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Conquest: Galactic Scheme's


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I wouldn't mind coming but one of the groups at your party doesn't like me much so I don't want to turn your party in to something not as fun.


Ya, that's probably smart, I doubt they would attack openly but.... there is more then one way to skin a cat and make a Banjo.....

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This is honestly true to, the party IS intended as a group consolidation... of sorts...

Then I will come hopefully it be a fruitful endeavor.


Side note : Cheat I am going to have tyrral take over for me while I head to tune thing am sorry


Adrain heads to The party in his best outfit and Siri

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Saltik continues to walk through out the proccession ensuring his guests like the festivities thus far, he stops before the captain of a small smuggler group to swap stories.


"So captain, I am glad a fine lass such as yourself found her way here." he began almost smug.

" your crew been through much lately, I am sure. Other wise you would probably not have come to a party such as this... or would you have?" He continued, showing an amount of interest.


" I would love to hear of what you have seen out there."

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"Oh you know how it goes, chaos, war, men who try to be to big for their briches" she says almost mockingly.


Saltik laughs out loud at that last quip, this captain was a cheeky one.


"Well lets hope none of that finds you here today, please continue to enjoy the Festivities" Saltik said leaving her be.


He then approached the Zan Consortium dignitary, another women.. he was a gentlemen and as such Ladies first was what he had been taught, why not in checking their comfort, but he had to make his guests all feel like they belonged, starting with a big name like the Consortium, or even ENDING with them, would be a terrible mistake.


"Hello fine Representative of the Consortium" He said smiling a drink in his hand.


"I trust the wine is to your liking?" He said.


"Why yes it is, but wine wasnt all you called us here for, we are very busy people and I do hope you are going to get to the point of this procession soon." She said a little impatient in her voice, but the booze and the music were doing its job, while she was eager to get to business, she was in no hurry to end the fun that it seemed she hadnt had in a while.


"in Do time." Saltik said "after all we wouldnt want to rush things and put all this fine cousine to waste now would we." He chuckled.


Now on the last women of the group, a surly looking pirate who may just drink him out of house and home if he let her.


"You seem to be enjoying youself... comador?" Saltik asked, unsure of the ladies rank.


*Hic* "HA HAHA Camador, my men just call me Captain you land lubber." She said laughing it back.


"we do the dirty work, these up tight 'proffesionals' sheem to think beneath them, but I tell you its hell out there for an Honest Pirate" *Hic* "everything is in such high alert, if it wasnt for this party I doubt I would be drinking so fine today.... speaking of which, maybe I could arrange a thank you later *Hic* what da ya say.... MR. Business man, you got time for a REAL Pirate, or are you just as soft and scared as the rest of the galaxy" She chuckled as she chugged down an entire bottle of wine, her men behind her cheering her along.


She smelled of booze and while Saltik was glad she was enjoying herself, he expected this more out of his crew more so then a captain...but he was the host, and he DID invite all of these people here, every one was needed so politeness was still the way to go.


"I may take that as a Challenge Lass, but for now I am going to have to pass besides the night isnt done here yet."


So on and so forth he met with the Dignitaries, Another Pirate group, lead by a man this time, gruff and rough, small talk seemed to annoy the man. Then the Black Sun, another man lead them, they had been patient, they understood the intricate dealings meetings such as these held and understood Saltik's order in the matter... his offer for peace was Genuine, he was playing it strategic. Finally a smuggling captain who had wondered over to the drunk pirate girl, he attempted to get a little TO frisky before being offered it seemed as he was chased off by her crew. He seemed a little fidgity, Saltik got the sense he had a bounty on his head with at least ONE of the people in this room.


It was finally time.



"Ladies, Gentlemen I hope you have all enjoyed this party, and its time for me to get to the business that brought you here today." He said.


"As you all know the galaxy is in utter chaos, and alone this has caused us some slow down in profits, but together this has brought us an unprecedented chance for wealth, power and freedom. The Galaxy is now Ripe for the picking." Saltik said smiling.


"the Republic, the OLD republic, The Alliance, everyone are turning more and more to people like us to move their goods, to do their intel gathering, and to be trusted and protected in their fleets and at their space ports." he continued.


"They have seen us as the "neccisary evil" and together we can make sure it STAYS that way. Even more freedom for profits through out the galaxy, but we all know... if the Empire has its way... the profits will cease, they put harder security and punishment of us privateers then nearly any other force in the Galaxy." He continued.


"But with our combined efforts, and with the others we can disrupt them enough to keep the status quo the way we like it, where we can make Butt loads of cash hand over fist, and everyone just turns a blind eye, because we are 'neccisarry'." He charismatically continued.


"There is yet another threat that some here may be unaware of. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130629210328/starwars/images/f/f8/Human_Replica_Droid-TCG.jpg The droid Duo IG-88 and HK-47 have placed Human Replica droids through out the galaxy posing as mercenaries or all other kinds, there are even droids such as these currently in this very room, some of you may be aware of them... some of you may not... but *snaps his fingers* a spot light highlights every Human Replica droid at the party now you are these individuals are all Droids, if they are in your employ good... in fact great, but if you didnt know... they could be a threat to our whole operation and need to be dealt with." he finished



"I truly hope that we can all work together for a brighter future for all of us, Thank you." Saltik said with a bow


"The party will continue as long as you would like, but tonight it is time I retire." he said walking out of the party






I was thinking of adding in other elements but decided to keep it PG rated, instead of bumping it to PG-13.


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Adrian and Siri arrives at the Vergresso Asteroid Field ready to attend Saltik party.


Adrian lands his shuttle and him and Siri walks in.


"welcome friend, it is good to finally meet you in person" Saltik said reaching out to shake Adrian's hand....

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"welcome friend, it is good to finally meet you in person" Saltik said reaching out to shake Adrian's hand....

shakes Saltik hand "thank you for allowing me and my guess to attend your party.I will have to admit that you speak the truth the Republic's are putting a lot of faith in people like you.This is making a lot of you very Rich and I have to say that is very impressive very Impressive indeed.


Siri"Adrian Adrian can I can I please"


Adrian"Yes you can go play"

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shakes Saltik hand "thank you for allowing me and my guess to attend your party.I will have to admit that you speak the truth the Republic's are putting a lot of faith in people like you.This is making a lot of you very Rich and I have to say that is very impressive very Impressive indeed.


Siri"Adrian Adrian can I can I please"


Adrian"Yes you can go play"


"yes I am hoping such riches can flow easily between us all" Saltik Said.


"The people in there have a lot to think about, and I hope you think about it as well. We are all stronger as a group, then we are as individuals, and as long as we can keep the status quo.... well just look at the riches WE brought back from our 1 venture, Imagine how much more profit is out there to be made" He smiled.


"but please go, talk to the other guests, help me convince them putting aside our differences and working together is likely the best way to do things" He finished, heading off to bed... he would need to meet with the Tenloss later, to see what they thought of this situation, but he had hoped that friends, allies and partners had all been made today.

Edited by tunewalker
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"yes I am hoping such riches can flow easily between us all" Saltik Said.


"The people in there have a lot to think about, and I hope you think about it as well. We are all stronger as a group, then we are as individuals, and as long as we can keep the status quo.... well just look at the riches WE brought back from our 1 venture, Imagine how much more profit is out there to be made" He smiled.


"but please go, talk to the other guests, help me convince them putting aside our differences and working together is likely the best way to do things" He finished, heading off to bed... he would need to meet with the Tenloss later, to see what they thought of this situation, but he had hoped that friends, allies and partners had all been made today.

"Well am sure we all love credits so as long as you keep them flowing am sure must of them will keep working together.To tell you the truth even with our help The Republic can only Delay the Empire for so long we need to come up with a long turn plan to either stop them or Join them when you decided let me know.


"I wouldn't mind helping you on many more venture like that just contact me and I will talk to your other guest and try to see if there on board or not but one group their I have dealings with before and would like to smooth thing over with them so If you don't mind I be leaving now to attend to that business and try not to cost a commotion.


Adrian leaves to go talk to the Black Suns representative


OOC: Sil if your still up I need to talk to you about SIri Playing.

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Then I will come hopefully it be a fruitful endeavor.


Side note : Cheat I am going to have tyrral take over for me while I head to tune thing am sorry


Adrain heads to The party in his best outfit and Siri


The escort that lead Adrian to the conference hall leads him back to the hangar and waits for Tyrral there.


Same greeting stuff as before and introducing Leynn and Niiyl.


*Bit of small talk about the Gall siege*


"Well, let's get to business.

The reson I came here is this document:"

*Hands over the 'Peace Treaty between IRA and FC'




No actions will be taken that will have any immediate disadvantages for the other faction


Use of free slips of all IRA Shipyards (Druckenwell: curr. 500)

Use of free slips of all IRA Factories (Druckenwell: Sil?)


Free diplomatic services in adequate amounts and within the capabilities of the IRA. 'adequate' is to be interpreted by the IRA for each distinct case separately.


Free military support, as long as the operation has a reasonable chance of success and the IRA is able to dispense the required amount of ships, troops and/or equipment.


All industries of both factions have lower taxes when dealing with industries of the other faction, compared to dealing with third parties, thus increasing the wealth of both faction's planets.


Intel exchange between FC and IRA (including use of Druckenwell Shipyard Comms Network)




No actions will be taken that will have any immediate disadvantages for the other faction


Use of free slips of all FC Shipyards

Use of free slips of all FC Factories


Free diplomatic services in adequate amounts and within the capabilities of the IRA. 'adequate' is to be interpreted by the IRA for each distinct case separately.


Free military support, as long as the operation has a reasonable chance of success and the IRA is able to dispense the required amount of ships, troops and/or equipment.


All industries of both factions have lower taxes when dealing with industries of the other faction, compared to dealing with third parties, thus increasing the wealth of both faction's planets.


Intel exchange between FC and IRA


Additional Terms:

These Terms are valid for all treaties and other documents as well as any recordings, conversations or any other material, public, private or confidential, in written, spoken or otherwise saved form, that are related with or part of diplomatic relations, negotiations and/or offers made and/or approved by the Independent Republic Ambassadors. They apply to all of the listed documents in full extent unless explicitly stated otherwise. The terms include, but are not limited to, the following points:

  • All diplomatic relations may be abnormally terminated by any of the involved factions and/or partners with a respite of 2 weeks.
  • All diplomatic relations that include the Independent Republic Ambassadors may be abnormally terminated by the Independent Republic Ambassadors with a respite of 1 week. All other factions and/or partners remain at a 2-week respite.
  • All diplomatic relations may be abnormally terminated with immediate effect by the Galactic Overlord.
  • All diplomatic relations may be abnormally terminated by any of the involved factions and/or partners with immediate effect if a severe violation of the diplomatic relation's terms has occurred and was executed by any of the involved factions and/or partners. The 'severe violation' will be reviewed by the Galactic Overlord before the diplomatic relation is being terminated.
  • 'Republic' refers to the Galactic Republic and 'Empire' refers to the Galactic Empire.
  • The terms 'Rebels' and 'Rebel Alliance' refer to the Alliance to restore the Republic.
  • The terms 'Separatists' and 'Trade Federation' refer to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
  • 'The Chiss' refers to the Chiss Ascendancy
  • 'The Hutts' refers to the Hutt Empire
  • 'Vong' refers to the Yuuzhan Vong
  • The following abbreviations apply:
    'IRA' is the Independent Republic Ambassadors
    'FC' is the Farewell Coalition
    'MW' is the Mando Werda
    'RR' is the Rising Republic
    'CIS' is the Confederacy of Independent Systems
    'GE' is the Galactic Empire
    'SE' is the Sith Empire



"What do you say?"


Note: I added Offer/Request #6 (Intel Exchange)


Over Druckenwell, Commander Risthe contacts General Vrol.

"General Vrol, this is Commander Risthe of the Independent Republic Ambassadors. I have made contact with the Mando Werda and they seem open to negotiations about an extension to the insecure truce at the moment. I am contacting you because I am not allowed to speak in the name of the Republic, so I need someone who can represent the Republic at the negotiations."

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The escort that lead Adrian to the conference hall leads him back to the hangar and waits for Tyrral there.


Same greeting stuff as before and introducing Leynn and Niiyl.


*Bit of small talk about the Gall siege*


"Well, let's get to business.

The reson I came here is this document:"

*Hands over the 'Peace Treaty between IRA and FC'




No actions will be taken that will have any immediate disadvantages for the other faction


Use of free slips of all IRA Shipyards (Druckenwell: curr. 500)

Use of free slips of all IRA Factories (Druckenwell: Sil?)


Free diplomatic services in adequate amounts and within the capabilities of the IRA. 'adequate' is to be interpreted by the IRA for each distinct case separately.


Free military support, as long as the operation has a reasonable chance of success and the IRA is able to dispense the required amount of ships, troops and/or equipment.


All industries of both factions have lower taxes when dealing with industries of the other faction, compared to dealing with third parties, thus increasing the wealth of both faction's planets.


Intel exchange between FC and IRA (including use of Druckenwell Shipyard Comms Network)




No actions will be taken that will have any immediate disadvantages for the other faction


Use of free slips of all FC Shipyards

Use of free slips of all FC Factories


Free diplomatic services in adequate amounts and within the capabilities of the IRA. 'adequate' is to be interpreted by the IRA for each distinct case separately.


Free military support, as long as the operation has a reasonable chance of success and the IRA is able to dispense the required amount of ships, troops and/or equipment.


All industries of both factions have lower taxes when dealing with industries of the other faction, compared to dealing with third parties, thus increasing the wealth of both faction's planets.


Intel exchange between FC and IRA


Additional Terms:

These Terms are valid for all treaties and other documents as well as any recordings, conversations or any other material, public, private or confidential, in written, spoken or otherwise saved form, that are related with or part of diplomatic relations, negotiations and/or offers made and/or approved by the Independent Republic Ambassadors. They apply to all of the listed documents in full extent unless explicitly stated otherwise. The terms include, but are not limited to, the following points:

  • All diplomatic relations may be abnormally terminated by any of the involved factions and/or partners with a respite of 2 weeks.
  • All diplomatic relations that include the Independent Republic Ambassadors may be abnormally terminated by the Independent Republic Ambassadors with a respite of 1 week. All other factions and/or partners remain at a 2-week respite.
  • All diplomatic relations may be abnormally terminated with immediate effect by the Galactic Overlord.
  • All diplomatic relations may be abnormally terminated by any of the involved factions and/or partners with immediate effect if a severe violation of the diplomatic relation's terms has occurred and was executed by any of the involved factions and/or partners. The 'severe violation' will be reviewed by the Galactic Overlord before the diplomatic relation is being terminated.
  • 'Republic' refers to the Galactic Republic and 'Empire' refers to the Galactic Empire.
  • The terms 'Rebels' and 'Rebel Alliance' refer to the Alliance to restore the Republic.
  • The terms 'Separatists' and 'Trade Federation' refer to the Confederacy of Independent Systems.
  • 'The Chiss' refers to the Chiss Ascendancy
  • 'The Hutts' refers to the Hutt Empire
  • 'Vong' refers to the Yuuzhan Vong
  • The following abbreviations apply:
    'IRA' is the Independent Republic Ambassadors
    'FC' is the Farewell Coalition
    'MW' is the Mando Werda
    'RR' is the Rising Republic
    'CIS' is the Confederacy of Independent Systems
    'GE' is the Galactic Empire
    'SE' is the Sith Empire



"What do you say?"


Note: I added Offer/Request #6 (Intel Exchange)


Over Druckenwell, Commander Risthe contacts General Vrol.

"General Vrol, this is Commander Risthe of the Independent Republic Ambassadors. I have made contact with the Mando Werda and they seem open to negotiations about an extension to the insecure truce at the moment. I am contacting you because I am not allowed to speak in the name of the Republic, so I need someone who can represent the Republic at the negotiations."

Tyrral take a drink of water "The treaty look good but right now we can not accept the 6th term as far as we know you have no Intel you can provide us that's beneficially but we have scores of Intel to provide you that could help your expansion while limiting ours .You can see how we might hesitate at accepting that last term."


"We would also ask for the schematics to the Acclamator ,Skipray Blaster Boat and the Tartans so we can add them to our fleet so we can be better prepared and able to defend both sides.

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Tyrral take a drink of water "The treaty look good but right now we can not accept the 6th term as far as we know you have no Intel you can provide us that's beneficially but we have scores of Intel to provide you that could help your expansion while limiting ours .You can see how we might hesitate at accepting that last term."


"We would also ask for the schematics to the Acclamator ,Skipray Blaster Boat and the Tartans so we can add them to our fleet so we can be better prepared and able to defend both sides.


"We have several scouts around the sector and a powerful communications array at the shipyard that will surely be very useful to Siri Skye.


Sadly we do not have the schematics available currently but it wouldn't be a problem getting those. While we're at it, we also have a lucrehulk core ship, a freighter with extremely large capacities, of which we could get a schematic."

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*Week 14*


Results of Week 13:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: Hosting a party for all of the underworld representatives


The Galactic Inquisition: Finally is reaching the end of the Ord Mantell story line


Mando Werda: New character


The Farewell Coalition: Attends the party and is in the process of making a treaty with the IRA


Rising Republic: Has gained Arbiter protection, due to inactivity.


Ordo Kote: Gained control of Voss


Independent Republic Ambassadors: Makes treaties with both the FC and MW


Skill points Earned:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: + 15


The Galactic Inquisition: + 10


Mando Werda: + 10


The Farewell Coalition: + 15


Rising Republic:


Ordo Kote: + 10


Independent Republic Ambassadors: + 20

Edited by Silenceo
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"We have several scouts around the sector and a powerful communications array at the shipyard that will surely be very useful to Siri Skye.


Sadly we do not have the schematics available currently but it wouldn't be a problem getting those. While we're at it, we also have a lucrehulk core ship, a freighter with extremely large capacities, of which we could get a schematic."

We have several sectors already scouted ourselves and have information on CIS troops and fleet movement and location what can you really provide us other then the communication array?


That sounds interesting if you can provide us with those Schematics and we will put our whole weight behind this treaty.

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We have several sectors already scouted ourselves and have information on CIS troops and fleet movement and location what can you really provide us other then the communication array?


That sounds interesting if you can provide us with those Schematics and we will put our whole weight behind this treaty.


"Not much, at the moment. But that will change. And you don't have to reveal all of your intel at once.


We will have to do some research and stuff, it may take a few weeks. We could also lend you a ship so you can get the schematics yourself, if you can't wait."

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"Not much, at the moment. But that will change. And you don't have to reveal all of your intel at once.


We will have to do some research and stuff, it may take a few weeks. We could also lend you a ship so you can get the schematics yourself, if you can't wait."

"Well maybe we can work out something small every week you can send it to the Republic and they can start freeing some systems from the CIS.



"Well that can work if you send us the Ships we will get the Schematics ourselves and share them with you afterwards."

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"Well maybe we can work out something small every week you can send it to the Republic and they can start freeing some systems from the CIS.



"Well that can work if you send us the Ships we will get the Schematics ourselves and share them with you afterwards."


"I am not sure if the republic has enough forces to attack the CIS with the GE attacking from the opposite direction.


Yeah, no problem, the moment you sign the treaty my ships will be on their way. Apart from the Acclamator and the Skiprays, all ships will have a modification, so maybe you won't get the standard schematic." (I'll PM you.)


The Deliverance, Alderaan, Sentinel and two Skiprays unload their troops on Druckenwell and prepare to travel to Gall.

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