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Good God, use Voicechat already!


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As long as its not the person giving directions... who cares. Figured that part would be self explanatory but apparently not...


The whole point of voice chat in games is to


A) Make it easier to communicate mechanics


B) Make it so others involved in the same thing have an easier way to alert others to something that may happen.


If I have to mute someone, who is not the one communicating mechanics, but alerts us to something else going on that we need to be aware of, then I miss that altogether, and likely, die.


This has happened on more than one occasion. Yet, I get blamed for muting them because I don't want to listen to them mouth breathing/baby crying/rap music/them eating.

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...I don't want to listen to them mouth breathing/baby crying/rap music/them eating.


God... why is it always rap music?


Everyone can have their personal taste in music. No issue with that... but am I the only one who enjoys the soundtrack to the videogames I'm playing?

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God... why is it always rap music?


Everyone can have their personal taste in music. No issue with that... but am I the only one who enjoys the soundtrack to the videogames I'm playing?


this game has the best in game music of all time! I love it when you get the theme music on strong to really difficult fights, gets me pumped!

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Played EQ2 for seven years that had built in voice chat for i believe in year three,also have played many shooters and i have had many voice apps for those so with a good 12 or more years playing online games i can tell you one thing and it is this,,The people that do not use voice are either anti social or are teens or have very high pitched voices and think they will be laughed at,,i have never laughed at anyones voice ever so lets get that out of the way.


It is the year 2015 how ANYONE could sit there and not use it is utterly beyond me what ever excuse they have does not pass the test because like i said i have dealt with these people going on over a decade,there is a very small percent that have a legitimate reason but 95% are like i said above,if you cannot afford a ten dollar headset but get on games online you are lying,you are avoiding your fellow players in that aspect and there IS A REASON,i suggest use the voice because most people are friendly no matter what your age is or how your voice is.

Edited by Sathid
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I wish to add one more thing,in EQ2 myself and my friends would run groups for raids etc all the time many on the server knew this we asked that you get into chat,you do not have to speak if you do not wish to but we wanted people to just listen,most of us were or are in our 40's and we preffered using voice and not typing all the time,we met many great people due to that and how open we were ,we even set a chat chanell for all the people we met and it got so big with people from many guilds joining in that we had to expand it twice.
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The whole point of voice chat in games is to


A) Make it easier to communicate mechanics


B) Make it so others involved in the same thing have an easier way to alert others to something that may happen.


If I have to mute someone, who is not the one communicating mechanics, but alerts us to something else going on that we need to be aware of, then I miss that altogether, and likely, die.


This has happened on more than one occasion. Yet, I get blamed for muting them because I don't want to listen to them mouth breathing/baby crying/rap music/them eating.



Yah open mic people that breathe is funny but many fix it quick if you let them know,music i could care less what anyone listens to do it on your own time, this one guy from sweden would play his rave music a ton and everyone had him on mute,i think he thought he was going to pick up girls or something with his music or something crazy like that because he even left it palying in one chat thread when he was offline,he was kicked in time anyhow.

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I am here with ya OP.


My guild requires voice communication for all ops and flashpoints. This makes our runs simple, smooth, and easy to get through.


Open mics are not tolerated. Push to talk only.


I will say that I have twin boys. Sometimes they come in and say hello at the Mic but thats it. No yelling or screaming and no one is in my office but me usually.


If anyone has a problem with my kids coming in and saying hi every now and then or asking me for something then that is their problem not mine.


Anyone who does not participate in voice chat will not participate in Ops or Flashpoints :).


I will say that you do not have to have a mic. You just need to listen for the callouts from the tanks/healer.


I love my guild and think that the above is a fair way to run it. :)

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