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Kaggath Battlegrounds Final: Republic Resistance vs Imperial Droid Division


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1.For the millionth time RHE is a KDY subsidiary and was subsequently conquered when I beat Star, SPHAs are definitely available.

2.The SPHA has a far greater main weapon than a mass drive cannon. Regardless UT-ATs can and will provide firepower here.

3.What part of dropping out of hyperspace right on top of it at full speed are you missing? When the Vengeance drops in it will trigger gravity mines which attach themselves to it's hull and create gravity wells, by Nek using the Thrawn Pincer Movement(which uses short-range precision jumps right on top of an enemy fleet) he can jump an Acclamator directly into the Vengeance and destroy it.

4.It does when the IG-2000 is destroyed and IG-88 is dusted, if he can't cloak Nek blows him into cosmic wind, that simple. Do remember they have to board first for any of this to work.


1.Wait wasn't Rothana destroyed by Revan last match?I remember someone former supplier was destroyed that match.


2.I know they are more Powerful but that doesn't change my point,They had access to them why didn't they use them?


3.Your right pretty good plan.This is just a question because am not completely sure can't the IG2000 destroy the Gravity wells?


4.Sil plan with IG-88 called for it to be used while your ships were being repaired and before they are upgraded.So how will you stop him before your ships are able to get the upgrades you need to detect him to stop him.

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All there is on the Crystal Gravity Trap's Wiki:


"A crystal gravfield trap (CGT) was a rare and expensive type of sensor that used a synthetic crystal grid to detect and identify fluctuations in the local gravity field. They could be blocked by the presence of mass, not being able to detect a ship on the far side of a planet due to its mass.


CGTs were the only sensor that could reliably detect a ship with an active cloaking device. Bartokk assassins hired by Groodo the Hutt had access to a CGT sensor and thus were able to detect the cloaked Sith Infiltrator of Darth Maul.


When Grand Admiral Thrawn blockaded Coruscant with a number of cloaked asteroids, locating them became a top priority. The New Republic did not possess any CGTs, and so was required to attempt to steal one from the Imperial base at Bilbringi. Garm Bel Iblis had had one before Battle of Svivren, but it became lost.


The LightStealth-18 Reconnaissance Ship, used by the New Republic during the Yuuzhan Vong War, was equipped with such device as part of its sensor array.


The Imperial Remnant had Imperial Patrol Frigates equipped with crystal gravfield traps and used as deep-space probe ships. "


What I don't see, is really any mention of KDY. Heck, the New Republic couldn't get one when they needed it to protect Coruscant... Yet they obviously had more access to them than most considering the Reconnaissance ship, which the RR does not have.


Now, this ship is said to be produced by KDY, which does help the RR, but how rare the CGT is, it is unlikely to be available for a battle that the KDY might view as already over. The only ships that are seen using them though, are ships specifically designed to detect enemies and not meant for combat at all.


Nor are they infallible. Heck, in one of the previous plans it was proposed that IG-88 might hook onto one of the RR ships when they jump in order to tag along, in which case the mass of the Venator would hide the IG-2000 from the CGT.


The point I am getting at, is that the CGT was extremely rare, extremely expensive, not easily installed without sacrifices, and with how the KDY might be persuaded... might not be provided.

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Yeah the events from past matches aren't carrying over, so no Rothana, Rothana for the purposes of this Kaggath does not exist and none of its products are avaliable to either faction, unless they have a proper means of acquiring them. But not Sil that several KDY products were fitted with CGTs, so I think its fair to say that they can provide.


Anyway any thoughts on how each faction might tackle the others ground units? I think a comparison is in order.

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Yeah the events from past matches aren't carrying over, so no Rothana, Rothana for the purposes of this Kaggath does not exist and none of its products are avaliable to either faction, unless they have a proper means of acquiring them. But not Sil that several KDY products were fitted with CGTs, so I think its fair to say that they can provide.


Anyway any thoughts on how each faction might tackle the others ground units? I think a comparison is in order.


In the post about CGT I tried to make it very clear that they had had ships that used them before, however, that modifying an existing vessel with them would be extremely costly. I mean, its one of those things that always tends to be missing when you need it most. :p That, and that the CGT was not specifically a KDY product. So at the very least it would take time to install, since it would have to be shipped and such much like raw materials.


As for not allowing LK access to Rothana blue prints... That I think should actually be given some lee-way for fairness.


Ground vehicles that show up in KDY products:


KV swoop

Undicur-class jumpspeeder


I need not mention what would happen if KDY was only allowed to produce speeders. :eek: Basically, I think that the RR should be allowed to construct the vehicles they have but none others, as they were Rothana's, but at a pace slower than Sullust. This is because they are operating on ground vehicles only due to Arbiter decision. That, and they will still have an advantage of 1-2 weeks of supplies vehicle wise on the IDD due to proximity. That said, once the IDD returns *if they do well against the RR fleet, which by all accounts they should* a blockade would stop shipments from Kuat and flood the IDD with vehicular reinforcements. Droids would of course of been a constant supply 1 week after it began due to hyperspace pods, even more so dark trooper pods which explode!!! :D :D :D


So in summery:


- Allow RR to produce more than speeders for balance

- Sullust produce more than KDY due to arbiter allowances made for KDY

- No access to Rothana blue prints beyond what the RR already possess


I don't feel any of that is too out landish, but I am sure LK will object and try to say that Sullust is inferior to Kuat in vehicle building... some how... *Sigh* Anyways I think it is time for me to just step back so others can do the arguing. :rolleyes:

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I really dont see why KDY should be unable to produce ground vehicles. Juggernaughts, AT-ATs, AT-STs, AT-PTs, AT-APs, UT-ATs and AT-RTs are all produced by KDY.

Because they weren't, they were produced by Rothana. Someone else took Rothana. They were basically two separate companies.

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Because they weren't, they were produced by Rothana. Someone else took Rothana. They were basically two separate companies.

Not as far as I am aware. AT-TEs, AT-AA, SPHAs and LAAT/Is are from Rothana, but the ones I listed are all KDY products afaik.

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Not as far as I am aware. AT-TEs, AT-AA, SPHAs and LAAT/Is are from Rothana, but the ones I listed are all KDY products afaik.


nope, everything made for the Clone Army came out of Rothana.


Maybe the AT lines, but those still have to be built in a factory of which Kuat has none.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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KDY mass-produced four ships with CGTs installed, the idea they couldn't supply a dozen is absurd. Furthermore they were installed two Kaggath matches ago. Why the hell would Nek have them removed? that's PIS if I ever heard it.
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1. Acquire yes, effect here? Not really... Praetor II's armor alone is basically impervious to heavy star fighter weaponry, not to mention its massively powerful shields which the SPHA lasers would have to get through. Also, where would they go exactly? That isn't completely obvious or doesn't just make them another gun on a station?


2. The KDY does not have their schematic, and while it is true Rothana has it, it is questionable for you to have it since it has been questionable that Kuat even has factory's. Pushing for a heavy vehicle like that is... unlikely... to be successful in this situation since Nek has never used this sort of strategy. Only Anakin has to my early morning knowledge.


3. I watched it, and that is a SERIOUS low balling of Munificents besides, where in most other scenes even they are not that utterly terrible. That said, Munificents survivability is laughable compared to the IDD's vessels. Oh, also to note that when they were fired upon in that episode, shields were full front and were hit from behind, and the Munificent has no armor on its rear. Like, at all...


4. Except due to the previous battle he would be expecting a micro-jump when they returned. That and if I recall can't ships use tractor beams to immobilize ships without just drawing them to them? Could of sworn I read that some where... Otherwise I am sure such tactics would of been much more common. Tractor beams, finally finding a use other than catching pesky smugglers. :p


5. Except that they kind of do, they have to have logic circuits in order to operate as they do, and they obviously have to be aware of their surroundings which points to am opening since it obviously doesn't have eyes. Not saying he will hack them, since it is still unlikely for anti-stealth devices to be used. Essentially, they don't even know if the IDD has stealth tech unless IG-88 has already struck and gotten caught, which is itself a hard matter to achieve. Yet if even a single vessel is taken out by IG-88, the IDD has space in the bag.


6. He will find a way... I do not think like a hacker but I am sure there are things he could do. Though those ship yards are likely useless for attack/defense due to all the politics, and seizing them by force would be idiotic.


1.The Praetor is powerful but far from invulnerable, massed firepower would obliterate it just as happened to my Bellator and as almost happened in the first battle here where it was 'castrated' I believe the term was.


2.The Kuat Orbital Array had four factories each the size of decent countries so they most certainly do. That is not even counting the other facilities throughout Kuat Sector.


3.Whilst they won't be damaging the Praetor they can damage the smaller ships at work here.


4.Yet he has no choice but to return unless he wants to lose, in that case he jumps into the gravity mine field and then an Acclamator materialises inside the Vengeance's hull, obliterating both his flagship and himself.


5.Yet the RR has already had them before and in both battles the enemy employed cloaking devices against the RR, there is no reason for Nek to assume that it will not happen here. Furthermore do remember as per the rules that upgrades can be applied in the beginning of the Kaggath by a supplier. Furthermore the destruction of the Imperious had red flags all over it. He faced the Vong Nek isn't an idiot, the likelihood of stealth being applied here is high.


6.The politics involved will be a post I will make later on, sufficed to say this is going to be damned cruel.

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Armand Isard fought CIS propaganda for years successfully and was capsble of cleaning the HoloNet entirely of CIS influences. He was exceptionally good at removing senators from office on legal charges such as corruption or digging up their dirty laundry. On Corellia he will be able to micro-manage the political and corporate arenas here and turn opinion towards pro-RR stances. Simultaneously he will be able to stamp out any IDD propaganda be it via the HoloNet or CoroNet.


Mace Windu was the most highly renowed and fiercest diplomat in the Jedi Order, he was on all of Palpatine's (and Valorum before him) meetings and councils and was exceptionally good at swaying nuetral star systems to the Galactic Republic throughout his lengthy career. In this capacity he would be an excellent choice for swaying political and corporate leaders alike to the RR's side.


Corellia has a strong history of pro-Republic stances, when the New Order came into effect Corellia suffered planet wide protests and rioting, the people were so dead against the Empire that Palpatine himself had to bow to a deal that kept Corellia free of Imperial mandates. This is just one of the deals the IDD breaks in this matter.


Corellian corporations competed against CIS corporations for over a century and they became fierce rivals, the presence of the Commerce Guild and CIS forces on the IDD's side will immediately strain any relationship they may have.


Corellian corporations were dealt crippling losses due to Imperial reforms and caused said corporations to leave the system, extremely poor business records on the part of the Imperials. During the reign of the Galactic Republic however Corellian business had never reached greater heights as before the separatist crisis. When the Separatists Crisis came about the Corellians attempted a neutral stance that was violated by the CIS and their economy was seriously damaged due to CIS invasions across the sector, against Duro for example. Further poor business record on hand here for the IDD.


Then we have Corellia's greatest heroes, the New Republic legends Han Solo and Wedge Antilles, those who fought Imperial rule for decades and fought alongside with Nek Bwua'tu, something RR propaganda will be hard at work campaigning.


Then we have CorSec that outright refused Imperial orders and caused so much trouble that the Imperial rulers dissolved it and caused it to go underground, where they became pro-rebel allies. Another Corellian hero was Garm Bel Iblis, one of the leaders of the Rebel Alliance and yet another idol from Corellian history to be remembered.


Then we also have the crucial fact that Corellia founded the Galactic Republic, which now fights to aid them.


The support be it civilian, political, law enforcement, or corporate is going to be strongly stanced towards the Republic Resistance.


However Corellia has another factor, an incredibly important factor at that: Smuggling. A major portion of all Corellian business is based in smuggling, Armand Isard and Nek Bwua'tu both maintained strong criminal/smuggling networks behind the scenes and actively created massive opportunity for both sides. Under the Republic smuggling was far easier a life style than it was under the Galactic Empire, which caused countless smugglers to support and even sign up for the Alliance to restore the Republic.


On the business end of things the Republic Resistance is supported by the largest production company in galactic history, it also holds Coruscant which is the center of business and trade in the galaxy. An endless amount of credits for those who take the right side.


Concerning Coruscant, there will be major political, law, economic and military allies in the Republic senate that Corellia can turn to and contact.


Corellia at this point may as well be an RR planet that the IDD is invading, the support the Resistance can gain here will be enormous and crucial in the victory taken here.

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nope, everything made for the Clone Army came out of Rothana.


Maybe the AT lines, but those still have to be built in a factory of which Kuat has none.


The Kuat Orbital Array had four gargantuan factories on it's own, not to mention thr other facilities throughout the Kuat sector. I mean seriously where is this idea even coming from?


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1.The Praetor is powerful but far from invulnerable, massed firepower would obliterate it just as happened to my Bellator and as almost happened in the first battle here where it was 'castrated' I believe the term was.


2.The Kuat Orbital Array had four factories each the size of decent countries so they most certainly do. That is not even counting the other facilities throughout Kuat Sector.


3.Whilst they won't be damaging the Praetor they can damage the smaller ships at work here.


4.Yet he has no choice but to return unless he wants to lose, in that case he jumps into the gravity mine field and then an Acclamator materialises inside the Vengeance's hull, obliterating both his flagship and himself.


5.Yet the RR has already had them before and in both battles the enemy employed cloaking devices against the RR, there is no reason for Nek to assume that it will not happen here. Furthermore do remember as per the rules that upgrades can be applied in the beginning of the Kaggath by a supplier. Furthermore the destruction of the Imperious had red flags all over it. He faced the Vong Nek isn't an idiot, the likelihood of stealth being applied here is high.


6.The politics involved will be a post I will make later on, sufficed to say this is going to be damned cruel.

1. Although it can be destroyed, that doesnt matter, because you dont have enough ships to destroy it.

3. These things have 1 turbolaser and 2 medium lasers. Honestly there are more heavilly armed starfighters out there. They wont even damage the Tartans. Also they are so flimsy that a single heavy turbolaser shot will destroy them without any way of dodging it. They are essentially ster fighters with all the cons and none of the pros.

4. Im still not sure that this will be enough to destroy such a massive ship. Also what about tractor beams?

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1.Yes I certainly do, furthermore the starfighter numbers will be enormous by the time the battle takes place.

2.The UT-AT has an artillery turbolaser cannon main weapon.

3.This is not an Executor-class, having an Acclamator packed with high grade explosives jump out of hyperspace into the battlecruiser will definitely annihilate it. Furthermore this vessel has nowhere near the tractor beams required, not that this matters when you consider this thing is jumping directly into the vessel.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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Republic Resistance tank review:


The HAVw A6 Juggernaut was an exteemrly well-armed and armoured vehicle with speed of up to 200KPH and firepower enough to obliterate a small unshielded target with nuclear level force. A multi-role vehicle with ability to assert the roles of ground assault vanguard, hit-and-run attacker, mobile anti-air unit and mobile command base.


The Unstable-Terrain Artillery Transport was an adaptation of the AT-TE and replaced walker legs with repulsor mechsnism, with artillery-class firepower and range combined with it's sbility to traverse anything imcluding sheer vertical climbs this is a highly adaptable vehicle. The secret weapon of this vehicle is it's Bomblet Generator which has immense destructive Ion force and is capable of disabling small armies of droids and wrecking them.


The XR-85 Tank Droid started out as a tank with similar size to the AT-PT, a small tracked tank that used the brain of an R7 Astromech Droid and maintained no crew. With a heavy particle cannon capable of levelling buildings and vaporising squads of troops across a small area.

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The battleground is going to shift starkly once EMP Launchers and EMP Grenades as well as Ion weaponry is heavily stocked for the 3rd Army, with the P1s forced to close in on Clone forces each time to enter combat then the job for the Clone troops will be nearly academic, a few grenades could end a single engagement in seconds.


P2s will be more problematic as they have strong ranged weaponry, however they are heavily outnumbered and no longer have an advantage of extreme durability. They can be hunted down and disabled/destroyed over time, EMP/Ion weapons would render them inert. Whilst they will cause heavy casualties in return the RR can certainly afford the losses, the IDD very much can't.


P3s will be the largest problem and will surely prove costly to take down but they to suffer the weaknesses inherent in their design, against massed forces with highly effective weaponry they simply can't make the difference here.


Add on top of this vehicle support and the RR has a very strong advantage on the ground, both numbers and firepower. Whilst the RR may suffer heavy casualties they can certainly afford it.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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One more thing I must ask is how the IDD plans to be supplied with more Dark Troopers? Not only are they very hard to construct but as far as I know only few facilities were ever capable of constructing them and said facilities aren't present in this Kaggath.


Better yet where exactly does the Commerce Guild get the Phrik required to build them? They have no Phrik mines to extract it from, they also need Tydirium for good measure to even refine it. Are they going to simply purchase Phrik? Well good luck with buying it off of the black market when the Empire privatised every single known source of it in the galaxy.

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The battleground is going to shift starkly once EMP Launchers and EMP Grenades as well as Ion weaponry is heavily stocked for the 3rd Army, with the P1s forced to close in on Clone forces each time to enter combat then the job for the Clone troops will be nearly academic, a few grenades could end a single engagement in seconds.


P2s will be more problematic as they have strong ranged weaponry, however they are heavily outnumbered and no longer have an advantage of extreme durability. They can be hunted down and disabled/destroyed over time, EMP/Ion weapons would render them inert. Whilst they will cause heavy casualties in return the RR can certainly afford the losses, the IDD very much can't.


P3s will be the largest problem and will surely prove costly to take down but they to suffer the weaknesses inherent in their design, against massed forces with highly effective weaponry they simply can't make the difference here.


Add on top of this vehicle support and the RR has a very strong advantage on the ground, both numbers and firepower. Whilst the RR may suffer heavy casualties they can certainly afford it.

And where exactly are all of these grenades and launchers coming from?

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One important thing is: will both suppliers use/be able to use their entire production capabilities to produce reinforcements, because realistically both suppliers could probably produce armies ten times the size of the starting ground forces in a day or so.

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And where exactly are all of these grenades and launchers coming from?


EMP Grenades were Clone trooper standard issue. EMP Launchers were the primary weapon of the Clone Jet Trooper. Corellia itself could mass produce them for the rest of the 3rd Army. If not KDY itself can.

Edited by LadyKulvax
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