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A squad of Bes'uliiks is sent to scout the planet Iotra.


Edit: Production of Ordo Kote droids and vehicles begins on Saleucami and the best troops are selected for cloning. Excavations begin on Ordo in hope of obtaining more resources.


Does Ordo actually have a shipyard? How many resources do I need to build a planetary shield generator on Ordo?

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Do we know anything about these?


Not terribly tough, cheap to make, decent offenses. Slightly weaker than most cruisers essentially. So basically a large frigate with a large crew/troop number.

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Edit: Production of Ordo Kote droids and vehicles begins on Saleucami and the best troops are selected for cloning. Excavations begin on Ordo in hope of obtaining more resources.


Does Ordo actually have a shipyard? How many resources do I need to build a planetary shield generator on Ordo?


Remember, factory cuts the price of vehicles/droids in half. (Vehicles I think we will just go with the area method similar to star ships)


Excavations so far are slow to progress, but time is required.

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Battle over Iotra


Hutt Forces


10 Hutt Cruisers (Ajurr class)

30 freighters


Battle Plan


Chase away interlopers





Ordo Kote


2 Acclamators

900 Bes'uliiks

240 Skipreys


Battle Plan


The Acclamators use their missile/torpedo launchers to bombard the enemy from a far. When the Ajuurs close in the Ordo Kote will use their overwheming fighter advantage to tear the enemy apart.





- Hutts are not prepared for war

- Mandalorians are unlike to run

- Ajurr have very low fighter defenses

- Freighters are personal freighters, capable of anti-fighter




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1. Ayan has many (16) points in starfighter tactics.

2. Both Bes'uliiks and GAT-24rs are incredibly powerful starfighters. Honestly I dont think that the Ajuurs are even capable of destroying them, as their point defenses are too weak to destroy them and their turbolasers are cant hit them. The Skipreys carry 24 proton torps and 36 conc missiles and the Bes'uliiks have 6 hardpoints to hold things like heavy missles, allowing them to destroy the Ajuurs incredibly quickly. Bes'uliiks are armored in Beskar and Skipreys possess powerful shielding and armor. The Ajuurs are also weak against fighters in general.

3. The freighters are so outnumbered by enemy fighters that theyll be destroyed before even trying to do any damage.

4. The Ajuurs will be damaged by long range missile fire from the Acclamators before they can even start to engage.


Honestly, I dont see me loosing more then a squad of fighters at most.

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Retaking of Gall




50,000 B1's

10,000 B2's

100 AAT

10 MTT

1,000 STAAP

20 HAG

10 Anti-Aircraft emplacements

1 Super Tactical Droid

20 Magnaguard (trained against jedi and extensive field experience)

100 Commando Droids


Battle Plan


Setup ambushes throughout the canyon


HAG will bombard enemy troop formations


Lure FC into spots where explosives are set to detonate


Collapse portions of the Canyon on approaching forces


Secretly re-opened the cave, and sneaking troops through for a flanking maneuver


Magnaguards will be skirmishing along enemy lines in quick hit and run attacks for minimum risk


Commando's sabotaging enemy vehicles when possible




The Farewell Coalition


Jarons will post


Battle Plan


Jarons will post





- Super Tactical Droid is experienced against both organized armies, and rebels

- CIS is prepared for an attack similar to the last

- Multiple additional locations farther along the path are mined, and explosions set

- Possible to drag on for more than 1 in-game week





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Iorta seems to be a pretty easy battle to win, while their may be some fighter casualties do to the frieghters It should go pretty well.



The Retaking of Gall on the other hand should be pretty rough, I am not sure what he going to throw at it, but it looks like it will be rough as is.


(I honestly think it will likely turn into a siege....)

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Ground force

10 AT-AT

20 AT-ST

165 TX-130T Fighter Tank

165 2-M Saber-Class Tank

150 Canderous-class assault tank

39,900 Droideka Mark II-

77350 soldiers


55 AAC-2 Hovertank

50 T4-B Heavy tank

2,450 Nightfalcon speeder bike

150 Amphibious interstellar Assault Transport/Infantry

15 HAVw A6 Juggernaut

190 Nemesis-class gunship


Am using everything on this one

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Whats your battle plan....

Still thinking about it but I have a rough outline so far.their going to be


The battle will consist of multiple stages with stage one being my heavy troopers on speeder bikes attacking the Anti-Aircraft emplacements so I can bring in my Nemesis-class gunship to carpet bomb the canyon to kill any vehicles visible and hopefully destroy the minefield so my men can travel through the canyon unhindered.Stage two will deal with the the STAP my AAC-2 Hovertank (basically anti air tanks) will create a no fly zone for the CIS. Then I will deal with the HAG (still part of stage 2) which are extremely vulnerable to fast moving vehicles so my TX-130T Fighter Tank amd 2-M Saber-Class Tank well be very effective against them so they shouldn't be a problem for long in the battle.Stage three will consist of me setting up my SPMA in a location they can bomb the CIS position which will be protected by Star and his skilled men.from commando's and any other droids who might want to be foolish enough to attack their position. Finally Stage 4 is the ground battle my vehicles e(AT-AT,Canderous-class assault tanks,T4-B Heavy tank,TX-130T Fighter Tank, 2-M Saber-Class Tank AT-ST) will combat their MTT and AAT. Finally on the remainder of the ground forces my Men will use the Droideka foot soldiers strategy as before but I will split my army into two separate groups one coming from the north and the other on the south with Nemesis providing close air support and scouting for enemy positions in case of flanking and to collapse that cave entrances.


Things to note:

Will be using Amphibious interstellar Assault Transport/Infantry HAVw A6 Juggernaut to transport troops.

Amphibious interstellar Assault Transport/Infantry are being escorted by Star fighters.

Having help from the Mando werda mercenary company.

Will use my men knowledge of the terrain to our advantage.

Using speeder bikes to scout and for hit and run attacks.

Moral boost being the first Planet under the Coalition protection soldiers are fighting twice as hard to reclaim it.

Star is protecting our Rear with his Basilisks.

Adrian is i command and is coordinating the battle.

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Still thinking about it but I have a rough outline so far.their going to be multiple stages hitting their Anti-Aircraft emplacements first so I can bring in my Nemesis-class gunship to carpet bomb the canyon to kill any vehicles I see and hopefully destroy most of the minefield so my men won't have to worry about them.Follow by having my AAC-2 Hovertank kill the STAP in the air so their won't be a problem I'll have them far away that they won't be hit by The HAG but they are extremely vulnerable to fast moving vehicles so my TX-130T Fighter Tank amd 2-M Saber-Class Tank well be very affective agansit them. So their off the list.Follow by setting up my SPMA in a location they can bomb the CIS postion tune would you like a job I could use some skilled merc to protect the SPMA from commando droids.I'll pay your price..Follow by my vehicles take out the MTT and AAT.My vehicles out class those by far.Finally on the remainder of the ground forces my Men will use the Droideka foot soldiers strategy as before but I will spilt them up ik two groups on coming from the north and the other on the south with Nemesis providing close air support and scouting for enemy positions in case of flanking and to collapse that cave entrance if and when my men notice it If it turns into a seige I don't have a plan for that yet so am open to suggestions.


This is just a outline sorry if its all over the place.


I may take a job, but I am unsure at this time, what would the mission be? You are of course aware that i AM kind of spread out around the galaxy right now.


Litterally after Bothawui, much to Silenceo's likely :( I split my forces into like 5 groups again. I am LITTERALLY spread through out the galaxy right now....


I DO have force close, but its no where near my main forces strength....



Edit: Ya talk to Star, he is probably more Ready to help right now. I am primarily a Transport company.... think about how MINE and Star's mission worked out... he was the shock troops, and main power, I was the skilled pilots and the trickity trick guy that uses a distraction to get another mission done. He is the muscle that you want if you want some one to defend a location.

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