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Stock Night change of venue, opinions?


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I'd like to run stock nights the 2nd weekend of every month (9-12 pm est, sat, with some variation in time perhaps). As everyone knows, the biggest issue with stock night is people flying non stock ships. Vexxial and Siraka had a great suggestion, why not do stock night on a European server? That way the time difference ensures basically no one but stock gsfers will be queuing? I liked the idea, but before I made a new stock nigh post, I thought I'd get some opinions. Edited by SWCNT
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I'm just curious why anyone finds this interesting.


Stock ships of different classes are even less balanced against each other than fully upgraded ships of different classes.


And stock ships are generally just not that fun to fly, in my opinion.


Sure, it is necessary to occasionally show new pilots that aces can do well in stock craft, and that gear doesn't make the pilot as much as skill does, but of everyone is flying stock, what is the point?


The stock Scout is toothless and fragile. The stock Strike is almost as fragile and more sluggish, but at least has HLC and Concussion Missiles which actually pose a threat to other stock ships. The stock Gunship (is it allowed?) is pretty effective. Its Ion and Slug railguns are still pretty lethal, even without upgrades, because no one has much Evasion or hit points. Stock Bombers, if allowed, would likely be very hard to peel off a sat without a lot of Gunships...


So for those who have done this and find it enjoyable, can you explain to me what the draw is? :)

Edited by Nemarus
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Then don't participate, zero reason to crap in Yallia's garden.


That sounds like a great idea, we should do some latancy tests in each region to see it it's gonna be ok.

I didn't crap on anything. I was legitimately curious what others find enjoyable about it.

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@Nem - personally - not having mastered ships on more than a couple of servers, I like the fact that stock night balances the playing field. It's fun to play with other pilots not native to my primary server, while not getting ground into space dust because my ships aren't sufficiently upgraded.


Plus, it's something a little different. I like the fact that it mixes things up a little. I wouldn't want to do it every night, but it's a nice change of pace.

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I didn't crap on anything. I was legitimately curious what others find enjoyable about it.


It's fine to ask that question, but you should make a new post to ask it so this one doesn't fill up with people trying to weigh the pros/cons of stock ships. I'm asking a very specific question here, "Does anyone who participates in stock nights have an objection to moving it to a European Server?" The biggest issue I see is latency for west coast people. The few I've talked too say their latency is tolerable and it would not prevent them from participating. However, I don't know if that's a general case. Also, I don't know if there's a specific European server where west coasters have the lowest latency. I don't want to move it and accidentally put it on the worst European server latency.

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Then don't participate, zero reason to crap in Yallia's garden.


That sounds like a great idea, we should do some latancy tests in each region to see it it's gonna be ok.


I agree. I was hoping a west coaster might be nice enough to do this--I'm east coast. My latency is always about 100-130 ms when I'm on a European server, which is playable for me.

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I've played on Red Eclipse, The Progenitor and Tomb of Freedon Nadd and had the same latency on all 3. I'm east coast as well Yallia so I had about the same ping you mentioned. I think Stock night can really be anywhere.


I know it's off topic but just wanted to throw the reason I started it all for Nemarus. It was a way to play with and against players from all servers without any commitment from anyone. A way to balance the scales for one night to players that wanted to play vs and with new people. Interestingly Stock night has it's own meta which makes it interesting that way.


The meta has been really stale for a long time so doing these kind of restrictive events change everything, which is probably why I like them. You actually see more variety in ships on Stock night then in the regular meta, ships that are normally unplayable actually have different roles. I can definitely see how it wouldn't be for everyone, that's also why we only do once a month usually.

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I'm just curious why anyone finds this interesting.


Stock ships of different classes are even less balanced against each other than fully upgraded ships of different classes.


And stock ships are generally just not that fun to fly, in my opinion.


Sure, it is necessary to occasionally show new pilots that aces can do well in stock craft, and that gear doesn't make the pilot as much as skill does, but of everyone is flying stock, what is the point?


The stock Scout is toothless and fragile. The stock Strike is almost as fragile and more sluggish, but at least has HLC and Concussion Missiles which actually pose a threat to other stock ships. The stock Gunship (is it allowed?) is pretty effective. Its Ion and Slug railguns are still pretty lethal, even without upgrades, because no one has much Evasion or hit points. Stock Bombers, if allowed, would likely be very hard to peel off a sat without a lot of Gunships...


So for those who have done this and find it enjoyable, can you explain to me what the draw is? :)


It's fun to play against different players. And stock ships don't kill as quickly so there is more flying.


Lag on European servers is noticeable for me, and occasionally very bad. Here is another idea: stock morning on an east NA server, say 6 am Sunday. That should avoid most of the regulars, and allow European players to join (like those from the "I challenge you!" thread). It would not work for west NA players though.

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I agree. I was hoping a west coaster might be nice enough to do this--I'm east coast. My latency is always about 100-130 ms when I'm on a European server, which is playable for me.


I'm on it. I'll report back here my findings based on time of day (net congestion on the crossing) and location on the west coast, I have machines i can test with in LA, San Jose, Portland and Seattle.

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I'm on it. I'll report back here my findings based on time of day (net congestion on the crossing) and location on the west coast, I have machines i can test with in LA, San Jose, Portland and Seattle.


Awesome! Thanks man

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Tomb of Freedon Nadd 0300 UTC --- 160-240ms San Jose and Portland

The Red Eclipse 0300 UTC --- 120-490ms LA and Seattle

Jar'Kai Sword 0200 UTC --- 190-250ms LA and Seattle


Jar'Kai numbers are not as acurate as I was playing on Bergen Colony at the same time and was not paying as close attention as I should have been.


Overall, about twice the latency as what is seen from west coast to east coast. Not unplayable but a tad bit annoying at times.


On a sidenote, intel embedded graphics are not as bad as I remembered, even the crap that is on server boards :)

Edited by zaskar
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Yep the only problem with stock night is that it's hard to get 8v8 stock ships. The mastered ships can make it pretty annoying. If we play on a dead server then it will be super easy to get 8v8 games since there will be limited or possibly zero competition for pops.
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Yep the only problem with stock night is that it's hard to get 8v8 stock ships. The mastered ships can make it pretty annoying. If we play on a dead server then it will be super easy to get 8v8 games since there will be limited or possibly zero competition for pops.


We just need to make sure to have at least 8 people on each side.

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