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Conquest: Galactic Scheme's


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*Week 27*


Results of Week 26:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: Contracts this, intel that.


The Galactic Inquisition: Operations unknown, movements unknown, threat growing.


Mando Werda: Raiding, building, "Mandalorianing"... the usual. Now with a twist!


The Farewell Coalition: Begins investigating remaining two canidates, after having Jaboo murdered by the Black Sun.


Rising Republic: Has gained Arbiter protection, due to inactivity.


Ordo Kote: Inventing, are we?!


Independent Republic Ambassadors: Resumes the work that has been left untouched for far too long.


Shadow Alignment: Laying down the law on Rishi. Continued?


Skill points Earned:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: + 30


The Galactic Inquisition: + 25


Mando Werda: + 20


The Farewell Coalition: + 20


Rising Republic:


Ordo Kote: + 25


Independent Republic Ambassadors: + 25


Shadow Alignment: + 10

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Adrian has his guards remove the blindfold over Hank Von Jonn the Third eyes.Hello Mr.John do you know why your here with us today?


"Well, I would assume it would have to do with the death of my competitor, Jaboo..."


OOC: These tactics are quite questionable Jarons... Abducting both candidates, using blind folds on them as if they are prisoners, and having them at an undisclosed location? Security wise it works, but PR wise... :eek:

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"Well, I would assume it would have to do with the death of my competitor, Jaboo..."


OOC: These tactics are quite questionable Jarons... Abducting both candidates, using blind folds on them as if they are prisoners, and having them at an undisclosed location? Security wise it works, but PR wise... :eek:


"That's correct as the competitor"s to the late Jaboo you would have the most to gain from his assassination.While your here I will be asking you a few question and I most ask you not to lie to me while your here one of my associates is bring something to make sure that will not happen and I would hate to use it on one as yourself so please tell me the truth.So prepare yourself here is the first question."


Did you have any prior knowledge of the attempt on Jaboo life?


OOC: Its not abducting it is for their protection and ts for affect to get the truth you have to use questionable tactics also I have to have something before the update and waiting on Tune to bring me something special.Am still pretty sure your going to have Jaboo turn out to be alive and since he fought off Black Suns criminals he will rise in the Election.

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"That's correct as the competitor"s to the late Jaboo you would have the most to gain from his assassination.While your here I will be asking you a few question and I most ask you not to lie to me while your here one of my associates is bring something to make sure that will not happen and I would hate to use it on one as yourself so please tell me the truth.So prepare yourself here is the first question."


Did you have any prior knowledge of the attempt on Jaboo life?


OOC: Its not abducting it is for their protection and ts for affect to get the truth you have to use questionable tactics also I have to have something before the update and waiting on Tune to bring me something special.Am still pretty sure your going to have Jaboo turn out to be alive and since he fought off Black Suns criminals he will rise in the Election.


"Quite simply I had no idea that there would be an attempt on Jaboo's life! Insinuating I did, is insulting and a dishonor to my reputation!"


Even when being questioned, he remained as pompous as ever...


OOC: Careful, don't tread too close to Imperial or CIS methods...

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Final War


As I am sure many of you have guessed or read by now, I am completely swamped by Finals currently. Both those outside of class and in-class, not to mention the mountain of homework! Due to this, I am going to have to delay the coming of Week 28 until at least Friday. Do note that it might extend past then, but certainly will not be lifted before then. That said, feel free to continue with Week 27 activities and Agenda's, but do not expect much of a response from me due to my schedule. By doing this I should be able to keep things from getting too hectic, while not sacrificing my homework and projects. I hope you guys understand the necessity of this.

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Final War


As I am sure many of you have guessed or read by now, I am completely swamped by Finals currently. Both those outside of class and in-class, not to mention the mountain of homework! Due to this, I am going to have to delay the coming of Week 28 until at least Friday. Do note that it might extend past then, but certainly will not be lifted before then. That said, feel free to continue with Week 27 activities and Agenda's, but do not expect much of a response from me due to my schedule. By doing this I should be able to keep things from getting too hectic, while not sacrificing my homework and projects. I hope you guys understand the necessity of this.


I think we can all understand Sil. Good luck on your projects, we'll all be here when you're done


Good timing too, this week will be a bit busy for me as well...

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"Quite simply I had no idea that there would be an attempt on Jaboo's life! Insinuating I did, is insulting and a dishonor to my reputation!"


Even when being questioned, he remained as pompous as ever...


OOC: Careful, don't tread too close to Imperial or CIS methods...


?I could give two womp rats about your honor if you a accomplice to a murder that's all that matters.I have to ask you what would your family think of you working with a criminal organization like the Black Suns who if had it their way would slit you and your wife's throat ,make your sun a runner if not making him a slave and finally turn out your doctor.Is this a organization your wife and kids would want you to be working for.Tell me the Truth for your family stack what would your Children think of you what would your father and Grandfather having to cheat to win a election am sure there never look at you the same again.This can all be forgiven and we can make you a hero to the people the Votes would be flooding in all you have to do is tell me what is their next target and where are their setting up shop and more importantly where is Lord Xist?"


Adrian press a button on his Datapad to tell his men to prep for transport.


OOC: Trust me as long as my character doesn't tread to close to his old black sun days he should be fine.Also I still have their doubles in place if something bad happens I could just use them as their replacements.


side note:Good Luck on your finals SIl.

Edited by Jarons
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Rishi had it's major criminal elements eliminated, surprisingly however the minor criminals were allowed freedom.

"Do not forget your charge, smuggling weaponry and supplies to Republic aligned factions throughout the galaxy, for each successful confirmed shipment we will pay you considerably, get to it." The Jedi Knight seemed to be adept at using free will to inspire rebellion, here in CIS space such rebellion and smuggling would cause chaos.


Seraph knew that attrition against a major faction like the CIS would be futile, sparking fires in their seats however would cause slow crippling damage over time, that would be perfect.


"We are done here Lt., Rishi will serve it's purpose, either the CIS will ignore it or better yet attack it and turn the criminals here against them personally. Time to co-ordinate with our allies."

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Rishi had it's major criminal elements eliminated, surprisingly however the minor criminals were allowed freedom.

"Do not forget your charge, smuggling weaponry and supplies to Republic aligned factions throughout the galaxy, for each successful confirmed shipment we will pay you considerably, get to it." The Jedi Knight seemed to be adept at using free will to inspire rebellion, here in CIS space such rebellion and smuggling would cause chaos.


Seraph knew that attrition against a major faction like the CIS would be futile, sparking fires in their seats however would cause slow crippling damage over time, that would be perfect.


"We are done here Lt., Rishi will serve it's purpose, either the CIS will ignore it or better yet attack it and turn the criminals here against them personally. Time to co-ordinate with our allies."


*Rishi is now controlled by the Shadow Alignment. Another fleet has appeared in-system*


OOC: Not sure if you and Tune talked yet LK. Hope I didn't just botch something due to half asleep brain...

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"Master Seraph a fleet of ships just dropped out of hyperspace!" the good lieutenant shouted, "Contact the enemy fleet, launch fighters and have all systems prepared, the CIS may be attacking sooner than I thought." the Jedi Knight prepared for yet another rout.


OOC: I haven't had anything from Tune thus far.

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Dual Devastation


Disaster has struck not just for the Republic, but for the Rebel Alliance as well. Bothawui was thought to be one of the most secure Republic holdings, but just a few hours ago a fierce battle waged with the CIS emerging the victor. While there have been no confirmations, rumors are circulating that the name of the CIS flagship was Malevolence. On the other side of CIS space a battle that was thought an easy Rebel victory turned into a massacre as the Praetor MK- II vessel that they had identified as Apocalypse emerged over Bespin. The Rebel's had a large fleet to defend, but the firepower this ship displayed in the brief glimpses that were recovered, is truly terrifying. It is suspected that this Apocalypse is an experimental ship that the Galactic Empire has designed, and is a foreshadowing of what they may build to retake the galaxy in the future. This is Galactic News, signing off.

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I have been gone all week didnt get a chance to talk to any one much yet. Will get to you soon. I was waiting for your stuff to finish real quick before I sent a message to you, I sent ships to your system to make contact an ingame 2 weeks ago I believe... Will get to that as Soon as I can, no time right now.
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The Commander of Saltik's Emmisary fleet saw their hopeful contacts begin to scramble fighters...

Perfect :D, they are well on their toes they are going to need that.


"Greetings friends, we did not mean to startle you. We wish an Audience with your leader to offer our Services to your organization"

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"Seems to be pirates master Jedi, offering criminal services." her good Lt. observed, relieved but disappointed all at once, she wondered exactly how much strength remained in the light. "Tell this criminal that unless they have a real force to attack the enemy fleet with, then the best they can do is provide supplies for our campaign. Stand down alert fighters." Seraph replied.
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"I am unsure where you are getting these accusations of Criminal from, we are a legal Transport and Security company, and besides supplies we may have a bit to offer your boss. OUR boss is on the way for a personal meeting, we just need to be allowed to land and we can give him the all clear signal to come here"
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"Seems to be pirates master Jedi, offering criminal services." her good Lt. observed, relieved but disappointed all at once, she wondered exactly how much strength remained in the light. "Tell this criminal that unless they have a real force to attack the enemy fleet with, then the best they can do is provide supplies for our campaign. Stand down alert fighters." Seraph replied.


OOC: Faction Trait 3: Cover Story. Unless the group is well versed in the Black Market, "Salty's" pirates appear as a legitimate business, and can and will be hired for legal jobs, both local and outside of town.

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*Week 28*


Results of Week 27:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: Legitimate business, nothing to see here.


The Galactic Inquisition: Up to something... Or is he?!


Mando Werda: Wee bit of restructuring, and of course Mandalorianing!


The Farewell Coalition: Interrogated Hank Von Jonn the Third.


Rising Republic: Has gained Arbiter protection, due to inactivity.


Ordo Kote: All quiet, yet...


Independent Republic Ambassadors: Leader is taking some R&R due to events on Alderaan. Aribter Protection.


Shadow Alignment: Encountered a strange new fleet approaching Rishi.


Skill points Earned:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: + 20


The Galactic Inquisition: + 25


Mando Werda: + 25


The Farewell Coalition: + 30


Rising Republic:


Ordo Kote: + 15


Independent Republic Ambassadors: + 15


Shadow Alignment: + 15




1. A mysterious individual in a Cantina on Gall has requested an audience with Adrian of the FC.


2. Mechis III experienced a minor glitch in their system, but seems all clear now.


3. Rishi has gained minor notice from the CIS, likely to send an agent to investigate.


4. Urgent message for Aliria of the GI.


5. All comm traffic from the Vergresso asteroids has gone dark.


6. The Ordo Kote have picked up faint Mandalorian distress signals from nearby space, might be worth investigating.

Edited by Silenceo
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"Can we get a clearer reading?" Ayan asked the comm officer.


*The comm officer nodded before attempting to clear up the signal.*


Comm Officer: "Sir, it has been pinpointed to sector O-15, they appear to be in deep space. Orders?"


OOC: If I am correct, the OK fleet is still over Druckenwell, correct? If not, might need to fix some things. :p

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1. A mysterious individual in a Cantina on Gall has requested an audience with Adrian of the FC.


Adrian agrees to meet the mysterious individuals.


'Adrian orders a few man to bring the mysterious individuals to the old governors office.'


OOC:I will have Tor sit in as Adrian bodyguard for the meeting with Siri somewhere in the room hidden.

Edited by Jarons
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