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WAAA What Am I Doing Wrong !?!


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Hi guys,

This is my very first post, and its about a Class Quest that I just cannot get past. Its the class quest on Belsavis where you face Executor Krannus (I think his name is lol) and every time I do it (and I've done this quest a lot now) this guy hands me my butt on a plate :(. I just cannot beat him !!! and I've tried everything that I can think of.


I'm now lvl 50 and wont even get any quest xp for doing the quest now because I'm considered a too high lvl to be doing it. I have the best armour etc that I can wear, and I've tried the quest with every crew member that I have, and in every way that I have e.g. using stims, going for his men first, going for him first, and every time it ends up the same way, which is with me and whichever companion I have with me DEAD rofl


So can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong :rak_02: because I am frustrated beyond belief now rofl. Is the quest glitched or something ??? or am I just pants at this game :D If anybody else has been having problems with this quest, or can give me some advice, I would be most grateful. Thanks a lot for reading this :p

Edited by Izamazing
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Hm. That post seems to be from 2012. More recent information I've seen suggests that ---- like the classic 80s movie "War Games" posited ---- the only winning move is not to play. That is, DON'T fight the Executor. As soon as you have control, force camouflage or just back away quickly and DO NOT fight him.


Sneak around him and go disarm the bombs while the NPCs fight it out. There is a Champion-level NPC ally that will fight Krammus for a while. Bear in mind, the NPC allies CAN die, and if the main Champion NPC ally dies, the mission fails and you have to fight all the way through the map again. And that CAN happen if you just leave him alone to fight Krammus.


After disarming the bombs as fast as I could, I got back to find Krammus at around 25% health and fighting the NPC champion, so I was able to lay into his backside with my sabres and help finish him off.


I'm not sure you're SUPPOSED to fight him "normally" since, anecdotally anyway, he's nearly impossible to beat through conventional means.

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Hey I had similar issues, primarily because Belsavis had been, for me at least, incredibly laggy this past weekend. Heres a step by step into how to beat it:


1.) When Kranus goes off on how hes going to kill you, run back like you're running out of the door, a good ways behind your allies. One of your allies is also a Champion so you dont need to worry about them getting wiped.


2.) Once you have no agro, go defuse the bombs. You'll probably see random xp pop up from your guys killing the Empire. Just don't get agro.


3.) ???


4.) Profit!

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Hey I had similar issues, primarily because Belsavis had been, for me at least, incredibly laggy this past weekend. Heres a step by step into how to beat it:


1.) When Kranus goes off on how hes going to kill you, run back like you're running out of the door, a good ways behind your allies. One of your allies is also a Champion so you dont need to worry about them getting wiped.


2.) Once you have no agro, go defuse the bombs. You'll probably see random xp pop up from your guys killing the Empire. Just don't get agro.


3.) ???


4.) Profit!


I just did this yesterday myself and can confirm the above will get you through it.


Only other thing I would recommend is to put your companion on passive before you trigger the cutscene. Once combat starts, just run around and defuse the bombs. By the time I had defused the bombs, the NPCs had killed Kranus.

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