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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

3.1.1 Legacy of the Rakata (60 HM) changes

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I've ran this maybe 10 times? After the most recent patch I noted some changes:


Disclaimer: I get that this won't matter to well geared people since you just burn stuff down so fast that it only blinks once, but to the rest of us who actually have to fight this fight, read on.


1) The bonus boss "vase tactic" has changed. The tall skinny vase on the left is now against the wall. The new vase is on the right side, its cracked, hide behind the half thats standing. It actually felt that this vase was a bit fatter and we had more room to wiggle, not sure. You can still exit the room and kill the rats if you want to do it that way.


Additionally, if you move away from him, he summons you back. So we all just kinda stacked on him or at least stayed close. It's super annoying if you do not do this, he will just harpoon you back every time. He also, periodically, will blow everyone back and possibly harpoon you back if you don't come back quick enough (which I usually let him do since it didnt cause dmg). But, again, stay close or be extremely annoyed at being harpooned endlessly.


2) The final boss, if the wookie gets the blue circle and Colonel Darok is not dead, he was pulling people right on top of the Wookie and there was no way to avoid it. I even tried to time a Rescue perfectly and it seemed to want to process the rescue after they landed and they died. You only get one battle rez so after that, it's just losing whoever gets pulled.


So we elected to kill Garok first, and started with a Force Empowerment burn phase at the start. Arkous was pretty much on me (the healer) the whole time but I had no problem healing that damage while I was also DPSing and noble sacing without a 4 set bonus. After we did this we had no problem.


Fighting this fight previously we always killed Arkous first, but if you are fairly meh geared like we are and getting pulled into 97000 dmg deaths, try killing the Colonel first.


3) The rest of the fights felt the same.


(I'm a sage healer with mostly 186 and a few 192, all auged and I was epic stimed. I had absolutely no problems healing anything, same as before the patch, if done correctly)

Edited by Wimbleton
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