were replaced with the highly trained paratroopers especially Cody's own 212, experts at long range with the DC-15A Blaster Rifle.


The most famous attachments in the Third Systems Army was Ghost Company of the 212th Attack Battalion, the company led by Marshall Commander Cody personally. A unit that performed exceptionally in special operations missions against specific targets.


The Grand Army of the Reoublic regularly employed an array of EMP weaponry against CIS forces, something they had excessive experience with, main examples of these weapons included but are not limited to:


1.EMP Grenades: With a range of three meters these grenades could knock out groups of battle droids abd were standard issue weapons for the Grand Army of the Republic. Clone Jet Troopers used their jet packs to propel themselves above battle droid groups and disable them before their kin overran CIS positions.


2.EMP Launchers: The primary weapon of Clone Jet Troopers, these powerful weapons could not only disable droids but destroy internal circuitry and even csuse them to explode with the sheer intensity of the EMP itself.


3.Droid Buster: These powerful missiles were capable of knocking out every droid in a 50 meter radius, including even Hailfire vehicles. An extremely powerful EMP that can take out small formations of droids with each blast.


These weapons would be extremely effective in disabling and destroying Dark Troopers of all manner in short order, an excellent counter to the Dark Trooper's phrik armor and negates the main enemy ground advantage. Such weapons would become the primary weaponry of all Clones in this battle, within a day massive stocks of these weapons could be deployed and used against IDD forces.


The HAVw A6 Juggernaut was an exteemrly well-armed and armoured vehicle with speed of up to 200KPH and firepower enough to obliterate a small unshielded target with nuclear level force. A multi-role vehicle with ability to assert the roles of ground assault vanguard, hit-and-run attacker, mobile anti-air unit and mobile command base.


The Unstable-Terrain Artillery Transport was an adaptation of the AT-TE and replaced walker legs with repulsor mechsnism, with artillery-class firepower and range combined with it's sbility to traverse anything imcluding sheer vertical climbs this is a highly adaptable vehicle. The secret weapon of this vehicle is it's Bomblet Generator which has immense destructive Ion force and is capable of disabling small armies of droids and wrecking them.


The XR-85 Tank Droid started out as a tank with similar size to the AT-PT, a small tracked tank that used the brain of an R7 Astromech Droid and maintained no crew. With a heavy particle cannon capable of levelling buildings and vaporising squads of troops across a small area.


Dealing with IG-88:


In a previous Kaggath match the following took place:


"She spun round to face her nearest Neo-crusader captain so fast that her copper hair flicked over her shoulder, her stalwart emerald eyes unflinching as she gave the command. "Prepare the fleet for a micro jump on my command, stealth the Solo and move in"


From far across the void of space, Bwua'tu studied his enemies fleet, no time for delay, he ordered his fleet into a spearhead position, with the Bellator taking the lead to absorb any hits it could.*

"We do not need to push the attack, word has just come in from Intelligence, the Solo has stealthed and presumably is moving into position for an ambush, hold the fort. We will attack should Chancellor Sunrider need air support on the Dark lord's side of the planet, no sooner. Send word to Kuat, I want any stealth detectors they can muster now.

Prepare all cruisers, keep them on standby. I don't know who that commander is, but we must be ready for anything."


Meaning Nek's fleet have already installed CGTs and will remember what happened before as stated in Rule #9, Nek also knows somehow that the Imperious was hacked and controlled from within and the culprits are still at large, using the CGTs to scan the area would be common sense and as that happens the IG-2000 will be caught and destroyed immediately.

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One important thing is: will both suppliers use/be able to use their entire production capabilities to produce reinforcements, because realistically both suppliers could probably produce armies ten times the size of the starting ground forces in a day or so.

Beni could you please answer this, as it is sorta really important.

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Why do you think Correllian business like Corellian Engineering Corporation would work with Kuat?They were huge Rivals for Republic contracts.The biggest Company on the planet won't work with you then,no other company on Correllia will side with the RR since no one wants to deal with the Backlash of siding against them.
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Jet Troopers were the fourth most common trooper behind Regular, Scout & Heavy Trooper in the GAR, with 2,300 being applied here I would assume a healthy 200 or so Jet Troopers


You seem to be assuming these are as rare as Blaze Troopers or some such when they really aren't at all. If something lile a Blaze is considered rare I would classify Jet Troopers as uncommon.


What's the source on that? I've been looking through whatever guides I have to help me make a post on the ground forces, and I've found statements that contradict than in it's entirety, kinda confused now.

Feel like that's a guide I need to check out as well...

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Why do you think Correllian business like Corellian Engineering Corporation would work with Kuat?They were huge Rivals for Republic contracts.The biggest Company on the planet won't work with you then,no other company on Correllia will side with the RR since no one wants to deal with the Backlash of siding against them.


Kuat and CEC have a lot of joint design products throughout both of their lengthy company records but arguing that because they were industry rivals means CEC would side against them is frankly asinine. Do you have any idea how many shipyards were contracted to the Republic? Far more than two.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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What's the source on that? I've been looking through whatever guides I have to help me make a post on the ground forces, and I've found statements that contradict than in it's entirety, kinda confused now.

Feel like that's a guide I need to check out as well...


Truly? I ssked my friend to check his TCW guides for info and that is what he states. I thought it quite sound considering how many times they appear in TCW and OCW themselves. If you have a contradictory source then I'm grnuinely curious to hear it. Not that this really matters in the first place.

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Truly? I ssked my friend to check his TCW guides for info and that is what he states. I thought it quite sound considering how many times they appear in TCW and OCW themselves. If you have a contradictory source then I'm grnuinely curious to hear it. Not that this really matters in the first place.


Which guide is it? I'm genuinely curious because I think those troopers are awesome, and would really love it if they were more common. I can get access to most of the guides, so find out which one it is. Could be future Kaggath ideas, you know? :D

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You just can't help but troll all of my Kaggath matches can you? your obsession with me is cute.


For people relevant to this thread my friend said:


"Eh, not a whole lot beyond what's in BF2, supposedly fourth most common Clone specialisation."

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You just can't help but troll all of my Kaggath matches can you? your obsession with me is cute.


For people relevant to this thread my friend said:


"Eh, not a whole lot beyond what's in BF2, supposedly fourth most common Clone specialisation."


Oh? So it's in Battlefront 2?

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You just can't help but troll all of my Kaggath matches can you? your obsession with me is cute.


For people relevant to this thread my friend said:


"Eh, not a whole lot beyond what's in BF2, supposedly fourth most common Clone specialisation."


Considering the fact that BF2 only has 5 types of clone soldiers period makes it an unreliable source for saying which troops are most common. Otherwise Clone Commanders would be the fifth most common troop type in the GAR.

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Yeah I'm not exactly keen with trusting BF 2 game mechanics, otherwise all the elite classes would be most common in all the factions which is just weird.


Oddly enough, I always did best with the standard trooper... :o Just so versatile! :D


Also, this is why I asked for ratio's of specialized per platoon. :(

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Even without BF2, Clone Troopers appear a lot more frequently in OCW/TCW than you would think, I've counted 12 appearances so far.


It's all a moot point though, the weapon the Jet Trooper used not so much the Jet Troopers themselves are what is important here.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Where have they appeared in the shows? Anyone can use a jetpack really and tbh it's noted that Clones are trained in using jetpacks, doesn't make them Jet Troopers.


But yeah, the Jet Troops do use the EMP launcher which is nice.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Eh, not a whole lot beyond what's in BF2, supposedly fourth most common Clone specialisation."


Except that's not true. That trooper is an advanced, unlockable class that requires you to get a certain amount of points (or kills) in order to play as. Generally there are only one or two on the battlefield out of 16 soldiers.


The fourth most common is the Clone Engineer, btw.

Edited by MarcheseAMM
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Is this game play or in one of the sourcebooks?

It is fom the game's coding scripts. I used to mod, and I forget the exact number, but it's generally around 2 soldiers per 16 active soldiers. Note there are only 6 different classes though, not a vast variety of choices and whatnot.


It's all gameplay though, to be honest. I'm not sure how usable it would be in debates.

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