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SWTOR Developer Live Stream - March 20th


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Not in such a over the top "oh we are awesome" attitude the whole way, every second sentence was "by the way thats awesome, my god are we great, we are so awesome. oh my god as we awesome....by the way haven`t we mentioned how awesome we are?" Like come on...


Considering the hours and effort put into running, designing, and maintaining an MMO, I believe patting themselves on the back in a live stream is really not a crime punishable by death. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill - this is their project, and they deserve the right to have pride in what they accomplish. Whether or not something may seem extravagant to us, the dev team put hard work and hours into that, and they can be proud of it if they wish.


**Inb4 Biodrone**

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Considering the hours and effort put into running, designing, and maintaining an MMO, I believe patting themselves on the back in a live stream is really not a crime punishable by death. Stop making a mountain out of a molehill - this is their project, and they deserve the right to have pride in what they accomplish. Whether or not something may seem extravagant to us, the dev team put hard work and hours into that, and they can be proud of it if they wish.


**Inb4 Biodrone**


lol. Of course they are pride of their work and accomplishments. Thats normal and everyone who works on a big project like swtor. However instead of stating EVERY SECOND SENTENCE how awesome and cool they are instead of maybe I don`t know...answering chat questions? Or maybe actually tone it down a bit and just present without going crazy for a mount or astro droid. Its overdoing it and we aren`t 5 year olds here who would go "OMG the devs love this droid, it must be super duper awesome!!" They seem to think that. You know, overhyping isn`t the only way to attract people but Bioware Austin doesn`t know otherwise. I`m sorry but a lot of those "OMG hype" reactions seemed very very fake as well.


Their standard just seems to incredibly low. "OMG we give you a new coolour crystal? ISNT THAT THE BEST THING EVAAA??" girl in background: "Holy **** those guys are awesome!" "Oh yea we sure are" Come on....



ANd like I said not ONCE were some critical questions approached, not even once. At least say that you saw them or at least a mention. They said "something better than cross server" and then keep quiet. They said conquest was still something they would experience on? Yet its been months and nothing happened to make it more attractive to smaller guilds. At least say that it will take more time. I mean it takes forever now for something to happen.

I mean good god they really do have a skeleton crew there.

Edited by menofhorror
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Not gonna lie, this was sad at best. Once again completely ignored the community. Pvp was asked for throughout the ENTIRE stream, and not even a mention what so ever. Really disappointed.


I just watched it. Nothing about raids at all. Nothing about any new races or classes. The only interesting thing is the costume designer and that looks to be a credit sink. If that is the case then they should have just kept it the way it is now.


Seriously sad stream.


So I get a color crystal....woo hoo -_-


At least wow's patches gives us 3-4 raides and 3-4 heroics per patch. I wonder how many UNBUGGED we will get.

Edited by Darth_Grissom
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Did I miss it or did PVP fall off the agenda?



To the Developers and all associated with producing this wonderful game, I apologize on behalf of the true fans.


Hahaha! On first pass I read your name as "mouthpiece". Guess I'll leave that mental note intact since it fits.

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Not gonna lie, this was sad at best. Once again completely ignored the community. Pvp was asked for throughout the ENTIRE stream, and not even a mention what so ever. Really disappointed.


I don't PvP...here at least. I can definitely see why that part of the community was disappointed in a game that is so obviously set up to have at least decent pvp, it IS a war after all. BUT...I cant see why ANY of them are still here in this game. After this stream, which followed the months of complaining from pvpers, it is crystal clear that this game is about a galactic story now. We are part of it. That is the extent of the game. It isn't a raiding game, it isn't a PvP game, it is not a single player RPG. It is a casual MMO set in the Star Wars galaxy. Anything else, and I strongly stress that ANYTHING else, is going to have a minor nod at best.


Crystal clear now.

It is enough for me, then again I am old....:o

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Look, some of you got to understand that everyone who rants wants to see the game succeed. If Bioware doesn`t want to talk and be more transparent with thats to come, whats their thought process and what they can and can not deliver than people can`t help but get worried and emotional, fearing for the game. Especially since this is an MMO and MMOs fom all game formats probably brings out the most emotions out of a player.

People who rant support this game, they want it to be better. What can one do than rant when he/she sees something isn`t very good or could be way better presented.

Also do some of you really think a dev is going to answer to a critical post? They will see the word "rant" and classify that post as "troll"

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Look, some of you got to understand that everyone who rants wants to see the game succeed. If Bioware doesn`t want to talk and be more transparent with thats to come, whats their thought process and what they can and can not deliver than people can`t help but get worried and emotional, fearing for the game. Especially since this is an MMO and MMOs fom all game formats probably brings out the most emotions out of a player.

People who rant support this game, they want it to be better. What can one do than rant when he/she sees something isn`t very good or could be way better presented.

Also do some of you really think a dev is going to answer to a critical post? They will see the word "rant" and classify that post as "troll"


Well very few games do come out straight up with transparency anymore. Why? Because they simply can't keep everyone happy and they know it. Every time I have seen devs be transparent, the forum rangers who feel slighted by the devs decisions charge the forums like the light brigade about how the devs are stupid, don't care about <insert play style here>. It creates more drama and uncertainty and results often in a loss of more players that some teasing and lack of information. Players get annoyed when they feel they don't have enough info but usually adopt a wait and see attitude, even if they complain about having to do so. Pissed off players, even if being pissed off was generated by hyperbolic interpretation and not reality, tend to leave.


Its like this with most MMOs that try to keep multiple play styles happy. The ones that feel they can afford the transparency are the ones that place a focus on a very few play styles because they have far fewer competing interests among their player base.

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It saddens me how GSF makes such a rare abbreviation in dev speak.


Subjective: GSF is by far the best part of the game.

For months now, one of my characters after another has stopped being a Sorc, Trooper, Knight etc and has started being a starfighter pilot instead. GSF is more or less all I do in-game anymore. Watching two lazily written talking heads going on and on and on about sweet nothings Vs. the thrill of pouring proper Ion volley to enemy bomber, then retroing off the blast radius of his mines..It has never felt like much of a decision which of these to pursue.


Objective: As long as we speak of AA(A) video game industry, there is almost not a single modern game that'd even share a genre with GSF. It is quite unique. Most assuredly much more so than rest of the SW:TOR. Huge opportunity to really widen the audience.


It deserves more love and attention.

Edited by Salaviir
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according to http://www.swtornetwork.com/news/swtor-game-update-3-2-live-stream-notes/ there will be a new group of jedi called Sixth Line. What is the Sixth Line? Will this lead to a new class of jedi? Like a sage with an ability to do smash in place of overload? or will this lead to new discipline skill like battle meditation for update 4?



According to stream they are super materialistic (sorry, couldn't resist!)... militaristic Jedi. Seriously, Sixth Line refers to Jedi Code, sixth line of it to be exact:

"There is no contemplation, there is only duty"


Edited by Halinalle
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according to http://www.swtornetwork.com/news/swtor-game-update-3-2-live-stream-notes/ there will be a new group of jedi called Sixth Line. What is the Sixth Line? Will this lead to a new class of jedi? Like a sage with an ability to do smash in place of overload? or will this lead to new discipline skill like battle meditation for update 4?

It's just an in-story group, like the Green Jedi of Corellia, so that there is a defined and identifiable subset of Jedi who are involved in the plot-line.

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According to stream they are super materialistic (sorry, couldn't resist!)... militaristic Jedi. Seriously, Sixth Line refers to Jedi Code, sixth line of it to be exact:

"There is no contemplation, there is only duty"


Jedi Templars? Great waiting for the next Episode VII rumor: the enemy of the movie is a millennia old conspiracy who started as the Sixth Line. They leave secret signs throughout the galaxy that only a symbologist can decipher.

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I guess my question is what game's live stream doesn't have the devs saying "IH this is awesome"..." This is fun"..."oh we just have to show them this..." Etc.

EVE Online. Bio devs could really learn how to do it right from the CCP Devs, on how to interact with their players and commnity.


You think PVPers or Raiders don't spend enough money on he cartel market, so we rather concentrate on the housewifes? You are so wrong. I personaly know PVPers who spend 2000 Dollar on the cartel market within three months, easy.

The housing system is very good, the storyline system is entertaining and does a good job to draw you into the character and the story behind it. The planet questlines are entertaining too. And it's a good thing to push it further ahead as the game moves on.

But it is not enough!

The stream indeed made it crystal clear the devs don't care to attract people who want more than "look at meeee" content. I want PVP and PVE content, a halfway balanced class system, a responsive client, regular bugfixes (there are still bugs from the beta!), fluid gameplay, and devs who don't spit me in the face for my money.

Take your community serious and don't treat us like 5 year olds, just like you did in this stream.

You should stand up and apologise for this nonsense and this behaviour. We love the game and that's why we play it. That's why we spend our money and our time with it. That's why we stream it and try to make it more popular and get even more people into the game. Devs praising themselfes do not keep a game running, the players do, the community does. And this has nothing to do with PVP vs PVE vs Roleplay....

We have questions, and we wish to be treated fair and not like little kids in a toystore.

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It saddens me how GSF makes such a rare abbreviation in dev speak.


Subjective: GSF is by far the best part of the game.

For months now, one of my characters after another has stopped being a Sorc, Trooper, Knight etc and has started being a starfighter pilot instead. GSF is more or less all I do in-game anymore. Watching two lazily written talking heads going on and on and on about sweet nothings Vs. the thrill of pouring proper Ion volley to enemy bomber, then retroing off the blast radius of his mines..It has never felt like much of a decision which of these to pursue.


Objective: As long as we speak of AA(A) video game industry, there is almost not a single modern game that'd even share a genre with GSF. It is quite unique. Most assuredly much more so than rest of the SW:TOR. Huge opportunity to really widen the audience.


It deserves more love and attention.

Yeah, hope devs will pay more attention to it...

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Well very few games do come out straight up with transparency anymore. Why? Because they simply can't keep everyone happy and they know it. Every time I have seen devs be transparent, the forum rangers who feel slighted by the devs decisions charge the forums like the light brigade about how the devs are stupid, don't care about <insert play style here>. It creates more drama and uncertainty and results often in a loss of more players that some teasing and lack of information. Players get annoyed when they feel they don't have enough info but usually adopt a wait and see attitude, even if they complain about having to do so. Pissed off players, even if being pissed off was generated by hyperbolic interpretation and not reality, tend to leave.


Its like this with most MMOs that try to keep multiple play styles happy. The ones that feel they can afford the transparency are the ones that place a focus on a very few play styles because they have far fewer competing interests among their player base.


I do agree with what you said. Its impossible to keep everyone happy, however than they really shouldn`t continue to hype it up to the ground likes it the best thing they ever created. I mean being proud of your work is cool but you need to keep it to a certain level in my personal opinion. Also why did Eric even mention the whole "better than cross server" thing and for months they keep quiet about it. Of course people have the right to be pissed. And they should understand that we aren´t little kids who impressed by devs going on how awesome the new content is. "OMG look at our great amazing cool colour crystal and this new mount, OMG OMG OMG OMG" Do they think this will impress the players? I mean come on...

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according to http://www.swtornetwork.com/news/swtor-game-update-3-2-live-stream-notes/ there will be a new group of jedi called Sixth Line. What is the Sixth Line? Will this lead to a new class of jedi? Like a sage with an ability to do smash in place of overload? or will this lead to new discipline skill like battle meditation for update 4?


This line from your link cracked me up! "They also revealed that the idea was given to them by a fan at a previous Community Cantina." So I guess they hadn't seen all of threads on the forums that have been begging for costume tabs since release?

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I typically dont post, but I cant take it anymore.


This PVP stuff. I understand, I get it. I have the advantage of Playing BOTH PVP and PVE.



Lets lay down a simple rough timeline, and simple facts. Please note, that I am not focusing on balance, this is more about content and "Abandoning" a group vs anything else.


Dread Fortress/Dread Palace were released back in October 2013. OCTOBER 2013. Shadow of Revan was accessible to PART of the SWTOR community on Dec 1st, 2014. There is a 14 month gap there! And before someone mentions anything about HM and NIM, let me point out that NIM and HM modes would be INSANELY easier than doing all the math to try to figure out balance, or designing a WZ that can have next to no bugs where you could get stuck (Thanks to the Hero Engine's Method of handling Meshes, I assume). Your just adding Mechanics that are meant to PROBABLY kill people, not ensure surviability to a reasonable degree or try to bring 8 separate classes that should theoretically be completely different come out to do the roughly the same amount of damage (Let But lets ignore the balance again.)


Conversely the newest Huttball map came out on April 8th, 2014. Compared to the above, it has been 11 months. And during our current drought, they have been working on class balance and even went so far as to re-do skill trees, which was a move that really only Benefited PVPers. Yes, PVErs got some benefits out of it, I wont lie. But the Hybrid specs would have probably been left alone if it wasn't for the mess they were making in PVP.


Also, historically speaking, PVP balance has always been favored over PVE balance. Not always of course, saying such would be stupid, but for sure favored.


Now I won't lie and say that we playing PVP have the golden apple, and PVErs have nothing, because thats not true. But if you look at the facts, if you want to Call PVP abandoned, you have to call PVE abandoned as well, as more care is taken with PVP than PVE. Once PVE is released, a few adjustments are made and its left alone. PVP gets alot more via micro updates then that.




Like I said, I understand what your saying, playing PVP myself. And I won't say they have done a Fantastic, or great job on the PVP. I would hope for new maps more frequently then what we are getting. I would like class balance done faster. I would REALLY like them to add a new objective to PVP, or do something more with space. But us PVPers DO NOT have any ground to stand on to be claiming that PVP has been Abandoned due to all the micro patches, and the fact that we haven't hit a year and 2 months, unlike the last PVE patch before SOR.


I apologize if I have offended anyone. This is not directed at anyone, heck, I've been typing so much I'm not even sure if I'm on the right thread anymore. Its just, the abandon theme I see so much...And it drives me crazy! Its not that we have been abandoned, its just that they are slow with content!



PvE > Raids. There were several flashpoints released during the raid drought. Even though you might not like tactical flashpoints, they are still PvE content.

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  • 5 months later...
Dear Devs,

I was watching the stream with another streamers community and we were all pretty much upset.

Nothing worse than devs praising themselfes, completely ignoring chat, not answering any questions, showing two "awesome" (lol) "cinematics" (in bad fps) which are not even cinematics but the usual quest dialog sequences. The original trailers were cinetamics, these were not. In addition to that, they present some mounts for the visitors of the cantina events and explain the "awesome" 5-links system they put in so that anybody can get them. Plus.. of course... the "awesome" droid for all players and a (not so bad) outfit system for roleplayers.

And the entire time, they were celebrating themselfes like crazy. Sure enough they didn't forget to put a mystery lady in the background for the "woooooo aaawesome".

And putting the stream chat on a 5 minute delay is about the worst idea ever!

After 40 minutes, that was it.

No information about the state of the game. No information on the PVP front. No information at all...

Dear Devs, this is not the way you should treat your customers.


I usualy don't get upset. I usualy don't complain and I am usualy not negative about the game I love to play.

But this was a shame!


Also: Nomanis? Seriously? He's a WoW Streamer and never had anything to do with SWTOR.

Go get Snave or one of the SWTOR streamers who put a lot of time and work into advertising your game.


Edit: forgot to mention, a black/purple crystal for existing subscribers, but 7 days free for returning subscribers? Really? You give s a crystal and that's it?




What bothered me the most is "we don't want to punish players by taking things away." The fact they say they will try their best to fix problems is a sham. I paid money for CC's, bought packs and the stuff i didn't want i put on the GTN. I left the game for a few months (i went on a course) and the mails timed out in game and I lost all my items (btwn 100 and 200). This is an issue that customer service doesn't even acknowledge. I just can't even fathom what goes on in the back end there for "good ideas vs bad ideas"

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