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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Blood Hunt lacking nerf in current patch


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Why did you not decrease the damage that non-boss enemies deal in Blood Hunt like you did for Depths of Manaan and Battle of Rishi?


Aside from Blood Hunt, I have been able to complete every other HM FP with no problems, but no one, even people in 192's and 198's, can get past the first boss cause the adds are just too overpowered. If any HM FP needed it most, it was Blood Hunt.

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Yeah uh, OP, you must really suck if you can't find a group that can sustain 8k actual dps with constant target switching and on the move, because clearly that's the basic expectation for a HM flashpoint, and not at all harder than some HM ops bosses. /sarcasm


Meanwhile, Sairisi & Stivastin's dps checks are getting nerfed hard, even though they can actually be completed by your average pug.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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It doesnt matter one bit how pro you are, a single person in a four person group cannot carry this FP's first boss. Everyone needs to do his/her job well. And most of the times that is not the case.


I completed it once, failed at first boss about 5 times, and on multiple occasions people would leave before starting.


Yes it needs a nerf badly. Not because its impossible, but because 90% of the PuGs just dont finish it. The statistics should show this so I am at a loss why they dont nerf the first boss.

Edited by Gokkus
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