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Why not 4 merc/sniper teams in arenas?


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So....preamble then questions. I have both a Merc and a Sniper (among others) in decent if not maxed PvP gear. They get killed in arenas a lot. BUT I have noticed that when they get onto teams that are predominantly Mercs/Snipers they seem to do much, much better (it is my impression they actually win most of those matches but I have not been officially counting).


This got me thinking about why they seem to do better and it basically comes down to the incredible alpha strike that 3-4 Mercs/Sniper can lay down on a target from range as well as it is not as obvious for the other team about who to focus anymore. The basic math indicates even without random crits they should be able to crush just about any target in under six seconds. I'm not saying should get an auto-win b/c the other team is popping cooldowns and such but the damage output seems like it would be enough to take down most targets.


Anyway, that was my theory-crafting. I was curious if the 4-man Merc/Sniper team has been done in "high end" play, what were the results and if they did not do well (as I'm kind of expecting to hear) then why?

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Lack of decent self heals would leave you dead in the water. I think dual sniper comp would be viable(merc less so due to force shroud negating their burst), but it isn't as simple as running 4 ambushes/heatseekers into someone and winning every game. Edited by OMGITSJAD
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If you are asking for ranked teams then

if you are going as 4 MERCS into arena then you will probably face 1 tank 1 heal 2 dps teams... and with current state of the game you can't win or even kill one player(aside when you will face derp team)

I had in mind an 4 Bounty Hunters team 1 tank PT 1 Heal Merc 1PT DPS 1PT or Merc DPS the proper net using would help when bursting someone but ofcourse there is an issue with Merc Healer survivability

Now 4 Snipers what specs to choose? and this will be simple DCD check/race because the nemy team wil have to mostly use their DCD offensively and the snipers will use their to stay alive.. the potential burst. for example 4 explosive probes.... or cull... but i think that requires a very good team of very good players... still i see it as Nightmare difficulty tho

and if as for regular WZ then they are viable but the outcome depends who are you facing

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I have often thought a 4 man dps Mando / Merc team would be a forced to be reakened with.


With four 1 min stuns that they could instant cast it stands to reason that they could take out 2 players by forcing them to prematurely pop their cc break.


And if they stayed close together, they could use their stealth probes and aoe to detect any stealth that even tried to get near them.


To pull it all off, you would have to get all four to stay in a tight formation and have voice communication. But if all four hit the same target they wouldn't even have to get through 1/4 of their rotation before the target would be dead and it would be close to game over.

Edited by ForceWelder
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I have often thought a 4 man dps Mando / Merc team would be a forced to be reakened with.


With four 1 min stuns that they could instant cast it stands to reason that they could take out 2 players by forcing them to prematurely pop their cc break.


And if they stayed close together, they could use their stealth probes and aoe to detect any stealth that even tried to get near them.


To pull it all off, you would have to get all four to stay in a tight formation and have voice communication. But if all four hit the same target they wouldn't even have to get through 1/4 of their rotation before the target would be dead and it would be close to game over.


Ive tried to put together a full BH team a few times, noone seems really interested.

ive seen a couple of Pub guilds to all Mando teams though, props for that.

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With Kolto Bomb removed from DPS and remaining heals on CD there is very little stacking benefit.


With 4 Mercs all AOE healing as a cluster it could be very substantial.


But right now a Commando can't even offheal themselves let alone think much about others hitpoints.

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