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Hard to explain - Log back in, toon is in a diff area from logout


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Ok, so this has been happening every so often since GSH came out a while back.. but it has seemingly been getting more and more frequent. I don't quite know if I MYSELF am doing something that causes this or if it is just a bug.. but I have heard other people say it happens to them to.


So here's the bug...

-- I log into a character that is in my Stronghold (they always are since the more time I spend on fleet the more my mailbox/whispers/gen chat/yell chat get flooded with credit spamming..)

((if i'm on fleet much it gets to the point where when I have 2-3 in game mails from them in ONE DAY, yes.. one day because I dont go more than that without logging in.. I report for harassment.. since that's exactly what it is.. but that's beside the point..))

-- Set all my comps to do their gathering/crafting, get money/items from GTN listings, then relist and/or list new items. I frequently have to hop instances in order to get my rich and bountiful missions I want to run, so I hop between 3 different SHs (coruscant is my main SH, then nar shaddaa, then to tattooine).. Once i'm done I log out and go about my business on my other alts, same things...

-- I have 7 60s that I alt through consistently during the day. And in a day worth of game play, I usually wind up with 2-3 toons having this happen, sometimes as high as 5-10 times a day..

-- I come back full circle and go to the first toon, login screen says that he is on coruscant or w/e where I left him last...

-- I log in, after about 20-30s I realize it's bugged since fleet takes an average of 1-2 minutes to load for me while SHs take me about 10-30s..

-- Once i'm logged in, I find myself in the Ord Mantell/Tython Departures area. . . . . .


Now, I can deal with this happening perhaps 1-2 times a month.. maybe even more.. but as I said before, there are days where it will happen 5+ times.... So I have to wait that long load time to get into fleet, then of course I can't travel to my SH from the departures area.. so I have to go to the elevator, wait another 20-30s to load fleet, finally, I can QT to my SH and be there in another 10-30s...


Now, this may not seem like that much of an inconvenience but to those of us who constantly alt between toons for crafting/gathering etc etc, it is a HUGE waste of my time when there is absolutely no reason it should happen..


I'll be straight honest If you would fix the F........ combat medic set bonus for commandos, I would ignore this insane time wasting bug, but I realize the new combat medic set bonus will probably not be fixed for months to come... so maybe if I get you guys started on this bug, you can get it resolved in the fall or something once all the more important issues have been fixed.


Thank you.

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I have also had this issue. When I log in to a character that I know is in a stronghold (I only notice it with Coruscant, but I'm not really playing my imps atm) there is a longer loading screen and I am in the Ord/Tython shuttle bay. It's obnoxious when it happens multiple times a day, and like you said, you can not travel from here so it is another load screen to leave the bay just so you can go through another load screen to be where you should have been to begin with.
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