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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

If this is an MMO - where is everyone? Why are the worlds more like tunnels?


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Can someone tell me where everyone is? I go to fleet and I see, if I am lucky, 2 or 3 people. Even on other planets I hardly see anyone. This is not what I call an MMO at all. Plus, top that off with lackluster worlds that seem soulless. What do I mean by soulless worlds. Where is the ambience we normally see in MMO's? NPC's in this game are some of he most cardboardish NPC's I have ever seen. No ambient sounds of NPC's working, talking, no wind, rain, no critters skittering around - birds - anyone see a bird - a bug even? Seriously. Is this suppose to be an immersive world/s? Because I am not seeing it and I certainly am not feeling it.


It's like we're playing a single player game with the option of playing with other players - if we can find someone to play with us!


Stop calling this an MMO...because it isn't! Bioware screwed up. They need to address this. Playing an MMO we should see more players! The worlds should seem like worlds and full of life. Bad on Bioware for not giving us an MMO, but instead, a poorly executed lobby game. Very disappointed. :mad:

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This is multi-player Mass Effect with a Star Wars theme, what did you expect? I personally hate seeing other players in game. It irritates me greatly when I am out questing and someone else is rude enough to enter the area I am in.
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maybe they are in their family, for the holiday time, wait for holiday to end before posting on forum about being alone playing an mmo on christmas day....:cool:


but server status is still heavy so this doesnt matter the server is still full up but just sharding is keeping people apart

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maybe they are in their family, for the holiday time, wait for holiday to end before posting on forum about being alone playing an mmo on christmas day....:cool:


Servers = Full. Queues = Present. Holidays/game is new excuse = Irrelevant.



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I felt the exact same way the first time I played it.


Having the menu bar at the top of the screen blocking the view of the sky really makes me feel like I'm always in a tunnel. They have some really cool looking backgrounds but you cant see them and just explore because you cant see them with the map open. Needs a scalable/moveable map badly.


Changing the zoom out distance helped this a bit though.

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maybe they are in their family, for the holiday time, wait for holiday to end before posting on forum about being alone playing an mmo on christmas day....:cool:


You blame holidays? This is one of the busiest times for MMO's. People have time off from work and school and in every MMO I have ever played they are really buy this time of year. So that is a poor excuse.

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Last night I decided to sit down and count just how many servers there actually are. There's 210 servers. I'm not even joking. There's 210 *********** servers. If we divide that by the 1 million people who play this game, that's roughly 5k people per server. That's why the game seems so dead. Bioware put a pop cap of a maximum of 5k people per server. And since, like any mmo, people tend to gravitate to only a few servers you end up getting 1 million people on 5 servers that are only able to support 25k people.


Now you know why the game seems so dead.

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The worlds seem strangely empty, and I'm playing on a server with queues. Does Bio have the player caps set incredibly low?


thats not fair, questing on corusant on my JK I saw at leaast 3 other players over a 2 hour play time. Its packs compared to tatooine on my commando.

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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of people want to discuss the manner in which game areas are divided into phases at the moment and to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will also help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in this ongoing conversation.


You may also want to take a look at this thread that includes a link to an interview mentioning the technique and our approach.


We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on in either of those discussions!

Edited by Averran
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