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BioWare, reuse existing Cartel ship models to create new duplicates of T3 ships


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We've all said we'd love Cartel duplicates of the Clarion/Imperium, Sledgehammer/Decimus, and Condor/Jurgoran.


In past discussions, we'd proposed various new skins to use for these ships.


But I realize now that would be too much work for BioWare to create those new assets and rig them for GSF.


So at this point, I'd settle for BioWare re-using the existing set of Cartel Market ship appearances for new T3 duplicates.


Use the model of the Enforcer/Gladiator and give it a new name for the Clarion/Imperium duplicate.


Use the model of the Firehauler/Onslaught and give it a new name for the Sledgehammer/Decimus duplicate.


Use the model of the Redeemer/Mailoc and give it a new name for the Condor/Jurgoran duplicate.


I'd buy all three on multiple alts. If BioWare is feeling generous, they could have a subtly different paint scheme.

Edited by Nemarus
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You're being a BIT dramatic.


I think the only one to reuse would be the TZ-24, because you could mirror it. Somewhere in this galaxy, there's a heck of a lot of "right winged TZ-24s" sitting around, you know? There would just have to be.


I mean, technically I'm with you. If they were willing to dup the ships to provide more entry points, yes, that's good. But they really COULD go press a few more models into service.

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You're being a BIT dramatic.


I think the only one to reuse would be the TZ-24, because you could mirror it. Somewhere in this galaxy, there's a heck of a lot of "right winged TZ-24s" sitting around, you know? There would just have to be.


I mean, technically I'm with you. If they were willing to dup the ships to provide more entry points, yes, that's good. But they really COULD go press a few more models into service.


Heh, that could be trippy if they mirrored some of the ships for GSF, but definitely doable I think. You could also take the version on the different factions and swap them, I mean the cartel bombers have slightly different appearances depending on which side you're flying on right? Just take the pub and give it to the imp and the imp give to the pub and give them dodger bomber components and boom, cartel dodger bombers.


You could also flip the Il-5 over or even crazier and weirder, turn it 90 degrees on its side. Would make a pretty bizarre but memorable scout variant.

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You're being a BIT dramatic.


I think the only one to reuse would be the TZ-24, because you could mirror it. Somewhere in this galaxy, there's a heck of a lot of "right winged TZ-24s" sitting around, you know? There would just have to be.


I mean, technically I'm with you. If they were willing to dup the ships to provide more entry points, yes, that's good. But they really COULD go press a few more models into service.


Not sure how I'm being "dramatic" at all.


BioWare obviosly has zero resources devoted to GSF. They can't even spare a glance at our forum.


Making new models--or even taking existing environmental decoration models (like the Bananaboat) and rigging them for GSF (where lasers come from, where engine trails come from, where the center of rotation is for the the ship, what scale it should be)--requires a 3D artist and probably a dev who is somewhat knowledgable about GSF.


Reusing an existing rigged model for a new ship variant of the same class only requires editing the tooltip XML file and the actual real ability data file. Most of us, at this point, could edit the XML--I suspect the real ability data file is similar. It's intern-level work. It's literally copy and paste.

Edited by Nemarus
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Problem is that it's bad design.


On thing that is a characteristic of GSF is that every ship is easy to get a positive visual ID to type. So while you don't know the exact build, you know that it's within a certain very small set of possibilities.


Re-using models for multiple types breaks that, and frankly even mirroring isn't really a good idea from that standpoint.


From an art sales perspective, there's not really a point to reselling unimpressive art. If you really want two Clarions on your bar, just ask for a cartel Clarion. Might as well sell a nice looking copy that involves no modeling work at all.

Go in and just change text strings so that [Clarion] is replaced with [Cleeriun] or whatever you want to rename it, and designate a slot in the hangar for it.



Prettier, easier, and preserves a useful game attribute.


If you're recommending the lazy route you might as well go all the way, eh?

Edited by Ramalina
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Problem is that it's bad design.


On thing that is a characteristic of GSF is that every ship is easy to get a positive visual ID to type. So while you don't know the exact build, you know that it's within a certain very small set of possibilities.


Re-using models for multiple types breaks that, and frankly even mirroring isn't really a good idea from that standpoint.


From an art sales perspective, there's not really a point to reselling unimpressive art. If you really want two Clarions on your bar, just ask for a cartel Clarion. Might as well sell a nice looking copy that involves no modeling work at all.

Go in and just change text strings so that [Clarion] is replaced with [Cleeriun] or whatever you want to rename it, and designate a slot in the hangar for it.



Prettier, easier, and preserves a useful game attribute.


If you're recommending the lazy route you might as well go all the way, eh?


The secret you're missing is that the models for Imperium and Decimus are hideous (Decimus would be okay if not for Power Dive). I would think Republic would want a nicer looking Condor too.

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I like the Imperium enough. The Decimus was so cool looking until I realized that Power Dive reused the graphic for Hyperbeacon. That graphic as hyperbeacon makes some sense- it's very large- but as Power Dive it is really terrible and wrecks the look of the ship.
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Maybe instead there's a way they could sell a "duplicate ship" token? Basically something that allows you to create an unleveled copy of a ship already in your hanger for a fee. That might require a lot of behind the scenes coding work but it might be easier than creating a whole new ship model.
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I like the Imperium enough. The Decimus was so cool looking until I realized that Power Dive reused the graphic for Hyperbeacon. That graphic as hyperbeacon makes some sense- it's very large- but as Power Dive it is really terrible and wrecks the look of the ship.


I like the Imperium a bit better so long as it has Quads, Thermites, and Power Dive. Then, at least, it has a consistent if funky aesthetic--clean lines and weird angles.


But if you use any alternate components, you get crazy bulbous growths and wonky antennae sticking out every which way.


I suppose this is the problem with the Decimus as well. The ship is dominated by hard, vertical and horizontal symmetry. But then out of nowhere comes Power Dive, looking like it was ripped off a Naboo hot rod. It has rounded curves, the wrong shade of grey, and nearly clips with the solar panels. It looks a little bit better on the Razorwire because it is less visually dominant, but I still feel like it was pulls from the wrong ship base. It looks like it should be on the Republic bombers.

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Hm, you know, ships are deliberately designed. So clearly the ugly must have a purpose.


Maybe the Imperial ship designers are working on developing an inverse of the algorithms that Imperial fashion designers use in an effort to develop starfighters that are so ugly that Republic pilots have to look away while firing at them.


Evasion through the psychology of revulsion. I bet there's a Sith Lord involved in procurement who has taken on doing that as a personal pet project. It's the sort of thing that would appeal to some types of Sith.

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