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Adrian walks around the party laughing and drinking with his fellow guest. After a while the other guest started to disperse,Adrian grabs two drinks and walks over to The Black Suns Representative.


'Adrian hands him a drink'


Adrian "My old Friend Dorian it looks like Xizor still send you to all these parties instead coming himself.That has to be fun.Lets talk Dorian I have very important business with you and the Suns"


*Dorian declined the offered drink, which only a fool would accept from an enemy.*


"We have no business to discuss Adrian. Nor are we, or were ever, friends. The only reason you still breath is that it would look poorly for the Black Sun to take their debts during a festive event."

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*Dorian declined the offered drink, which only a fool would accept from an enemy.*


"We have no business to discuss Adrian. Nor are we, or were ever, friends. The only reason you still breath is that it would look poorly for the Black Sun to take their debts during a festive event."


'Adrian laughs and drinks it instead'


"You seem on the edge Dorian you really need a drink buddy and how could you say were not friends after I saved you on Nar Shaddaa and plus that time I saved you from the Imperials while on Coruscant?If it wasn't for me and my men you would be rotting in a Imperial prison or worst mining spice on Kessel right about now."


'Adrian takes another Sip of his drink and stopped smiling this is important"


I know the suns would never ruin their reputation on a failed assassination attempt that's why I came to you doing this party bloodshed isn't on either one of our minds but business is and that's the reason Dorian we have a lot to discuss especially since you have a Vigo on one of my planets.So it seems to me we have a lot to discuss.

Edited by Jarons
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'Adrian laughs and drinks it instead'


"You seem on the edge Dorian you really need a drink buddy and how could you say were not friends after I saved you on Nar Shaddaa and plus that time I saved you from the Imperials while on Coruscant?If it wasn't for me and my men you would be rotting in a Imperial prison or worst mining spice on Kessel right about now."


'Adrian takes another Sip of his drink and stopped smiling this is important"


I know the suns would never ruin their reputation on a failed assassination attempt that's why I came to you doing this party bloodshed isn't on either one of our minds but business is and that's the reason Dorian we have a lot to discuss especially since you have a Vigo on one of my planets.So it seems to me we have a lot to discuss.


"On both of those occasions you ruined Black Sun operatives, blew operatives covers, and completely caused the failure of both operations. Recalling them is not in your best interest..."


"As for Lord Xist, there is nothing to discuss. That world has been claimed by the Black Sun, and while the people may acknowledge your rule, it is only a matter of time before it is revoked. Rejoice that you still live. Now begone. We have no business, nor will we in the future. You were a thorn enough while you were in Black Sun."

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"On both of those occasions you ruined Black Sun operatives, blew operatives covers, and completely caused the failure of both operations. Recalling them is not in your best interest..."


"As for Lord Xist, there is nothing to discuss. That world has been claimed by the Black Sun, and while the people may acknowledge your rule, it is only a matter of time before it is revoked. Rejoice that you still live. Now begone. We have no business, nor will we in the future. You were a thorn enough while you were in Black Sun."


Adrian laughs again it seems we both remember things differently maybe I should have let you rot it seems.Most people would be more grateful.If you thought about saving your life was more important then those two operations.Saving your life allowed more operations to be successful and allow us to spread the Suns influence without you do you think the same would have happened if you were dead or worst in prison and forced to give up Black Suns assets? The Suns would be were they are today.


'Adrian give the signal to Siri'


The thing about Lord Xist is his days are numbered and it will be sad for the Suns to lose a Vigo and lose their string of planets in CIS territory but am leaving have a good day Dorian look forward to seeing you again.


Adrian and Siri leave the party and head back to Gall to prepare for the Treaty signing and for Lord Xist capture.


OOC:Hey Cheat are you on?Also I knew I should have just killed Xist in the first week this would have been so much easier.

Edited by Jarons
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"The shipyards have some, let's say, additional features, that you would able to use." *Beeska hands Dar'yaim a datapad with detailed information about the shipyard* "The economy details are listed on there as well"

(I'll send you a PM)


"Interesting offers... Include a provision that dictates your organization will support us militarily in the event of an unprovoked Republic attack on worlds allied with the Mando Werda and you may just get our approval."


*Dar'yaim doesn't even look up from the datapad he's reading.


"Uncomfortable turning on your people? If the Republic gets protection, so do we. It's that simple. You may not be the largest force, but enough of a deterrent to warrant our forces standing down."


*Now he looks up


"I think your shipyards will be useful after all."

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Naos III Interception




1 Providence

10 Munificent

500 Vulture Droids




Mando Werda


2 Strike-class medium cruisers

100 Skiprays

6 Crusader-class

4 Jehavey'ir type ships

100 X-83's

1 Action VI transport




- Mando Werda caught by surprise

- CIS are not in position to engage initially

- MW are all in formation

- CIS doesn't have a commander (can't remember if Tor was with the fleet or not)

- MW were intercepted en-route to another location.




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Naos III Interception




1 Providence

10 Munificent

500 Vulture Droids




Mando Werda


2 Strike-class medium cruisers

100 Skiprays

6 Crusader-class

4 Jehavey'ir type ships

100 X-83's

1 Action VI transport




- Mando Werda caught by surprise

- CIS are not in position to engage initially

- MW are all in formation

- CIS doesn't have a commander (can't remember if Tor was with the fleet or not)

- MW were intercepted en-route to another location.





Well they do have them by surprise, but if the CIS is not in position, they could potentially waste their surprise. With the Surprise wasted and the Skill of the MW vs the lack of skill in the CIS (no commander) the likely result of such a fight is some damage to MW ships, Maybe a few lost squads but other then that a resounding Victory.

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Well they do have them by surprise, but if the CIS is not in position, they could potentially waste their surprise. With the Surprise wasted and the Skill of the MW vs the lack of skill in the CIS (no commander) the likely result of such a fight is some damage to MW ships, Maybe a few lost squads but other then that a resounding Victory.


Main issue with that, is the sheer numbers and firepower arrayed against them.

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Main issue with that, is the sheer numbers and firepower arrayed against them.


I can see this going both ways, honestly. The CIS has range if they can get in position quickly. The MW has skill.


Either way I see the MW losing at least one or two of the bigger ships--size depending on how fire power goes down.

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Main issue with that, is the sheer numbers and firepower arrayed against them.


Actually that's my point, The Strike class can take the Providence I feel 3 vs 1, there are 6 of them. The munificents to top it off I believe fall pretty quick to the rest, The "overall firepower" I feel is about equal between the 2 fleets, maybe even slightly in the MW favor.

Edited by tunewalker
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Actually that's my point, The Strike class can take the Providence I feel 3 vs 1, there are 6 of them. The munificents to top it off I believe fall pretty quick to the rest, The "overall firepower" I feel is about equal between the 2 fleets, maybe even in the MW favor.


Tune... There are 2 strike's. The 6 is Crusaders. The other 4 large ships are the Assault ships, which are 190 m in length.


While we all love to harp on the Munificent's lack of defense, their offense is impressive. They alone also possess more capital ship firepower than the entire MW fleet. Before counting in the Providence.

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Tune... There are 2 strike's. The 6 is Crusaders. The other 4 large ships are the Assault ships, which are 190 m in length.


While we all love to harp on the Munificent's lack of defense, their offense is impressive. They alone also possess more capital ship firepower than the entire MW fleet. Before counting in the Providence.


Oh.... Got that back wards.... that is going to hurt.....

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The MW fleet has Ventis aboard, 2nd in command of the Mando Werda and a fairly able tactician himself.


Not to mention the droids have no commander (I'd assume a basic tactical droid or literally nothing?)


Also note: the Mando Werda is good at boarding tactics. They have ~6,000 Basilisks and an equal number of troops plus another ~6,000 YVH-1 droids for boarding actions. Also, the Skiprays have their sensor jammers and the Strikes are State of the Art as are the Crusaders (each of which has 12 Point Defence Cannons with superb tracking)


The fighter advantage is negligible if tilted against the CIS considering I have 200 combined fighters of vastly superior quality as well as 6 of the most advanced anti-starfighter corvettes to ever be built.


Two Strikes are easily equivalent to a Providence considering each has 40 turbolasers and 10 ion cannons as well as the fact that they have a very swift sub-light speed, allowing them to more quickly close and good shields. 2 Strikes were considered to be equal to a Victory-class SD and mine are even better.


X-83's are extremely fast, have phenomenal shields, are piloted by Mando Werda, and are armed to the teeth.


Skiprays have Sensor Jamming Tech as well as enough torpedoes to level the entire line of Munificents from a distance (considering torpedoes can't be shot down and my Skiprays have a combined 400 torpedoes...) not to mention the laser and ion cannons it boasts.


The Assault ships (you're probably thinking) are the weak link right? Not quite. Despite their lack of anti-starfighter weaponry they make up for it with massive, concentrated firepower in the form of 3 heavy ion cannons as well as 5 medium double turbolasers. Now I'll also add here that they posses a Super Heavy Concussion Missile Launcher. Less effective against the Munificents, but devastating to the Providence.


And last of all, the Strike-class's superior speed and the fact the Jehavey'ir was designed for boarding actions means that once distance is closed (and it will be rapid) the Mando Werda will easily claim several of the CIS ships as their own.


When did Star get Crusaders?

Tune delivered a gift for me from the Republic.

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Just doing my job..... speaking of which... I have a large list of jobs that needs to be sent :p.



(Edit: If I find out the Republics been hiring other people with out checking with me first.... I will be pissed lol :p)

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Anyone have anything else to say about the fight? Things I might need to address, things Sil might need to clarify? Anything?


Despite your men's skills, how will they over come the firepower when closing the distance, and are you so sure about trying to board the Providence? I still think some ships will be taken out at range by the Munificents atm though.

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Despite your men's skills, how will they over come the firepower when closing the distance, and are you so sure about trying to board the Providence? I still think some ships will be taken out at range by the Munificents atm though.

Boarding the Providence? heavens no, the Munificents are the targets of that one... They're smaller, less crew, and something the Mando Werda doesn't yet have access to and therefore desirable.


The Providence is much too big and not going to be as useful in their objectives, so it can eat my missiles.


I'm thinking I might lose ~3 Crusaders (give or take w/some damaged) since they're screening Vultures and Munificent fire.


I'll probably lose ~50 X-83's in dogfights and Munificents


~1 crippled Strike, 1 mild damage (definitely neither destroyed, the X-83's will be doing anything to stop that)

~2 damaged or destroyed Jehavey'ir-types

~1 damaged or crippled Jehavey'ir-type


And possibly ~25 Skiprays (they'll take the fewest casualties relatively)


And I'll end up with at least 3 captured Munificents, albeit likely damaged condition.


Also note the casualties will likely be more relegated to damage rather than destroyed, thanks to Ventis's natural Echani tactical mind, defensive mindset, and discipline skill.


I think you underestimate the sheer firepower of this smaller fleet of mine honestly. Still I am surprised at the CIS's ability to spare this size of fleet to intercept something not making hostile moves to CIS worlds when they're busy dealing with a Republic who must be capitalizing on the major victories they've managed recently.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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Ambush Over Affavan



Hutt Empire


10 Ajurr Cruisers

50 Freighters

1,000 Z-95's

100 Ugly's bomber variant




Mando Werda


1 Kandosii-type

5 Crusader-class

5 Jehavey'ir class

200 X-83's


Battle Plan


Kandosii-type, 3 Crusaders, and 100 X-83's enter the system and draw the Hutt forces out. As the Hutts move to engage, the rest of the fleet 2 Crusaders, 5 Jehavey'ir-type, and 100 X-83's enter the system as close to the civilian traffic as they can. 80 of the X-83's and 2 of the Jehavey'ir-types move to outflank the Hutt fleet and force them to divide their attention while the other 3 Jehavey'ir-types begin boarding the bigger civilian transports and capturing cargo while the 20 X-83's, and the 2 Crusader-class ships run security.





- Hutt cruisers are all equipped with Rail Guns

- MW has surprise on their side

- Hutt forces are able to coordinate slightly faster than MW

- Freighter pilots are free-lancers signed up with the Hutt's




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Ambush Over Affavan



Hutt Empire


10 Ajurr Cruisers

50 Freighters

1,000 Z-95's

100 Ugly's bomber variant




Mando Werda


1 Kandosii-type

5 Crusader-class

5 Jehavey'ir class

200 X-83's


Battle Plan


Kandosii-type, 3 Crusaders, and 100 X-83's enter the system and draw the Hutt forces out. As the Hutts move to engage, the rest of the fleet 2 Crusaders, 5 Jehavey'ir-type, and 100 X-83's enter the system as close to the civilian traffic as they can. 80 of the X-83's and 2 of the Jehavey'ir-types move to outflank the Hutt fleet and force them to divide their attention while the other 3 Jehavey'ir-types begin boarding the bigger civilian transports and capturing cargo while the 20 X-83's, and the 2 Crusader-class ships run security.





- Hutt cruisers are all equipped with Rail Guns

- MW has surprise on their side

- Hutt forces are able to coordinate slightly faster than MW

- Freighter pilots are free-lancers signed up with the Hutt's





I'll add that the Mando Werda aren't looking to wipe this fleet out. They are engaging fast and hard, luring the main force out away from the planet, attacking the civilian transports swiftly, and withdrawing with their ill-gotten gains.

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"Interesting offers... Include a provision that dictates your organization will support us militarily in the event of an unprovoked Republic attack on worlds allied with the Mando Werda and you may just get our approval."


*Dar'yaim doesn't even look up from the datapad he's reading.


"Uncomfortable turning on your people? If the Republic gets protection, so do we. It's that simple. You may not be the largest force, but enough of a deterrent to warrant our forces standing down."


*Now he looks up


"I think your shipyards will be useful after all."


"I guess I could do that."

*Just a few minutes later, a new treaty is ready, that includes the requested provision, and signed by the IRA*

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Ayan contacts the Galactic Republic and IRA:

"Geetings, I am Ayan of Clan Ordo. I command a fleet and army of Mandalorians. I would be interested in co-operating with you to bring the CIS to its knees. They possess worlds I desire and are lead by Sith who I desire to purge from this galaxy. Perphaps we could discuss further details in a meeting?"

Edited by raandomname
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