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3.1.1 Changes are actually ok


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I've been doing regs in Fury spec and really enjoying it coupled with the 3.1.1 changes. The ranged root back in the game is most welcome and the Undying Rage change makes the class feel a little more robust and survivable. Not too sure about viability in ranked but will queue some ranked soon and have a crack. Hell, even using Force Camo as a gap closer is kinda fun. We have a few more tools to use in reg PvP so I'm happy for now and I must say the 3.0 version of Fury spec is pretty damn good. I'm currently 6/10 in HM ops with my group and very excited about trying out Fury in raids.


In general, I still feel that Defensive Forms should be made a baseline passive for the class and perhaps just move Brooding to the Skilful tier. Having 2 "must haves" in our utility tree restricts the kind of choices we can make across all situations and being free of those restrictions would be a further QoL improvement.


Ravage could possibly be buffed for the entire Warrior class too in order to bring both Juggs and Marauders up in line with the raw damage output of Mercs, Sorcs, and Snipers but the upcoming nerfs might negate the need to do this.


I'm also in favour of taking Dual Wield Mastery out of Carnage and making it a baseline passive for all Marauders but I don't know how complicated a task this would be from a coding perspective. Carnage should get an additional ability to add into it's rotation and have a Discipline passive added to replace Dual Wield Mastery. The ability should be a long CD filler that has a knockdown/knockback effect on the target and resets the CD of Force Charge

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I've been doing regs in Fury spec and really enjoying it coupled with the 3.1.1 changes. The ranged root back in the game is most welcome and the Undying Rage change makes the class feel a little more robust and survivable. Not too sure about viability in ranked but will queue some ranked soon and have a crack. Hell, even using Force Camo as a gap closer is kinda fun. We have a few more tools to use in reg PvP so I'm happy for now and I must say the 3.0 version of Fury spec is pretty damn good. I'm currently 6/10 in HM ops with my group and very excited about trying out Fury in raids.


In general, I still feel that Defensive Forms should be made a baseline passive for the class and perhaps just move Brooding to the Skilful tier. Having 2 "must haves" in our utility tree restricts the kind of choices we can make across all situations and being free of those restrictions would be a further QoL improvement.


Ravage could possibly be buffed for the entire Warrior class too in order to bring both Juggs and Marauders up in line with the raw damage output of Mercs, Sorcs, and Snipers but the upcoming nerfs might negate the need to do this.


I'm also in favour of taking Dual Wield Mastery out of Carnage and making it a baseline passive for all Marauders but I don't know how complicated a task this would be from a coding perspective. Carnage should get an additional ability to add into it's rotation and have a Discipline passive added to replace Dual Wield Mastery. The ability should be a long CD filler that has a knockdown/knockback effect on the target and resets the CD of Force Charge


Still from the Raidlead perspective: Sentinel.....well only if there is no other AC available that evening. The changes are by far not enough. Sents remain inferior by a far margin in most situations. Concentration has its glorious moments still lacks a lot compared to the parallel spec on the guardian. Why play a Concentration Sent when a Fokus Guardian can do the same but much betteR?

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I've been doing regs in Fury spec and really enjoying it coupled with the 3.1.1 changes. The ranged root back in the game is most welcome and the Undying Rage change makes the class feel a little more robust and survivable. Not too sure about viability in ranked but will queue some ranked soon and have a crack. Hell, even using Force Camo as a gap closer is kinda fun. We have a few more tools to use in reg PvP so I'm happy for now and I must say the 3.0 version of Fury spec is pretty damn good.


In general, I still feel that Defensive Forms should be made a baseline passive for the class and perhaps just move Brooding to the Skilful tier. Having 2 "must haves" in our utility tree restricts the kind of choices we can make across all situations and being free of those restrictions would be a further QoL improvement.


Ravage could possibly be buffed for the entire Warrior class too in order to bring both Juggs and Marauders up in line with the raw damage output of Mercs, Sorcs, and Snipers but the upcoming nerfs might negate the need to do this.


The Undying change is an outright nerf. I've lost count how many times the extra minute on Undying ****ed me over, The days where you could rotate cool downs correctly, with a healer of course, and take 1 - 1.5 million damage (yay focus fire) are over.


Vengeance Juggs already have a buffed Ravage - and a buffed ravage is going to do little to bring Maras up to the damage output of other classes. Even a 25% damage buff would just mean an extra 2k damage on an 18 second CD. That 18 sec CD is, of course, delayed for 6 seconds in Carnage (and lower in priority in the other two specs anyway), so you'll probably use it 15-20 times in any given Warzone. That's not even close enough to bring Maras up to par. In the next patch all three specs of Maras are still going to be doing the least damage out of all specs/classes in the game save Concealment.


On the side topic of Juggs, they don't really need an increase in damage. I've been doing 1.4k dps in lowbies even while playing him half-assedly, and that number usually goes up to around 1.6-7 if I actually play it correctly. That number is about the 25th-40th percentile of my games as Mara -- but that's with 1k less strength and who knows how many secondary stats, along with the fact TTK in Lowbies is far shorter than 60s thus giving a sustained damage spec like Vengeance a disadvantage. Jugs already outdpsed Maras pre-3.0 and 3.0 only enlarged that gap.

Edited by -Yui-
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Still from the Raidlead perspective: Sentinel.....well only if there is no other AC available that evening. The changes are by far not enough. Sents remain inferior by a far margin in most situations. Concentration has its glorious moments still lacks a lot compared to the parallel spec on the guardian. Why play a Concentration Sent when a Fokus Guardian can do the same but much betteR?


Sometimes one of the Merc's in my group and myself switch out to Vengeance Juggs to try out different group compositions. I generally always do better on my Marauder due to the fact that I like my main AC and have spent more time raiding on it and have better gear than I have on my jugg. The truth is the game has always had an oversupply of Mdps that aren't actually that good at Mdps so the imbalance since 3.0 has really revealed that in a significant way. We didn't get Torque down tonight but we will and I'll probably be on my Marauder when we do (hopefully tomorrow)

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The Undying change is an outright nerf. I've lost count how many times the extra minute on Undying ****ed me over, The days where you could rotate cool downs correctly, with a healer of course, and take 1 - 1.5 million damage (yay focus fire) are over.


Vengeance Juggs already have a buffed Ravage - and a buffed ravage is going to do little to bring Maras up to the damage output of other classes. Even a 25% damage buff would just mean an extra 2k damage on an 18 second CD. That 18 sec CD is, of course, delayed for 6 seconds in Carnage (and lower in priority in the other two specs anyway), so you'll probably use it 15-20 times in any given Warzone. That's not even close enough to bring Maras up to par. In the next patch all three specs of Maras are still going to be doing the least damage out of all specs/classes in the game save Concealment.


On the side topic of Juggs, they don't really need an increase in damage. I've been doing 1.4k dps in lowbies even while playing him half-assedly, and that number usually goes up to around 1.6-7 if I actually play it correctly. That number is about the 25th-40th percentile of my games as Mara -- but that's with 1k less strength and who knows how many secondary stats, along with the fact TTK in Lowbies is far shorter than 60s thus giving a sustained damage spec like Vengeance a disadvantage. Jugs already outdpsed Maras pre-3.0 and 3.0 only enlarged that gap.


Juggs do more damage in wzs because of better defensive cooldowns and greater ability to stay on target whilst taking damage. If you look at raw dps numbers like the parsely training dummy leaderboard you can see that Annihilation can do greater damage than a Venge Jugg atm. I too can do better total damage on my Jugg in wzs in worse gear than my Mara and for ranked PvP I still think the Mara may not be very competitive at all.


I'm suggesting further changes that will try to address imbalance for Marauders in both PvP and PvE so the Ravage idea was more for the warrior class relative to ranged dps classes in PvE and would have far less impact in ranked or reg PvP. Imo, the real issues in PvP for Marauders are the lack of ways to deal with stuns and how to stay mobile and addressing that will take continued tweaking and improving of our utilities. Sure the 3min cd on UR sucks, but imagine having the choice to take the UR cd reduction utility without having to spend a Heroic point on Brooding. I mean, the health cost is gone. That's a good step in the right direction

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They're alright, it's definitely at least a slight buff. Personally though, I think the undying rage cooldown should should be 2.30 instead of 3 minutes. It'd give Marauder a nice defensive cd, but one that you couldn't use often. Overall though, I was happy with this patch. It wasn't the buff we needed, but it was better than nothing.


Another thing I would like to see though, is possibly a 3 second CC/root immunity on Cloak of Pain, as well as it breaking you out of a current movement impairing effect. This would definitely be a nice way (for PvP) to improve class stability against a class like Hatred assassin with their constant roots. Just my personal opinion, though.

Edited by Klintrin
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