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What would happen if...


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There was NO MORE reg Q?


You could only Q for Solo Ranked or Group Ranked...and daz it.:p


Could that actually solve more problems than it causes?

(Installation of a Group Ranked minimum of 2018 Expertise wouldn't bother me either)


Has this been discussed before?

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I don't disagree that "arena only" pvp would not be fun if that's all you could Q for. My thoughts on this include 2 "checkable" boxes. One says arena, one says wz. Check one or both when you Q?

Only want arena? Only check the arena box.

Only want WZ? Only check WZ box.

Either works for you? Check both.

If you are alone you automatically get thrown into the solo Q. If you are with a group you get thrown into group Q.


How to get around the Q pulling in a team of 3 and of 4, totaling 7 but now needing a solo player? Only allow teams of 2 and 4 to Q? (sounds like a bad solution, I know :o )


I dunno, I could make due without regs as I think dropping that reg niche would bolster numbers in group PvP. I also think it would help bring some much needed parity in PvP, however little that may be.


I think regs "could" get forgotten somewhat quickly. Well......I think "I" could forget regs quickly. I shouldn't speak for others I spose...:o

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I'd go free to play and just log in when I get an itch to immerse myself in a SW universe. My class stories are done (not all genders + LS and DS but I can live with that) and I don't raid. So the biggest reason I sub is to get the unrestricted access to pvp, along with all the other goodies that comes with a sub, but mostly it's the pvp. I also dislike death matching so if there was no way for me to solo queue for non arena's, I wouldn't bother with pvp anymore thus my interest in the game would wane. Edited by Ridickilis
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What will happen is...


The guy on level 10 who’d like to check out the PvP scene is going to immediately drop into ranked. Sink or swim, Captain!


Someone who decided to try it out for the first time on level 58? You’d just have to have the healthy dose of perseverance to back up your 162/148 set while your rating makes the famed Bastion troll go green with envy!


All the while, the teammates will smile fondly and clap the newcomers on the shoulder for giving it a shot, I am sure ‘cause losing on the account of the under-geared new players was never a biggie in the ranked, eh?


Someone who’s just plain realistic and simply knows that ranked is out of the question due to the skill gap, but is having fun in regs? Out of luck.

Edited by DomiSotto
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