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Silvers are the new uber-killers?!


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Crowd control is the strategy of all good players. With 2 silver adds, you CC one, make sure comps aoes are off and send them after other. Drop dots on engaged add and dps down, then rinse a repeat for the CC add. Personally, I have been brought down to maybe 30% health taking on 2 silver adds, but havent run into any major problems. Of course I use all orange gear, and make sure my mods, enhancements and armor are all up to date as well.


if you want to use looted green or blue gear, you will more then likely have problems. Also, make sure your comp is geared well. It makes a big difference.

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I think many of the points brought up in previous posts could be applied to make it through a multi-silver fight.


Let's say that there are 2 silvers (non-droid), and 3 standard enemies. My preferred class is sniper, and I love running with HK.


1. Have HK assassinate one Silver

as that is being cast, I would time orbital strike's first tick to hit right about the time HK nukes his silver.

2. Ambush, follow through, series of shots, follow through on the other silver.

3. Suppresive fire to clean up the standards and whatever is left of the silver.


If you have halfway decent gear that should work.


But I think if a player is struggling with a particular mob setup, I would take a moment to see what you can do to neutralize as many mobs from killing me. So this could be a CC, coupled with a stun, knock-back, even LoS the mob a bit for AoEs. Another ability that I think some people forget is Heroic Moment. When I get the taste slapped out of my mouth on a fight, that's usually one of my first go-to "revenge" moves.


I understand the having a physical limitation that makes more difficult to play quickly. Another thing I might suggest (I run with a friend that is for all intents and purposes is a quadriplegic) is finding a gaming mouse, and keybinding abilities to it. We were able to setup a functional, not optimal, rotation for his sorc and operative toons that only require him to push the thumb buttons.


I do think that silvers hit a bit harder than pre-3.0, but I think that with a little planning and strategy you and your partner should be able to most mobs. Hope it helps

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I did it. Attis Station without tank. I only used buff terminal once in first pull. At 39 it still was nice challenge though to keep Zenith, who was still mostly in his original gear, alive. I did a mistake in one of the 3 strong pulls. I CC'd one with double bladed saber and started dps'ing same target as Zenith. I had to throw some heals to Zenith and switched back... no, that's the enemy you just CC'd, noob... So I ended up kiting him around the boxes until Zenith got two Juggies down. No medpacks, no terminal nearby, "Ok, Zenith I think this is it. You're on your own there buddy".
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It's quite possible that's what he's hitting. To be honest, it looked like that old bug when we first subbed that I encountered during the dream sequence on Voss for the Inquisitors- the dream sequence mission somehow was completely ignoring armor at the time for some people (myself being one). From what I saw it was quite literally: Leap In, Smash, Dead. I honestly don't think that I heard any other button presses on his part but, I'll bully him into re-creating it for me again tonight to be certain.


I'll be honest though because this does bring to light a second issue for me because if this is the new level of difficulty, I have hand issues that physically prevent me from being able to move that quickly so I'm not so certain that I CAN play at the new speeds required which means that we very well may have to start looking for another MMO.


Still, we have been here for years and really do want to keep subscribing for years more so, I'm going to see if I can roll a character that can recreate the phenomena to check it out for myself. I'm not a great tank player (see the hand issues above) so, does anyone have any recommendations for a build?


I know that at this point it might actually sound counter-intuitive but I want the absolute WORST build for me in this case because I am actually trying to see if there really is a physical barrier and, if so, what and where it is because, I hate to admit it but the beloved does indeed have a point: if I can't roll what I want when I want and not have any reasonable assurance of getting through to the end of the storyline, why bother?


Now, this is NOT to insult anyone else who's taken the changes in stride. Truth be told, I wish I could physically do what you can but, I just can't. I'll never be able to go bowling again either- that's just the way it is for me. I've known for years that despite his assurances to the contrary, teaming with the wife might have a detrimental effect on his once formidable gaming skills but that still leaves us with the problem because if HE can't level anymore, I don't stand a snowball's chance. That's actually one of the main reasons why we chose this game- it was because I COULD play it and even solo anything and everything that was available.


So, does anyone have any recommendations? Thanks again to everyone who's responded.


I'd recommend a badly geared sentinel, then. Squishy melee char, medium armor, no way to CC unless they're droids, no real capacity for self healing.

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These are the casted abilities you should watch out for


Terminate: Quite possibly the most damaging single target skill found on normal mobs. It has a 3 second cast, and will take off most of your health.


Thundering Blast/Turbulence: Nasty single target burst with a 2 second cast, thankfully very rare. Thundering blast is often used in conjunction with Affliction, which makes it auto-crit. Turbulence does not auto crit.


Spinning Strikes: 6 second channeled ability that will take off about half your health if allowed to finish. It's considered a melee ability, but I remember still getting hit by it after moving out of range.


Ravage/Master Strike: 3 second channeled single target melee attack found on Warrior and Knight mobs.


Force Storm/Forcequake. 3 second activated GTAoE (on most mobs that use it, certain bosses channel it) Don't bother interrupting, just stay out of it. The tough part is keeping your companion out of the circles.


Project Storm: 5 second channeled cast, very rare and found only on certain elites and bosses.


Death field/Force in Balance: this one isn't much of a problem, can be easily healed, the area is just a lot bigger than the circle says.


NPC classes to watch out for


Melee Specialist: DoT based, has a lot of bleed abilities and Ravage


Force Twister: Has both Force Storm and thundering blast with auto crit


Staff Master: Has Spinning Strikes, doesn't do much damage otherwise


Tech Enforcer: Same as above, does more non-SS damage


Shadow Adept: Spinning strikes again, elites can also stun you


Nemesis: Very high damage melee class, tough because they have no interruptable skills. Will jump between you and your companion.


Tech Beast: Possibly the highest sustained damage of any NPC class, and have no interruptable abilities. Fortunately, they are found only on Voss.


Sorcerer: Lots of high damage lightning attacks, including Force Storm


Vile Spitter: High damage melee creature class, will stun you or your companion at the start of fights.


Marauder: A real pain in the butt. Burst DPS with no interruptable skills


Warrior. Has a DoT that does lots of damage at the end of the effect. Only one of two classes with this name.


Deadeye Sniper: Has Terminate, otherwise doesn't do that much damage


HK Assassin: Also has Terminate, but can heal itself



Feel free to add to these

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I'd recommend a badly geared sentinel, then. Squishy melee char, medium armor, no way to CC unless they're droids, no real capacity for self healing.


Now, that, sounds like a good idea!


It's been a while since I played my mara because I really didn't have a lot of fun with him when he got to max (back then it was still only 50). Still, he WAS fun leveling (when I could play him at any rate- waaay hand intensive) but, you're right, they are squishy as all get out, which in this particular case is actually a bonus.


After all, if a squishy Sent can get past something then so can his tank and they're just similar enough that if I DO manage to develop some method, I can trade info with him and, if NOT... well, that's bound to be as bad as it gets. Granted, hand intensive but, I didn't even have my G105 much less my G13 back then so it's bound to be a lot less painful this time around.


I'll give it a shot. Thanks again to everyone. Cross your fingers I guess. :cool:

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These are the casted abilities you should watch out for


Terminate: Quite possibly the most damaging single target skill found on normal mobs. It has a 3 second cast, and will take off most of your health.

That it is. It can be force defended otoh. Say shadow's Resilience or the like. It's also very easy to exploit by interrupting at the last ~0,5s so as to keep dmg glowing without interruption. Your dmg btw. Overall, it's not so scary.

Thundering Blast/Turbulence: Nasty single target burst with a 2 second cast, thankfully very rare. Thundering blast is often used in conjunction with Affliction, which makes it auto-crit. Turbulence does not auto crit.

I don't know. I never feared this one. The characters who ought to fear this are tanks due to it completely bypassing their huge dmg.red. Turbulence does auto-crit the same as thundering. DISTURBANCE doesn't auto crit however. Overall, not scary and easily interruptible.

Spinning Strikes: 6 second channeled ability that will take off about half your health if allowed to finish. It's considered a melee ability, but I remember still getting hit by it after moving out of range.

No wonder you were struck even tho you moved because this is actually an area attack. PBAoE to be exact. Very easy to interrupt, has a huge cooldown. Not scary at all.

Ravage/Master Strike: 3 second channeled single target melee attack found on Warrior and Knight mobs.

The same as Spin.Str but single target and a tad more dmg. Not scary.

Force Storm/Forcequake. 3 second activated GTAoE (on most mobs that use it, certain bosses channel it) Don't bother interrupting, just stay out of it. The tough part is keeping your companion out of the circles.

This is not so bad IF we exclude the companion stupidity from the equation. Otherwise, it is quite nasty. Doesn't require any special Concentration to get interrupted. Overall? Could be worse. Unless we are talking about storm from Consular story. Now that **** is "BALANCED"!

Project Storm: 5 second channeled cast, very rare and found only on certain elites and bosses.

*** is this? Is this the move that Tormen uses? If so, then it is quite pathetic.

Death field/Force in Balance: this one isn't much of a problem, can be easily healed, the area is just a lot bigger than the circle says.

Agreed. Just eat it and save your terupts for other, more scary things.

NPC classes to watch out for


Melee Specialist: DoT based, has a lot of bleed abilities and Ravage

Yeah, it is nasty. The more bleeds, the more difficult the enemy. Luckily, it has Ravage instead of something completely obnoxious like, say, Overhead Str.

Force Twister: Has both Force Storm and thundering blast with auto crit

Now, this one is scary. You have got to be very careful with terupts on this one and just burn him down. Nothing else works.

Staff Master: Has Spinning Strikes, doesn't do much damage otherwise

These are pathetic. They sometimes have a nasty knockback tho. They are also unusually resilient.

Tech Enforcer: Same as above, does more non-SS damage

They deal more dmg, but don't have a knockback. Overall, not scary.

Shadow Adept: Spinning strikes again, elites can also stun you

Yet again, nothing scary.

Nemesis: Very high damage melee class, tough because they have no interruptable skills. Will jump between you and your companion.

Now the **** got real. These are really horrible. Huge dmg on "balet" skill, use rocket punch which deals disproportianate dmg and are resilient. Stun, burst, GG. Very scary. Barring broken classes(sage) and HK, if you get two of these...GG man GG!

Tech Beast: Possibly the highest sustained damage of any NPC class, and have no interruptable abilities. Fortunately, they are found only on Voss.

Tech Beasts are broken. 1234567% sure of it. Look, a Vorantikus Crusher deals 650 dmg PER SECOND on its DoT! That's ~2K dmg/3s! Lol the broken ****. They also have headbutts(or whatever they're called) which deal at least 2K dmg. Level of danger? EXTREME. CC, burst and move on. If you can't...gods be on your side...

Sorcerer: Lots of high damage lightning attacks, including Force Storm

You just have to be more careful than with a Force Twister. Still, uncomfortably dangerous.

Vile Spitter: High damage melee creature class, will stun you or your companion at the start of fights.

The lack of teruptible skills is what really makes them scary. But yeah, they deal unsettling dmg. Moderately dangerous.

Marauder: A real pain in the butt. Burst DPS with no interruptable skills

Yeah, his dmg is high but it's really easy to defeat him. See, this one is a wimp when it comes to Defense. CC = GG.

Warrior. Has a DoT that does lots of damage at the end of the effect. Only one of two classes with this name.

Don't remember these. Sorry.

Deadeye Sniper: Has Terminate, otherwise doesn't do that much damage

Otherwise it does deal quite a dmg. Don't forget that it also has an ambush. And snipe. But it is very easy to exploit his keen wish to use Terminate. They YEARN to use that skill... Not very dangerous.

HK Assassin: Also has Terminate, but can heal itself

What a pathetic enemy. The only scary part is Terminate. Otherwise, it's got a missile blast, a DoT and a self heal. Pathetic.


Feel free to add to these


Others that are scary are those Commandos with Hail of Bolts/Full Auto/Grav Round/Charged Bolt. These aren't just dmg machines, these are also quite Defensive AND require careful use of terupts. Quite unsettling.


On the same note, those quickshot(or whatever) enemies who use power shot, prototype power shot and various ****. They are like easier version of Commandos. Still unsettling.


Luckily, both of these are rather prone to CC. Unlike melee nightmare from Voss :eek::confused: .


Those would be my thoughts. Just CC and use your terupt wisely.

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Hmm. Silvers (strongs) are supposed to do much damage, but not have a lot of health. Golds (elites) are supposed to have tons of health, but do yawn damage. Champions are basically 2 strongs and 2 elites in one npc.


But no, they're not supposed to kill your character in 2 hits unless TOR's enemy design philosophy changed dramatically since last patch. Find out what the spesific npcs in question are and bug report them I'd say.

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I mostly only level up tanks and have not seen any really challenging silvers. It may be luck or just that tanks are tougher and have def cd. I also extensively use cc and run with a healer companion.

A tank may be a good choice if you are not into quick fights and more into finishing fights with always max hp.

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i can add one i did not see on the list.. not sure what they're called but it's one of those big 4 legged droids. they have some kind of missile attack easilly interrupted and hits like a truck if not. they also have knockbacks


Barrage/Artillery droid? There is even a pattern of them that has not only missile barrage(the attack you spoke of), but missile fan as well. Missile fan is a weaker version of missile barrage that hits up to 6(?) nearby enemies. But I never found either of them difficult tbh.

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*Terminate ;)

I remember that in 1.x this was doing like, no damage at all, which was rather funny, given the name. Then one day it started doing loads of damage and suddenly you had to actually interrupt it. Then 3.0 happened...


Hmm. Silvers (strongs) are supposed to do much damage, but not have a lot of health. Golds (elites) are supposed to have tons of health, but do yawn damage.

No. This wasn't like that for years. Then it changed overnight when SoR dropped. The old system was basically : 1 elite =~ 2 strong =~ 4 normal =~ 8 weak =~ player + companion. With health increasing proportionally and damage being a little more constant. A strong mob would have similar health and damage output to a player's companion in level-appropriate gear, with things being easier in the early levels and getting tougher in the late 40s.

Edited by Loc_n_lol
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I remember that in 1.x this was doing like, no damage at all, which was rather funny, given the name. Then one day it started doing loads of damage and suddenly you had to actually interrupt it. Then 3.0 happened...



No. This wasn't like that for years. Then it changed overnight when SoR dropped. The old system was basically : 1 elite =~ 2 strong =~ 4 normal =~ 8 weak =~ player + companion. With health increasing proportionally and damage being a little more constant. A strong mob would have similar health and damage output to a player's companion in level-appropriate gear, with things being easier in the early levels and getting tougher in the late 40s.


Yeah it was like that. 3,0 really screwed up some things. Well, a lot of things, but let's not get into that shall we?

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Barrage/Artillery droid? There is even a pattern of them that has not only missile barrage(the attack you spoke of), but missile fan as well. Missile fan is a weaker version of missile barrage that hits up to 6(?) nearby enemies. But I never found either of them difficult tbh.


that's probably them.. i dont really find any mobs to be difficult really but i'm used to interrupts and CC since i mostly PvP.

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Yeah it was like that. 3,0 really screwed up some things. Well, a lot of things, but let's not get into that shall we?



I've never experienced that. I've always hated elites because they take ages to kill due to high health, but haven't feared them since their damage output is laughable. 2 strongs, on the other hand, are very dangerous and 3+ is suicide. If SoR changed things I haven't noticed, but then Rishi and Yavin is very easy content...

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very nice thread folks! there's some great ideas and tips in this thread...I almost wonder if these tips shouldn't be dropped into the new players forum.


Since release the balance between silvers/golds has been a bit odd. I think the backwards adjustement of classes in 3.0 just made it more pronounced. Biggest issues with silvers has always been:


1) Higher levels of damage, PLUS special abilities. Also, due to them being a "lower tier" then golds, you can often see even 2 of them. Golds, due to their nature of being a "higher" tier, often don't even have the weaks, and are just a solo mob. I actually tend to look for golds now. easier to kill then the silvers, and they drop more money!


2) they tend to come attached with 3-5 weaker mobs. Those weaker mobs can take seriuos chunks out of your health fast, even prior to 3.0. now that damage levels have been changed in 3.0 (i remember a few threads about people worrying about early levels), the balance is even more out of whack.


prior to 3.0, i would usually allow my comp to focus fire on the silver, while i take out the adds. still a good strat, but the damage the silvers do is crazy. still, companions are basically a re-useable meat shield...have them work on the tougher mobs till they die while you finish off the weak ones (if there's two tough mobs CC one, and MAKE SURE YOUR COMPS AOE's ARE TURNED OFF). if comp dies then release and resummon. fast as that. dont' bother trying to heal them after a fight...hop on your speeder or use rocket boost if you got it...they appear after it's over with full health.


Nowadays, the only time i heal my comp is when i specifically WANT them to survive the encounter...usually when they're tanking a tough fight that I would otherwise die. then I tend to try to keep them alive if possible.

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Do the problem-mobs have "Trueshot," or "Deadeye Sniper" in their names?


These are the ones that spam the aforementioned Terminate, and yes, it hurts, a lot.


Especially with IncompoWare's increase of the interrupt cooldown almost 3-4 fold for most classes, you can't always interrupt them all (although melée might have less trouble with this.).


You mentioned Voss...my memories of Rep-Voss are hazy, but were you fighting Gormaks?


They --even the occasional Weak or Standard ones-- love their GravRound spam, and this can also hurt a lot.


Basically, interrupt as much as you can, Voss has always been a bit tougher, even than Corellia or Ilum. (One of the reasons I like it :))

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They were talking about Cyber Vorantikus. Given the area indicated and the damage done, with us having already done damage parses for them, they're almost definitely talking about them--they have Internal DoTs that can kill in the time it takes for you to get 2 abilities off.
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They were talking about Cyber Vorantikus. Given the area indicated and the damage done, with us having already done damage parses for them, they're almost definitely talking about them--they have Internal DoTs that can kill in the time it takes for you to get 2 abilities off.


Ooooooh, those bloody things.


I remember that those have always been a bit "off," though. (They can --and IIRC, always could-- kill you very quickly if they get a lucky crit or three, especially on a crit white hit and a few crit DoT-ticks. They have DoTs, or am I thinking of the Elite versions?).


For Voss in general:


Be geared --self and preferred companion/s (<---that makes a termendous difference, although healer comps are a bit more forgiving of being under-geared), be focussed, be fast, use any/all CC available (from companions too --the healers' channelled stun can be a Godsend sometimes) --even q quick root/snare or knockback can reduce incoming DPS "just enough" for "just long enough" to make the difference.

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