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I just had an idea: when assaulting Iotra my men will have Sith Empire emblems painted on their armor and vehicles. Many Mandos fight as mercenaries for the Sith, so the Hutts eill hopefully believe that the troops attaccking them are under Sith command. If this works I may actually gain some allies against the Sith or at least weaken their diplomatic position.

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Sil if I find out about the governor I'll like to send a squad of my best troops to save him and send him to a undisclosed location until the war is over.


Side note:I would also like to use some of star Basilisk War Droids to lay space mines at the entrance of the system to wait for the Arriving CIS fleet. The mines are left inactive until the CIS fleet are in system. WIth a Davaab-type starfighter near the entrances to the system to give word of the CIS arrival and to arm the mines.

Edited by Jarons
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*Week 9*


Results of Week 8:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: Fleeing like a bat out of hell from Kessel.


The Galactic Inquisition: Diplomacy across the GE territory continues to progress.


Mando Werda: Continues siege on Gall.


The Farewell Coalition: Continues siege on Gall.


Rising Republic: Continues to repair ships and fleet remains over Naboo. Sent scout to Bannistar.


Ordo Kote: Invaded Iotra.


Skill points Earned:


"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.: + 3


The Galactic Inquisition: +10


Mando Werda: + 10


The Farewell Coalition: + 10


Rising Republic: + 2


Ordo Kote: + 10




Iotra: the Ordo Kote have proven victorious! Casualties: 200 Mandalorians. (Mercs temperarily had some disruptors before being overrun)


Gall Casualties




2,000 B1's

1,000 B2's


20 Commando Droids


2 Anti-Aircraft emplacements

10 Predator Gunships

10 Chameolon droids






10 Canderous-class assault tank

10,000 soldiers


20 AAC-2 Hovertank

450 Nightfalcon speeder bike

2 HAVw A6 Juggernaut


Mando Werda:


20 J1 proton cannons

20 AT-MP

670 Mandalorians

100 Basilisk War Droids

670 CK-6 swoops

5 AT-AAs




Gall Summery


Nor were the combined forces pressing them too hard, which allowed them to continue to use their artillery to great effect, in combination with their Chameleon droids. Despite all of this, the FC took losses when investigating the cave, as well as being ambushed constantly throughout the week when they least expected it. In the last battle of Gall 4 Magnaguards had killed 500 troops in a single day. This time, over the course of a week, the 20 were causing chaos along to edges of the invading force, slowly whittling at their forces. When a Basilisk would be called, they used the data streams from the Chameleons to plot escape routes extremely effectively. If all of them were not destroyed, the invaders would continue to have problems. They did however, manage to destroy some of them, which allowed them to land some of their artillery without being counter bombed, which allowed the casualties of some of the CIS artillery and AA. The Governor was not in his manor, and by the time the FC troops arrived, all that was left was a datapad. It said that if they did not leave the planet, the Governor would be dead by the next planet cycle, as well as his children and wife. The siege continues.
Edited by Silenceo
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Well stuff ain't going your way Jarons. I'm perplexed as to how I lost 20 cannons when Dar'yaim values those things so much though...


I specifically stated at least four things that seemed to have been ignored

-increased patrols (massively increased)

-active scanning by those patrols (which would easily see through the Chameleon droid's disguise which is not truly stealth its a holoprojection)

-Heavily defended cannons (almost absurdly so) placed in the rear of the lines well outside enemy artillery's range (despite their "increased accuracy")

-Heavily prepared landing area prior to the arrival of the cannons so any potential danger would have been detected well in advance


I'll also mention that J1 proton cannons brings down Acclamators... Even if I only had the surviving cannons pound away for a week the canyon would be a good mile deeper and you never said anything about shields that could withstand this bombardment. There really shouldn't be an enemy base left to worry about.


I mean, the Basilisks and troops and such I get... but I don't think you get what I was saying Sil. There is literally no way the CIS could attack my cannons and kill that many unless they suffered staggering losses to do so. Also, only 2 AA guns? Those things were the targets and we only got 2?


Now for the rest of the losses, I expected about as much. I just didn't anticipate a force that theoretically could have been taken by Jaron's initial force to be able to hold off the sheer firepower and numbers that we're both bringing.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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"Veiyr, my old friend, I have a mission for you," Ayan addressed the Mandalorian standing in front of him. "I need you to head to Hutta to find out whether our trick has worked and to do anything to worsen the relationship between the Sith and the Hutts. You have the necesary underground contacts and experience from your times as a bounty hunter. If we manage to get the Hutts onto our side, well be one step closer to defeating the shabla Sith."

"Alright," Veiyr answered. "I will leave immediatly."

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Well stuff ain't going your way Jarons. I'm perplexed as to how I lost 20 cannons when Dar'yaim values those things so much though...


I specifically stated at least four things that seemed to have been ignored

-increased patrols (massively increased)

-active scanning by those patrols (which would easily see through the Chameleon droid's disguise which is not truly stealth its a holoprojection)

-Heavily defended cannons (almost absurdly so) placed in the rear of the lines well outside enemy artillery's range (despite their "increased accuracy")

-Heavily prepared landing area prior to the arrival of the cannons so any potential danger would have been detected well in advance


I'll also mention that J1 proton cannons brings down Acclamators... Even if I only had the surviving cannons pound away for a week the canyon would be a good mile deeper and you never said anything about shields that could withstand this bombardment. There really shouldn't be an enemy base left to worry about.


I mean, the Basilisks and troops and such I get... but I don't think you get what I was saying Sil. There is literally no way the CIS could attack my cannons and kill that many unless they suffered staggering losses to do so. Also, only 2 AA guns? Those things were the targets and we only got 2?


Now for the rest of the losses, I expected about as much. I just didn't anticipate a force that theoretically could have been taken by Jaron's initial force to be able to hold off the sheer firepower and numbers that we're both bringing.


A few explanations:

- While the patrols were increased massively, the CIS essentially pulled back fully to their base

- While their stealth isn't a "true" stealth, searching for them when moving at the speed they would be... Not the best combination since the only give away is a slight distortion in the air

- How would the HAG not be in range, yet the J1's in range, considering that the HAG's have direct feed? I mean, they were both CIS artillery, and not really stated to have different ranges unless I misread...

- The Predators that were lost were making runs on the artillery, using the feed from the Chameleons to strike from the angles that allowed them shots at the artillery (didn't work as well as they wanted, seeing how they lost 10 Predators doing this)


The part that you have to keep in mind, is that that Super Tactical Droid is essentially CARRYING the ENTIRE CIS force. Without it, the CIS would have been crushed on week one, with little casualties to the invading forces. However, due to his vast tactical superiority to those present, he is able to present a problem that is hard to remove. Combine that with the Chameleon's and artillery, and the CIS are hard to dislodge. Before you say your character's tactics are comparable to the Super Tactical Droid, I will merely say that at this point in time, the droid has superior tactical execution. Which allows his otherwise vastly inferior forces, to put up one hell of a fight.

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Ayan addresses the leadership of Iotra: "Iotrans, I am Ayan of the Mandalorian people. Me and my men have freed your planet from the corrupting influence of the Hutt criminals. The Joint Council will be reinstalled and we will do all to root out all that threatens your security. You will have to share your industrial capabilities with us, but in return you will benefit from our protection. Accept this offer or face the consequences.

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A few explanations:

- While the patrols were increased massively, the CIS essentially pulled back fully to their base

- While their stealth isn't a "true" stealth, searching for them when moving at the speed they would be... Not the best combination since the only give away is a slight distortion in the air

- How would the HAG not be in range, yet the J1's in range, considering that the HAG's have direct feed? I mean, they were both CIS artillery, and not really stated to have different ranges unless I misread...

- The Predators that were lost were making runs on the artillery, using the feed from the Chameleons to strike from the angles that allowed them shots at the artillery (didn't work as well as they wanted, seeing how they lost 10 Predators doing this)


The part that you have to keep in mind, is that that Super Tactical Droid is essentially CARRYING the ENTIRE CIS force. Without it, the CIS would have been crushed on week one, with little casualties to the invading forces. However, due to his vast tactical superiority to those present, he is able to present a problem that is hard to remove. Combine that with the Chameleon's and artillery, and the CIS are hard to dislodge. Before you say your character's tactics are comparable to the Super Tactical Droid, I will merely say that at this point in time, the droid has superior tactical execution. Which allows his otherwise vastly inferior forces, to put up one hell of a fight.


Alright. Not pleased but that makes more sense... I'm going to work now but when I get back to my computer I'll have a plan for Week 3 of the siege.

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Ayan addresses the leadership of Iotra: "Iotrans, I am Ayan of the Mandalorian people. Me and my men have freed your planet from the corrupting influence of the Hutt criminals. The Joint Council will be reinstalled and we will do all to root out all that threatens your security. You will have to share your industrial capabilities with us, but in return you will benefit from our protection. Accept this offer or face the consequences.


*The people of Iotra celebrated late into the night, with much merriment and joy.*

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Sil their no way they only lost 10 Predator Gunships when I lost 20 AAC-2 hovertank you literally sent Air crafts against anti-air tanks and I lost more then the Air crafts that were sent.Can you please explain this because it doesn't take 2 AAC hover tank to take out a predator.
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Sil their no way they only lost 10 Predator Gunships when I lost 20 AAC-2 hovertank you literally sent Air crafts against anti-air tanks and I lost more then the Air crafts that were sent.Can you please explain this because it doesn't take 2 AAC hover tank to take out a predator.


They used the precision of the artillery strikes to destroy some of the AAC as the Predators come into sight for a quick strike, lowish to the ground. Essentially what caused that was:


- Low ground flying

- Constant feed from Chameleon's (though some did get taken out...)

- Artillery to cover approach

- Heavy shielding/speed

- Only takes a missile or two to take out the J1's

- the AAC are not exactly specialized AA (yes, it was one of their main roles, but as is anti-armor, anti-infantry, and artillery... What did they not cover? In order to do so, they would either have multiple variants, or they had to generalize a lot with little specialization.)

- Coordination supplied by the Super Tactical Droid allowed for such efficient strikes

- Canyon causes a lot of LoS


HMP Predators are among some of the deadliest gunships in the galaxy, basically being able to laugh off most ground unit attacks except for exceptional rocket launchers. (Which you ofc have)

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The First Independent Republic Ambassadors' Fleet enters orbit around the planet Druckenwell. Immediately, 4 teams of 2 Delta-7 Aethersprites take off of the acclamator Liberator and head towards the planets Kabray, Bannistar, New Cov and Falleen.(Thanks to Class 1 hyperdrives they arrive in just a few hours)


Beeska of House Organa, leader of the Independent Republic Ambassadors, opens a channel towards the republic ships in orbit.

"This is Beeska of House Organa, leader of the Independent Republic Ambassadors, to the commander of the republis forces over Druckenwell."


"We are looking for a base to take action against the CIS forces along the Corellian Run trade route. In return, we will defend the planet and further expand the industry."


OOC: this will be my color for IC content.

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The First Independent Republic Ambassadors' Fleet enters orbit around the planet Druckenwell. Immediately, 4 teams of 2 Delta-7 Aethersprites take off of the acclamator Liberator and head towards the planets Kabray, Bannistar, New Cov and Falleen.(Thanks to Class 1 hyperdrives they arrive in just a few hours)


Beeska of House Organa, leader of the Independent Republic Ambassadors, opens a channel towards the republic ships in orbit.

"This is Beeska of House Organa, leader of the Independent Republic Ambassadors, to the commander of the republis forces over Druckenwell."


"We are looking for a base to take action against the CIS forces along the Corellian Run trade route. In return, we will defend the planet and further expand the industry."


OOC: this will be my color for IC content.


*Aboard the "Avenger" over Druckenwell*


Vrol: "You have permission to board my ship, Ambassador, to discuss the matter in person."


*Vrol closed the line and watched through the view port, not overly eager with yet another interloper in Republic affairs. Perhaps though, they would be less warmongering than those Mando Werda...*

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*Aboard the "Avenger" over Druckenwell*


Vrol: "You have permission to board my ship, Ambassador, to discuss the matter in person."


*Vrol closed the line and watched through the view port, not overly eager with yet another interloper in Republic affairs. Perhaps though, they would be less warmongering than those Mando Werda...*


3 Delta-7B Aethersprite starfighters, piloted by Beeska and 2 of her crew members, both young diplomats and able to fly a starfighter without looking like a complete moron, depart from the Liberator and land in the assigned hangar aboard the Avenger.

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3 Delta-7B Aethersprite starfighters, piloted by Beeska and 2 of her crew members, both young diplomats and able to fly a starfighter without looking like a complete moron, depart from the Liberator and land in the assigned hangar aboard the Avenger.


*A group of Republic soldiers are waiting when the lamp lowers, saying they are to take them to a conference room, where they will meet General Vrol.*


*Meanwhile, Vrol ensured his armor was all in one piece, and that he remembered the courtesy's of negotiation. Not one of his strong suits, he tended to be the strong arm behind such, not the soft words before.*

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They used the precision of the artillery strikes to destroy some of the AAC as the Predators come into sight for a quick strike, lowish to the ground. Essentially what caused that was:


- Low ground flying

- Constant feed from Chameleon's (though some did get taken out...)

- Artillery to cover approach

- Heavy shielding/speed

- Only takes a missile or two to take out the J1's

- the AAC are not exactly specialized AA (yes, it was one of their main roles, but as is anti-armor, anti-infantry, and artillery... What did they not cover? In order to do so, they would either have multiple variants, or they had to generalize a lot with little specialization.)

- Coordination supplied by the Super Tactical Droid allowed for such efficient strikes

- Canyon causes a lot of LoS


HMP Predators are among some of the deadliest gunships in the galaxy, basically being able to laugh off most ground unit attacks except for exceptional rocket launchers. (Which you ofc have)


Ok I can understand that but I still think more should have been destroyed at least 15.


OCC: How many Chameleon's do they have for all the things you are having them doing it seems like their 1,000 of them?

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*A group of Republic soldiers are waiting when the lamp lowers, saying they are to take them to a conference room, where they will meet General Vrol.*


*Meanwhile, Vrol ensured his armor was all in one piece, and that he remembered the courtesy's of negotiation. Not one of his strong suits, he tended to be the strong arm behind such, not the soft words before.*


The tree diplomats kindly thank the soldiers and follow them.


*We have a not-so good diplomat vs someone with more than 50% o her points in Diplomacy:

  • Tier 1:
    Reading Others: 9 * Tier 1 = 9
    Doctrines: 9 * Tier 1 = 9
  • Tier 2:
    Peace: 7 * Tier 2 = 14
    Agreements: 7 * Tier 2 = 14
  • Tier 3:
    Exchanges: 3 * Tier 3 = 9
  • Tier 4:
    Allies: 3 * Tier 4 = 12


OOC: Delta-7B's are starfighters, they don't have ramps.

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Ok I can understand that but I still think more should have been destroyed at least 15.


OCC: How many Chameleon's do they have for all the things you are having them doing it seems like their 1,000 of them?


Not 1,000, no. But still a good deal left. Even 10 is a blow to their effectiveness. I mean, only one is really needed per area in order to do all this. Though, week 3 of the siege you will find the victory bitter sweet. :( (The last thing that Chameleon's are programmed to do well...)

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The tree diplomats kindly thank the soldiers and follow them.


*We have a not-so good diplomat vs someone with more than 50% o her points in Diplomacy:

  • Tier 1:
    Reading Others: 9 * Tier 1 = 9
    Doctrines: 9 * Tier 1 = 9
  • Tier 2:
    Peace: 7 * Tier 2 = 14
    Agreements: 7 * Tier 2 = 14
  • Tier 3:
    Exchanges: 3 * Tier 3 = 9
  • Tier 4:
    Allies: 3 * Tier 4 = 12


OOC: Delta-7B's are starfighters, they don't have ramps.


OOC: Oh I know the disparity in skill here. :p *gets ready for circles to be talked* The ramps were... a figure of speech! :o Kinda, not really... Meh! :p


*Vrol is already seated as they enter, he gestures for them to take a seat across the table from him*

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Not 1,000, no. But still a good deal left. Even 10 is a blow to their effectiveness. I mean, only one is really needed per area in order to do all this. Though, week 3 of the siege you will find the victory bitter sweet. :( (The last thing that Chameleon's are programmed to do well...)

Well the CIS used them in groups of 12 at most 20 so their either 2 to 10 left I believe we can find the last few before it gets real bad.Well a victory is still a victory we can recover.When will the CIS fleet arrive I thought they were to arrive this week?


Also I would like to put my fleet in a blockade of the planet as well with the Crusaders weaved between me and star fleets.

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Well the CIS used them in groups of 12 at most 20 so their either 2 to 10 left I believe we can find the last few before it gets real bad.Well a victory is still a victory we can recover.When will the CIS fleet arrive I thought they were to arrive this week?


Also I would like to put my fleet in a blockade of the planet as well with the Crusaders weaved between me and star fleets.


12-20 in a group/squad. Similar to how other units are organized into platoons. That does not mean there can not be more than that remaining.


The fleet will arrive today, yes, though there is a twist I hadn't planned for... *Not all of what comes next is from me... just a forewarning since you might get annoyed at it...*


Side Note: Blockades are a tech/research thing to unlock. Training, if you will.

Edited by Silenceo
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OOC: Oh I know the disparity in skill here. :p *gets ready for circles to be talked* The ramps were... a figure of speech! :o Kinda, not really... Meh! :p


*Vrol is already seated as they enter, he gestures for them to take a seat across the table from him*


The diplomats step nearer, bow respectfully and accept the offer.

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