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*Short on time, so take this as both a briefing, and the start of the battle, with you guys being able to form plans and such as if they were before the battle*


Kamino: Battle for Brothers


CIS Fleet


1 Subjugator Heavy Cruiser

30 Providence

20 Lucrehulk

100 Munificent

37,000 Vultures

2,000 Tri-droids


Ground Forces


10,000,000 B1's

50,000 B2's

1,000 Droideka's

1,000 AAT


10,000 STAAP





Republic Fleet


1 Praetor-class battle cruiser (MK I)

20 Venator

40 Acclamator

200 Corellian Corvette's

8,400 ARC fighters

5,000 V-Wing bombers


Ground Forces


50 AT-TE

200 AT-RT

100,000 Clone Soldiers

10 Elite Republic Commando's

1,000 BARC Speeders

1,000 AT-PT



"Salty's" Freighter's and Soldiers Co.


1 Providence-class carrier/destroyer

4 Majestic (126,000 x4)

4 Carrack-class ( 25,200 x4)

4 Corona (19,800 x4)

4 CR90 Config includes Class 1 HD 6 Dual Turbo, 4 Laser, 2 Ion, crew 140, passengers 400, Cargo 2,000 Metric ton (8,019 x4)

8 Modified Assassin ( 9,240 x 8)

4 Warrior (14,250 x 4)

3 Agave (14,250 x 4)

20 YZ-775 (936 x 20)

10 GR075 Medium Transport (modified with weapons, shields, armor and Class 2 hyperdrive)

132 K-wing (160 x 132)

72 Ft-7B Clarion (45 x72)

156 Ft-6 Pike (45 x156)

60 FT-8 Star Gaurd (45x 60)

144 Miy'til Standard (54 x 156)

96 Miy'til Command (64.8 x 84)


Ground Forces



160 MTTs

280 AAT

1,000 STAAP

1 Million Droids





640 Mercenary troops see Mixed races with mixed weapons ( Races include 25% weequay, 28% human, 12% Duro, 20% Rodians, and 5% Ubese, 5% Wookie, 5% Gamorean.) for race ratio's on all troops. x4

640 22-B Nightfalcon Speeder bike x4

46 fighters 1 Years worth assuming Heavy usage star fighter Ordanance x4

10 HMP Droid gunship x4

5 Heavy Tracker x4

10 Repulsor sled x4 (needs to be quatified and subtracted, Also needs confirmation on Configuration cargo usage)

2 HTT-26 Heavy Troop Transport x4



126 Metric tons x 4 (space to be used at a later time just formatting at the moment)


Consumables 1 Year




142 Mercenary Troops x4

142 Night Falcon speeder bike x4

10 HMP droid Gunship x4

2 AV-7 Antivehicle Cannon x4


216 Metric tons x4


Consumables 1 Year


Corona-class Frigate


80 Troops x 4

80 B Nightfalcon speeder bike x4

10 T2-B Repulsor tank x4

10 ULAV x 4

1 Years worth Heavy usage Star Fighter Ordanence for 23 fighters x4


908 metric tons x4


Consumables 1 year


CR90 Modified


400 troops x 4

400 22-B Nightfalcon speeder bike x4

10 HMP Droid gunship x4


200 metric tons x 4


Consumable 1 year


Assassin Modified


60 troops x 8

60 22-B Nightfalcon speeder bike x8

10 HMP Droid Gunship x8


980 metric tons x 8


Consumable 1 year



Warrior-class Gunship


10 Troops x 4

10 22-B Nightfalcon speeder bike x 4

5 ULAV x4


195 Metric Tons x 4


Consumables 1 year



Agave-class Picket Ship


5 Troops x 3

5 22-B Nightfalcon speeder bike x3

1 Heavy Tracker x3


176 Metric tons x 3


Consumables 1 year



YZ-775 Medium Transport


54 Troops x 20

54 22-B Nightfalcon speeder bike x20

1 T4-B Tank x20

1 T2 -B Tank x20


54 Metric tons x 20



Mando Werda


1 Venator

1 Kandosii-type

1 Acclamator

2 Strike-class

5 Jehavey'ir-type assault ships

500 X-83's

200 Skipray blastboats

246 V-wings


Ground Forces


11 Canderous Assault Tanks (6,600)

20 J1 proton cannons (4,200)

100 AT-MP (7,000)

10,000 YVH Battle Droids (26,000)

10,000 Mandalorians (10,000)

3,000 E-Web Heavy Mandalorians (6,000)

1,000 Rocket launcher Heavy Mandalorians (2,000)

6,100 Basilisk War Droids (24,400)

20 days of extra consumables for 29,000 organics (2,800)

1,000 CK-6 swoops (1,000)




Republic's Plan


- Draw fleet away from Kamino

- Salty sneaks past and lands on the surface

- Salty's men take over the AA and surface to space weapons

- Give single to fleet

- Fleet lure's them above the planet

- Plantary weapons turned against CIS

- Mando Werda make land fall

- Republic forces distract bulk of CIS forces

- Mando Werda secure hot zones

- Salty's men defend landing zone's

- Eventual Victory





- Trench is back

- CIS forces will stop at nothing to stop the Republic here

- Tune's forces scouted it out well before hand

- All Republic and its allies, forces are well aware of what the enemy has

- Republic Fleet is unwilling to allow defeat here

- Victory is pivitol for the Republic's fate

- High Jedi General Mace Windu is leading the Republic fleet

- Ground to space cannons can not fire on ships unless they are over the planet

- Ground to space cannons can 1 shot Munificents, and cripple Providence/Lucrehulks in 1 shot

- all of the Republic fleet are top-class crew, soldiers, and captains

Edited by Silenceo
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To be noted, since I believed this was Pre-battle, and I was planning on shuffling troops around Pre-battle, and just didnt get to it, those places are probably NOT accurate as to where everything is going to be........ Sorry Sil didnt know you were posting the BATTLE.....




Edit: need to add 2 More agave to that for the ACTUAL battle (see the numbers I gave were for the ones CURRENTLY at Bothuwai.) and the 2 other Agave's are AT Kamino.


Further need to add 40 Troops and speeders per Cargo Ship to it, I hadnt thought I was going to bring the Cargo ships into this battle, but thinking it over again this might not be a bad plan......

Edited by tunewalker
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Ok so some of our plan (of course if any one can think of a better one we are listening)



I am pretty sure the Republic is going to do a lot of the "heavy lifting" but we are going to need to do a bunch of little things to turn the advantage in favor of the Republic....



I Dont think I can take the droid Army for example, but I also dont know that I NEED to.... but thats mostly because while my troops know the lay out I dont so far, so I dont know if I should utilize my 1 Million battle droids, or if I should just try to sneak in destroy the few droids I have to and make that signal


I MIGHT have to do BOTH.... and I think that might be my prefered... draw the main droids away, with a battle, make the next few of my droids come from behind making it look like reinfocements, they blast the hell out of them, and during the confusion I take what is needed and do the signal.



Getting to the planet is the easy part.


I intend to transfer all the troops and Vehicles to the GR-75 except the ones on board the CR-90's, the Assassins and the YZ-775's. Using the battle and the other side of the planet as cover, then flying low to evade sensor radar (Like a smuggler does) then I land my troops and have the main droids walk on the facility from both ends, kind of from a bit of distance drawing them away.


I use the Heavy Trackers to keep track and organize the ground battle. In addition I blast apart their emplacements and vehicles with my Artillery. while they are distracted my guys sneak in destroy a few of the troops and take the guns. Singaling the Republic.


Meanwhile My space troops are using the Republic fleet as cover, and the good accuracy of the Majestics to hit at the CIS fleet from relative safety. The Frigates just acting as screening for any Munificents that try to cut in. While that is going on, and about when the delivery of my troops is happening I hit the CIS fleet from behind with the Stolen Providence and ALL WARRIORS focus fire on the Subjugator with their missiles hoping to cripple it in a single unprepared shot. About then, my ships from the ground take off now in plain sight trying to draw them back to the planet... where the AA guns and the like blow them to pieces...



If you want to use a smaller force my yvh droids would be perfect for reinforcing bottlenecks while the basilisks provide close air support. I also have more than a few artillery pieces and some Canderous tanks at my disposalas well as a few E-Web equipped heavy troopers. The Basilisks on Kamino will wreck anything exposed on the platforms once you take their anti-air defences.


I'd personally like to take a few beach heads then just bottleneck them and rain artillery down until they don't exist anymore. Aldo the listed troops for my faction are the total for one of my three action VI transports. So multiply for 3 with any of my troops listed.


I can still easily fit that in the tranport ships... so you dont have to risk your ships when my guys are better smugglers.... And that sounds good, Maybe I could take down some republic troops as well... But the main crux is still good right, draw them out with our artillery and E-webs (I have them to as well as Rocket launcher equiped guys...) My Heavy trackers keeping track of the battle field, we bottle neck them and hurt them, as that happens my Battle droids come up behind them as if to Reinforce, then they open fire and its a droid massacre that will get their attention while my main force of a few elite guys sneak in take the AA guns, and we are done... still draw them out bottle neck them, trap them and sneak the smaller force to take the guns with speed so the Republic can reinfoce us quickly.


Sound Like the FULL revised plan.

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Updated it with the numbers you two said, check to verify?


That said, forgot to add a few key variables...

OOC: I was at work, now I'm home and the X-83 number is off by 50. I had forgotten for a moment about the X-83s I had build last round but also that many had been destroyed over Mechis so the correct number is 500. As for the V-wings, I was guessing as to how many I had, I knew it was close to 250 but it is actually 246 so that's how many I have. Sorry bout all that...


Now that that is out of the way. Tune I have 9,000 E-webs / 3,000 rocket launchers / 30,000 YVH droids / 33 Canderous Assault Tanks / 18,300 Basilisk War Droids / 60 J1 proton cannons / etc... from the Action VI transports alone. I'm also offloading the entire complements of all ships that will engage in naval combat at Bothawui and any that still need a ride will be retrieved after the battle.


And that isn't counting the reinforcements the Kandosii-type will drop once the space battle is taken care of (30,000 troops / 50 cannons / 6,100 Basilisks / 13 Canderous Assault Tanks)


IC: Actions

-Fleet attacks Kamino

-Building 10 Jehavey'ir Assault Ships at Yag'Dhul

-Negotiations on Wroona proceed


OOC: Well I have an Excel sheet going for my fleet and ground force numbers now... that thing is a life saver.

Edited by StarSquirrel
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OOC: I was at work, now I'm home and the X-83 number is off by 50. I had forgotten for a moment about the X-83s I had build last round but also that many had been destroyed over Mechis so the correct number is 500. As for the V-wings, I was guessing as to how many I had, I knew it was close to 250 but it is actually 246 so that's how many I have. Sorry bout all that...


Now that that is out of the way. Tune I have 9,000 E-webs / 3,000 rocket launchers / 30,000 YVH droids / 33 Canderous Assault Tanks / 18,300 Basilisk War Droids / 60 J1 proton cannons / etc... from the Action VI transports alone. I'm also offloading the entire complements of all ships that will engage in naval combat at Bothawui and any that still need a ride will be retrieved after the battle.


And that isn't counting the reinforcements the Kandosii-type will drop once the space battle is taken care of (30,000 troops / 50 cannons / 6,100 Basilisks / 13 Canderous Assault Tanks)


IC: Actions

-Fleet attacks Kamino

-Building 10 Jehavey'ir Assault Ships at Yag'Dhul

-Negotiations on Wroona proceed


OOC: Well I have an Excel sheet going for my fleet and ground force numbers now... that thing is a life saver.



Ok you are right I cant fit it on my Cargo ships, so the other solution is I pilot your action freighters.... Again my smuggling skill win greatly ensure your troops make it to the ground undetected...



(To be noted, I probably have around 3000- 4000 E-webs and rocket Launchers in addition to yours... Remember I didnt have as many soldiers but I made sure they were ALL well equiped... I also have the speeder bikes to make Some of those E-webs mobile Repulsor sled http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/WW-676_repulsorlift_sled

Edited by tunewalker
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Ok you are right I cant fit it on my Cargo ships, so the other solution is I pilot your action freighters.... Again my smuggling skill win greatly ensure your troops make it to the ground undetected...



(To be noted, I probably have around 3000- 4000 E-webs and rocket Launchers in addition to yours... Remember I didnt have as many soldiers but I made sure they were ALL well equiped... I also have the speeder bikes to make Some of those E-webs mobile Repulsor sled http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/WW-676_repulsorlift_sled


OOC: Yeah I have speeder bikes as well but mine are of the CK-6 variety and not terribly well suited for Kamino imo so I'm holding those back in favor of the Basilisks which will absolutely rip things apart. Honestly, I'd say if you can fit the Basilisks and the YVH's that might be all you'll need. Perhaps bring someone over to pilot an Action VI in soon after with the J1's and the Canderous tanks as well as my heavy infantry once our lading space has been cleared.

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OOC: Yeah I have speeder bikes as well but mine are of the CK-6 variety and not terribly well suited for Kamino imo so I'm holding those back in favor of the Basilisks which will absolutely rip things apart. Honestly, I'd say if you can fit the Basilisks and the YVH's that might be all you'll need. Perhaps bring someone over to pilot an Action VI in soon after with the J1's and the Canderous tanks as well as my heavy infantry once our lading space has been cleared.


No spoilers, but there is a droid far superior to anything your bringing heading up the CIS defense... Personally... :d_evil:


(No cheating...)

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OOC: Yeah I have speeder bikes as well but mine are of the CK-6 variety and not terribly well suited for Kamino imo so I'm holding those back in favor of the Basilisks which will absolutely rip things apart. Honestly, I'd say if you can fit the Basilisks and the YVH's that might be all you'll need. Perhaps bring someone over to pilot an Action VI in soon after with the J1's and the Canderous tanks as well as my heavy infantry once our lading space has been cleared.


Ya I will likely hold back my T2-B and T4-B tanks and 1/4 of my speeders at Bothawui since its not likely I will use them... with all the other things....


So you got any plans for the Space battle, IE any way we can do that with VERY minimal casualties....



And what do you think of the ground plan, I should lose quite a few droids, but I am assuming we are on the page that my men on the ground should be fine right? their is enough there that we are thinking of with Artillery and the rest that my men should be able to sneak in kill the few guards that are left and take the AA guns... and that mostly I will lose Droids and AAT's right?

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No spoilers, but there is a droid far superior to anything your bringing heading up the CIS defense... Personally... :d_evil:


(No cheating...)


He means cyborg, since I am possitive the one there is Greivous.... (who I remind you was taken down by a few gungans :D) he has trouble with multiple opponents and multiple angels it seems....

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OOC: I'm imagining him when he sees the laser painted on his chest and the tactical nuke entering the atmosphere...



He means cyborg, since I am possitive the one there is Greivous.... (who I remind you was taken down by a few gungans :D) he has trouble with multiple opponents and multiple angels it seems....


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Ya I will likely hold back my T2-B and T4-B tanks and 1/4 of my speeders at Bothawui since its not likely I will use them... with all the other things....


So you got any plans for the Space battle, IE any way we can do that with VERY minimal casualties....



And what do you think of the ground plan, I should lose quite a few droids, but I am assuming we are on the page that my men on the ground should be fine right? their is enough there that we are thinking of with Artillery and the rest that my men should be able to sneak in kill the few guards that are left and take the AA guns... and that mostly I will lose Droids and AAT's right?

I'd imagine so. There are a hell of a lot of droids to be fending off, but we just have to smash a hole in their lines and take a few towers then hold our ground till the Space battle is won. Then we carpet bomb any platforms with too many droids and let the Clones do the rest of the heavy lifting in retaking the planet.

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Kind of disappointed no one mentioend the Flagship or the Republic Commander. :eek: Such a huge boost to the Republic, that, as well as the variable added to their crew.... Much more balanced now...


Ya I noticed, but we were already pretty confident in the Republics abilties, we are just trying to think of ways NOT to lose half our damned forces in this....


Star should we hit the initial emplacements with the Blockade runners and the like before they can scramble.... to weaken their ground defenses first? or do you think the AA guns will cause an issue with that idea even if the ships come in bellow the raidar


Also Are you 100% sure you dont want my guys flying your initial ground transport ships that are helping my forces out on the ground... I have 4 ranks in Smuggling and in tech I have 4 ranks in Piloting....

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Kind of disappointed no one mentioend the Flagship or the Republic Commander. :eek: Such a huge boost to the Republic, that, as well as the variable added to their crew.... Much more balanced now...


I noticed. I had actually assumed that was the case based on your hints and such... Glad to have them along.


Oh, and Sil there is one more tiny factor about the attack I need to Pm with you about. Be expecting it.

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I'd imagine so. There are a hell of a lot of droids to be fending off, but we just have to smash a hole in their lines and take a few towers then hold our ground till the Space battle is won. Then we carpet bomb any platforms with too many droids and let the Clones do the rest of the heavy lifting in retaking the planet.


That's not my mission.


My men are 100% aware of the Lay out, they should be Aware of who ever this guy Sil is talking about.. My men just need to take the AA guns, have a distraction to pull the forces away from them, and signal the bigger ships to come in, that will WIN the space battle instantly and then the Republic cleans up.


Carpet bombing the planet is NOT an option, they want to capture it NOT destroy it.

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That's not my mission.


My men are 100% aware of the Lay out, they should be Aware of who ever this guy Sil is talking about.. My men just need to take the AA guns, have a distraction to pull the forces away from them, and signal the bigger ships to come in, that will WIN the space battle instantly and then the Republic cleans up.


Carpet bombing the planet is NOT an option, they want to capture it NOT destroy it.


I assure you, this one is not so easily spotted, and has... History... with Kij... :jawa_evil:



Prepare for epic reunion and showdown off screen like is done when a B@ is last seen through a close door, and shows up later with wounds. :p

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I assure you, this one is not so easily spotted, and has... History... with Kij... :jawa_evil:



Prepare for epic reunion and showdown off screen like is done when a B@ is last seen through a close door, and shows up later with wounds. :p


Ok I was about to ask cus Kij was NOT mentioned in the stuff, and I was thinking... "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY B@ back up.... AKA Future Luietenant :p"



Edit: still the rest of that intel is right....


With a little help, It wont be a problem to get the droids attention and pull them away from the guns. Then MY droids come in behind looking like reinforcments and blast most of the droids to pieces, then the droids start fighting back, while my true mission with a few of my guys get in behind security take the guns and make the signal, My ships on the ground launch an attack along with the Providence and the Warriors I was hiding drawing Trench back towards teh planet that when my guys down bellow open fire the fleet is destroyed and Republic comes in saves the day, whilst I evacuate...


Should be in and out in 20 minutes (once the distraction is in place that is)

Edited by tunewalker
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Ok I was about to ask cus Kij was NOT mentioned in the stuff, and I was thinking... "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY B@ back up...."


He was just Soloing the left flank while your forces held the right. :p Occasionally letting them pickup the slack when he had to reload, of course... :rolleyes:

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That's not my mission.


My men are 100% aware of the Lay out, they should be Aware of who ever this guy Sil is talking about.. My men just need to take the AA guns, have a distraction to pull the forces away from them, and signal the bigger ships to come in, that will WIN the space battle instantly and then the Republic cleans up.


Carpet bombing the planet is NOT an option, they want to capture it NOT destroy it.


OOC:Awwww!!! But-but-but I wanted to carpet bomb them!!!!


Oh, well... yeah we can make a lot of noise while your guys do the damage I guess

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OOC:Awwww!!! But-but-but I wanted to carpet bomb them!!!!


Oh, well... yeah we can make a lot of noise while your guys do the damage I guess


As soon as the ships are destroyed, its mission accomplished pull out the Republics got it from here, as far as I am concerned...


Like I said, I dont fight wars, I do missions. My mission is those AA guns....... :D. I am fine with hitting their outer defenses away from the guns to reduce their numbers and BEGIN them moving away from the guns... but beyond that, my mission is capture the guns... the layout of the place is REALLY going to make ambushes MUCH easier, as well as this ruse with the droids go MUCH cleaner... and more devistating..

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