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New housing In April?


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I have friends that keep telling me we will be getting new housing in April, but I cant seem to find any info on rather its true or not.

Anyone have links to verify this?


No, other than 'this year' Bioware have said nothing about a new Stronghold. We know a new one's coming, but not when, and certainly not where. Which sucks.

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I'm torn about which planet I'd like to offer a new Stronghold. Some planets are clearly (or should clearly) be out of the running like Belsavis, Oricon, Balmorra and Taris. But that still leaves a lot of choices... Voss, Alderaan, Corellia, Makeb, Manaan, Rishi, Hoth (meh)...


For story reasons, I would think Makeb and Hoth would be out of the running, and Manaan seems so exclusionary it would probably not fit lore-wise, as cool as it would be to have a Stronghold with an underwater area AND an area open to the sky with waves lapping at a 'dock'. Voss is also kind of picky about outsiders, come to think of it. But a lot of people like the look of it. Corellia's in bad shape everywhere you look so it may not be suitable. Alderaan looks marvelous, and nothing too bad is happening ~right now~ (wink wink). I'd love a house on RIshi, but I'm torn between an apartment in the crazy busy pirate town or a beachfront house.


It'll be interesting to see what they choose. And how much cash they want for it. :p

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Id like Voss like an actual temple like Strong hold, something im sure all these jedi and sith would enjoy an actual temple formatted Strong hold something big like tattooine or bigger in the form of hooks or players allowable to be in the strong hold. And the Togruta cant wait to see what options we have there.
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I'm torn about which planet I'd like to offer a new Stronghold. Some planets are clearly (or should clearly) be out of the running like Belsavis, Oricon, Balmorra and Taris.


No volcano lair?!




...could we at least have frickin' firaxa with frickin' blasters on their heads?!

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm torn about which planet I'd like to offer a new Stronghold. Some planets are clearly (or should clearly) be out of the running like Belsavis, Oricon, Balmorra and Taris. But that still leaves a lot of choices... Voss, Alderaan, Corellia, Makeb, Manaan, Rishi, Hoth (meh)...


For story reasons, I would think Makeb and Hoth would be out of the running, and Manaan seems so exclusionary it would probably not fit lore-wise, as cool as it would be to have a Stronghold with an underwater area AND an area open to the sky with waves lapping at a 'dock'. Voss is also kind of picky about outsiders, come to think of it. But a lot of people like the look of it. Corellia's in bad shape everywhere you look so it may not be suitable. Alderaan looks marvelous, and nothing too bad is happening ~right now~ (wink wink). I'd love a house on RIshi, but I'm torn between an apartment in the crazy busy pirate town or a beachfront house.


It'll be interesting to see what they choose. And how much cash they want for it. :p


If you really think about it, with the exception of the Capital World housing (2/4 house types), the other 2 planets are neutral locations, and fairly early in the quest line. Alderaan is fairly early too, making it ideal, IMHO there is no reason each world in order could not be added, but not every world is "settlement ready"; personally I would love a few more Faction oriented locations.


2 perfect examples you actually listed above - Taris and Balmora. The Republic is trying to resettle Taris, hence a Pub-side Stronghold, but Imps got Balmora in the Treaty, so it would be a Imp-side locale.


Belsavis and Hoth aren't exactly hospitable worlds, Quesh is practically a Flashpoint, but what you said about the other planets seems on point.


Another thought might be for some high end Strongholds (those Chapter 3 worlds like Voss, Correlia, etc.) to be solely for Guild Strongholds, and maybe even based on guild size.

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It would be nice if they could tell us which planet and how much so people could start saving for the strongholds. I know my guild is considering moving guild strongholds, depending on where this one is at, and this would help give us some time to save for the stronghold, especially for the guild one.
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I'm torn about which planet I'd like to offer a new Stronghold. Some planets are clearly (or should clearly) be out of the running ..... It'll be interesting to see what they choose. And how much cash they want for it. :p


The big decision on deciding what planet can make for a new stronghold is knowing the time period we are in, whether it is lore-appropriate, and what planets are hospitable and populated at the time. Keep in mind the planets around when KotOR I & KotOR II, the lore at the time as well as the lore reaching to the future, and what planets were habitable in the old republic time period is essential.


#1. Starter planets are there for story only. Lore appropriate, and made to move the player on to the next destination. NO.

#2. We already have cheap housing on CAPITAL worlds. (Coruscant & Dromund Kaas).

#3. Balmorra and Taris - not likely. NO.

#4. Next 2 strongholds are on Nar Shaddaa & Tatooine.


* Alderaan is a good possibility.


#5. Quesh is as much as a toxic waste dump as New Jersey. Go there to gamble, not live. NO.

#6. Hoth is inhospitably cold, and has a history of hidden bases throughout its lore. NO.

#7. Belsavis - prison planet. NO.

#8. Voss - doing the missions here or class stories especially, there is too much lore to say that no outsiders would be allowed here to live, except a few stragglers, mentioned in a class story or so. NO.


* Corellia is a good possibility.


#10. Ilum - inhospitably cold like Hoth, as well as dark. NO.

#11. Makeb - sent there from command, as well as planetary destruction. NO.

#12. Oricon - inhospitable. NO.

#13. Rishi - its a trading post, not a populated area to live in. NO.

#14. Yavin IV - secret place for the Emperor's guards. secret even from the dark council. NO.

#15. Manaan - according to KotOR, we learned it was merely a trade hub for kolto and such. NO.


Some of my own ideas to install new planets ingame, or maybe even a new stronghold would be:

* Onderon.

* Naboo and its moon, Rori

* Talus is another planet in the Corellian system, and orbits with its sister planet, Tralus,


I hope I am not going off the deep end, but since we are having some things that keep getting hinted to us, as things to come this year. It would be interesting to see...

* NEW stronghold: Bothawui

* NEW Playable Race: Bothan

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While I'd like a beachfront house, too, I wonder how they would structure the 'rooms'. I mean, on most of Rishi you only see bungalows or thatch-roof huts. To avoid 'exhaustion zone' or invisible wall, it might be neat to have your own ISLAND to yourself. Just not sure how you'd decorate it without walls and traditional floors beyond the smallish gazeebo / tiki bar kind of places.


I have my money on Alderaan, still, but I would be interested to see how they could make Corellia work. That is, I love the idea of a busy city like Corellia (well, Coronet City) but (a) we already have a "city skyscraper penthouse apartment" on Coruscant / Dromund Kaas and (b) Corellia's busted up something fierce. While it might have been nice before the invasion, now it's nothing but broken streets, crashed starships, and roaming zoo critters.


As for the Bothan suggestion.... have you SEEN Bothans? I don't remember, was it SWG that first put an appearance to them? With the long snouts and just plain ugly appearances? No idea what their planet looks like, either. Unfortunately I can't see them adding a whole new planet for housing unless it also had some story attached to it, and that usually means it's not appropriate for housing (see Oricon, probably Zeist).

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