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Struggling with my spec in ops


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I have a watchman sent and recently started jumping into ops with it.


This sent is my only DoT-watcher so I am pretty new to it


My issue is trying to figure if all my DoT's are up. It not much of an issue in fp's and of course the rotation works around it - you know with overload sabre on cd and the merciless slash 6-sec cd which pops a 3-stack proc on an 18 second force burn, lovely, simple.


The issue is in boss fights when I go and deal with the adds, thereby breaking the rotation I turn back to the boss and he has 20 or 25 images on his debuff bar ao I end up just spamming all my DoTs as I cant be bothered to search for them.


I was wondering is there a way to set enemy buff bars to only show the debuffs that I personally have put on them, rather than all of them?

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As far as I know, it's not possible to make only your own debuffs visible; however, you can have them highlighted and shown before any other debuffs, which is just as good. Go to the interface editor and edit the target frame. In the long list of options, towards the end, you want to tick "Highlight Debuff" (and make sure the max duration is set to at least "1 minute and below", since Force Melt has an 18 sec duration). Also, at the very bottom of the list, tick "Personal Debuffs", which is what makes your own debuffs show up first in the list, and pick a suitable Debuff Sort Type; personally, I prefer "By Time Remaining", since that makes the most sense for dots.


Also, I highly recommend that you get a parsing tool like Parsec or Starparse, as they allow you to set up timers for your dots so you a) have a much more visible timer than the pitiful little thing you see in the enemy debuffs, and b) you can track the timers even when you're away from your target. Unfortunately this can only be done with third party tools (in my opinion this is one of the most glaring issues with the game's UI at the moment), but it's well worth it especially for ops. I'd never play Watchman without a tool like that.

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If you download Parsec, you can create timers for your dots.


Just set them up with the correct names, length and choose you reminder sound.


I have a Jawa calling UTINI when rupture goes off and Adrmiral Ackbar shouting IT*S A TRAP when Force Rend goes off.

No more DoT scouting

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The issue with 3rd-party tools is that they depend on the log, which is updated at intervals up to a few seconds. After a bit of fooling around with those I found them to be somewhat inaccurate at times (about 1 cooldown off most of the time), but with more effort I think it can probably be adjusted. Now the personal debuff highlights are also not as good as a show personal debuffs only option would be, but they are still of invaluable help, cause otherwise you just have to rely on your bio clock :-)
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