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Are you a Gentleman or a Bastard?


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The Gentleman Bastards are looking for 2 players who are able to riad on Sunday nights from 8:00pm EST - 11:00 pm EST.

This is an Imperial Faction Raid Group

The open spots are a little flexible, so we are looking for a DPS and a healer or for 2 DPS. Ranged prefered, we already have the Melee covered.

The Gentleman Bastards are the Imperial Allies of Souls of Fate so we have a large pool of resources to work with.


If you are interested in Running with The Gentleman Bastards, Imperial Guild, please message me on this thread, send me a PM or an in game message to Ra'mel or Sh'ran (Imperial characters).

Edited by RiVaN_
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I have toons for both roles especially since Sunday is like a boring day for me SWTOR wise due to lack of anything going on besides trolling fleet chat. My characters in sig below.


We run from 8 - 11 pm EST. I usually do Imp PvP on Friday's and a little on Sunday before raid. I'll send ya a in PM tomorrow and give ya the details. Look for me on Ra'mel (Merc) or Sh'ran (Sorc).

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I was looking for ya on Imp side Sunday night and didn't see ya. I'll be over there a little tonight and tomorrow too. I'll send one to each or your toons if I don't see ya online.


My main Imp's are R'amel and Shr'an. Sometimes I get so much going on when I get in game that remembering what I'm doing is a challenge.

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